7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

43 Achievements


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Nearly Immortal

Nearly Immortal

1680 Minutes Lived in a single Game



How to unlock the Nearly Immortal achievement in 7 Days to Die - Definitive Guide

Although I haven't earned it yet I can confirm that if you turn off enemy respawn aka no zombies in the game in a single player survival game you can earn progress towards these achievements allowing you to just collect food water and build a basic house to survive in for the achievements

01 Jul 2016 19:48

Seriously? Makes this achievement a 1000 times easier.
By Strategy One on 02 Jul 2016 09:50
Thanks for the tip I'm grinding out the crafting along with traveling and time surviving with this method :)
By xLil SheWolfx on 02 Jul 2016 21:52
Stupid question. but is this in game minutes or real life minutes? Thanks.
By iTz Ur BoY Cuco on 05 Jul 2016 14:31
@iTz Ur BoY Cuco

it's in real-life minutes. If it were in-game minutes this cheevo would be a breeze.
By nos0up4you on 05 Jul 2016 15:20
So are the minutes cumulative or do they have to be consecutive? Meaning if I die, does it go back to zero?
By MaurickShepherd on 06 Jul 2016 11:34
They have to be consecutive minutes all in a single live AND in single-player.
By The Hot Glue on 06 Jul 2016 19:05
Just a heads up, this and a bundle of other achievements can bug for you, I'm not sure what causes the bug, but i am stuck at 80% and I've spent 3 full days on this game, mostly single player, and it does not increase. That achievement, as well as the travelling so many KM. Just a heads up incase you also get stuck and can't increase the percentage.
By The Yamminator on 19 Jul 2016 09:24
Let's say I had a few hours on a playthrough without dying and I had a bunch of supplies and everything was perfect and then I did something really stupid and killed myself, can I still continue to play on that map and get this achievement, or do I need to start a whole new game. It would really suck if I need too, so please let me know as soon as possible, thanks.
By GameGod03 on 21 Jul 2016 05:51
Fuck this achievement I've survived more than 2000 minutes in private match with my wife on default settings and now I have to play for another 20 hours by myself in single player? i spit on the devs face man!!
By CRT JEDIMARK on 17 Aug 2016 01:24
This is bullshit, I was halfway done and a bear came from nowhere and killed me. WHAT THE FUCK. Do I need to start a new server, or can I start over in the one I already have stuff going in? Please respond!!
By Dark Death 90 on 10 Dec 2016 05:51
oh a bear yeah try a land mine a damn land mine i hate everything 13 hours in
By wwzach16 on 09 Jan 2017 17:24
oh a bear yeah try a land mine a damn land mine i hate everything 13 hours in
By wwzach16 on 09 Jan 2017 18:37
I'm drowned to death on land 7.5 hours in.
By An Naomh Naofa on 16 Jan 2017 16:18
I feel you on that land mine sorrow...94% there ugh FML.
By hypobonix on 30 Mar 2017 03:11
Do you have to restart if you quit and go back to it later?
By ColumnedJet9 on 03 Jan 2018 01:53
Does anybody know if switching between worlds restart the timer? I play on two different worlds, 1 in multiplayer and the other specifically for this achievement. It seems my tracker stopped at 50% all of a sudden and I can’t seem to get it to raise anymore.
By AHGreg on 29 Jan 2018 20:06
Ah never mind, I figured out the problem.
By AHGreg on 30 Jan 2018 04:24
Or survive for 1250 min lol. I'm at 87%, it's not to difficult. Use the football stadium as a base. So easy to farm, kill zombies, it's practically a fortress. 100 or more bullets you'll be fine during horde night.
By MonetizeThis on 17 Feb 2020 10:31
So if anyone has any idea I would like know how fix this. Im on a private game and I'm at 75% completely on immortality achievement and I played over 24 hours real time and have not got the achievement yet
By Dragontip420 on 20 Dec 2020 16:42
Can I do split screen?
By MrNoLuckFox on 30 Jan 2021 21:36
I got this after dying several times and respawning. Having a few points in the survivor skill and some food collected makes it a waiting game for the cheevo. Theres a bug that will spawn enemies when you travel further into undiscovered areas even when the spawning is set to off. Also building a base in prefab buildings can bug out after 50 or so ingame days. Lost all my items not on my person.
By adrenilinn on 26 May 2022 03:23
So far I have started a local game, as soon as I spawned in I signed a 2nd player in using my partners account to split screen. Partners account has 50 minutes survived achievement, and 56% towards 150 minutes.

So in theory so far, yes has to be local Okay, and yes split screen still makes it viable.
By Ser Pitbull on 05 Jan 2023 12:11
So far I have started a local game, as soon as I spawned in I signed a 2nd player in using my partners account to split screen. Partners account has 50 minutes survived achievement, and 56% towards 150 minutes.

So in theory so far, yes has to be local Okay, and yes split screen still makes it viable.
By Ser Pitbull on 12 Dec 2022 11:35
So, I've been doing this on a private game. I set the day cycles to last 120 minutes, so I know that lasting 1250 minutes would be 10 in game days,or round up 11 days for the extra 50 minutes.
I already had the 50 minutes survival before from a local game for my first ever game until I died getting 61% of the 150 minute achievement; this is where I may have realised my mistake, I switched to private and have reached to the morning of day 4, given that each day cycle for me is 120 minutes (2 hours) I should have got the 150 achievement since that means doing 480 minutes.
So like myself I think some of us might have over looked the "Single Player" part of the description, I guess this means it's for Local Play only, which I imagine could work for split screen. I might try this today and have a 2nd player idle near by
By Ser Pitbull on 12 Dec 2022 08:35
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Got a couple tips for people who have lost their mind like i did and decided to attempt this without turning the zombie off.

if you die you don't have to start a new game, the timer resets so you have to do another 1250 from that point this works out as surviving about 25 days as its about 50 mins per day

Police zombies
Feral Zombies
i don't care if "oh i killed loads of these things" they will mess you up pretty quick and then you will have to start over again if you see one run unless its a bear then you can just keep your distance.

Tactic i used for surviving the 7 night is creating a trap house separate from you standard base.
Items required.
-bow / cross bow and a lot of arrows / bolts
-Food + water
-wood (lots of wood)
-cobble stone

When day 5 rolls round leave your base (with food and water) and venture to a random other house near by with a second floor.
then spend that time repairing it and completely surrounding the place with stick spikes and log spikes about 3 rows deep.
on the afternoon of the 7th day fill the ground floor with more spikes and back up the stairs and destroy the stairs behind you and wait
at 10 pm the zombies attack get torn up on the spikes but will make it in you will be safe upstairs as they will crawl around on the spikes on the ground floor.

then in the morning all you need is to mop up the last few zombies crawling around.

also suggestion to create a 1 block over hang on the outside of the building to stop spider zombies and put Spikes on top of it.

on the next 7th day you can return to the Trap house and repair and repeat It wont take as long as most the work is already done

going from day 1 the days you will have to worry about is 7 , 14 ,21 and so on (7 times table you know the drill)

Food and water can be an issue water wasn't for me as i kept close to a lake.
if you see an animal try and kill it i know it attracts zombies but the meat will get you through.
just dont risk your ass to get the kill or it might all be in vein.

Final point don't throw away mouldy food or rotten flesh in a pinch they can be your best friend and can stop you starving to death "gotta love those Old sham sandwiches"

(side note when it says single player it means local game. i was playing on a private game on my own for ages before i realised that the timer wasn't going up)

Hope this is Helpful let me know if there are any questions and what i can do to improve this tutorial.

19 Sep 2016 09:10

1250 minutes = 20 hours, 50 minutes [Real Time]

To earn this achievement, your longest life must be at least 20 hours, 50 minutes. This is not cumulative for the world and must be done without dying, otherwise the time towards this achievement will reset. This achievement can be earned with zombie spawns disabled, and is actually quite easy, but can be boring. It is [obviously] possible to earn this with zombie spawns enabled, but if you're paranoid about your survival, disabled is the safe way to go. Whichever way you decide to go, be sure to stock up on food and drinks, particularly Bacon & Eggs and Golden Rod Tea (+Painkillers) as these will help raise your Wellness and thus work towards the following achievement:

7 Days to DieThe Picture of Good HealthThe The Picture of Good Health achievement in 7 Days to Die worth 347 pointsReached 200 in Wellness


10 May 2017 04:55

* This achievement is very easy to get if you consistently play the game. I didn't go out of my way to get this achievement and completely ignored it while I was getting other achievements. Though here are a few tips of mine that can help you survive.

1. Every 7 days a "blood moon horde" will hunt you down and kill you if you're not prepared. So it's essential that you craft weapons and collect enough food to last you the nights the hordes come. These hordes will progressively get more larger and difficult to kill.

2. Build a shelter with plenty of defenses. You can create a moat around the structure your building and place spikes inside of it to kill the zombies with ease. Or, you can do what I eventually started doing and carry what you could and move from house to house, instead of just letting the zombies damage your base.

3. Find minibike parts and build a minibike. The condition of all the parts that were used to create the minibike will determine how fast you go. If you parts are low in condition, you will go as slow as most of the zombies. But if your parts are near flawless, or flawless, you will go faster than any and every zombie. Also don't forget to always keep your bike fueled up and attach a basket to your bike so you can store items like food and water in it.

4. My last and final tip is that you don't always have to kill the blood moon zombies. You can just try to train, or evade them until morning and they might despawn.

*If you follow these tips you should get the achievement in a few days of playing. Considering you play the game 4-5 hours a day.

17 Aug 2017 17:59

This achievement, while fairly time consuming (since it requires you to survive for nearly 21 hours in single player without dying), is actually not that hard. The easiest way to unlock it is to create a single player map, and in the settings change the zombie spawn to very low, zombies never run, day time 18 hours, and 24 hour cycle to 120 minutes. By doing this you will have 1.5 hours of in game daylight to work on other achievements or exploring and looking for loot. Then come night time, if you don’t want to risk getting killed by a zombie because they become stronger at night, you can just hole up in your house with the doors closed and watch TV until it becomes day time again.

If you do hole up in your house at night, be sure you turn off your campfire, otherwise zombies will sense it and try to break into the house. If you want someone to help you, then you can also turn on another controller and play splitscreen with them. After you have survived for 1250 minutes real time, this achievement will unlock.


Warning: Enabling the Cheat Mode option under the Modded Options menu will disable ALL trophies for that world. So don't use it!

These trophies may sound intimidating to any new player of 7 Days To Die. I assure you there is nothing but time stopping you from earning them. From the main menu select the new game option and choose any character you would like. The most important part is to select the single player option as if you do not you will be locked out of these trophies for the world you create. Make sure you have the game world set to Navezgane for the purposes of making the trophies easier and less stressful for yourself.

Next you'll want to select the single player options tab. In here you can edit how much loot spawns in and how frequently it does in your world. You can even disable enemy spawns for the first few days until you get your bearings. However, I wouldn't leave them off for too long as there's grindy trophies for killing zombies that you'll want to start on as soon as possible. Below I've outline the best world settings and how to take advantage of in game time to get air drops every ten minutes for supplies. I also want to make this very clear: you can die and still earn these trophies but you should do you best to not die. It's best to back up your save every few in game days just in case you do accidentally die so you don't lose too much of your wellness needed for the Picture Of Good Wealth trophy.

Don't waste your skill points on useless skills and choose them wisely. There are a few of them that will help you avoid being hungry & thirsty all the time and be less reliant on food and water. The most useful skills are listed below:-

  • The Survivor
  • The Camel
  • Steel Smithing ( Allows you to craft the best tools in the game)

Biomes & Hunger Effects:

7 Days To Die has an element of realism when it comes to the weather and hunger/thirst. You can actually overheat and die of heatstroke or starve to death if you do not get the required shelter, clothes and food/water. Hunting and looting town house, stores, and supermarkets is the best and easiest ways to get food.

Heat Stroke & Hypothermia:

When in the desert or forest biomes, your character can overheat and die. Avoid this by crafting a plant fiber hat and a bandanna to keep yourself cool. If you have found the schematics for crafting iron armor it is the best way to reduce heatstroke while out on the run. Also, if you have any coats or gloves on make sure to take them off while traveling through these areas. Swimming in or drinking water will also cool your character off. The game will warn you if you are going to die from heatstroke.

Hypothermia can be avoided easily with animal hide clothing or any puffy coats found off of random lootables. Sitting by a lit fire or forge will also keep you warm. If you are out on the run through a snow biome without the appropriate clothing, having a fire pit and some wood on hand will warm you up while on the run.

Best Game World Settings:

  • Game World - (NAVEZGANE)

Standard Options

  • Difficulty Settings - (Scavenger)
  • Zombies Run - (Never)
  • Enemy Aggression - (Normal)
  • Day Light Length - (16)

Modded Options

  • Drop On Death - (ToolBelt)
  • Enemy Memory - (30)
  • Enemy Spawning - (Optional, Medium)
  • Block Durability - (100)
  • Loot Respawn time - (5 Days)
  • Loot Abundance - (200)
  • Air Drops - (24 Hours)
  • 24 Hour Cycle - (120 for days, 50 for nights)
  • Mark Air Drops - (On)
  • Cheat Mode - (Keep This OFF! You will disable all trophies)

Air Drops Every 10 Minutes:

As I've mentioned above you can take advantage of the time in-game to get air drops every ten minutes if you would like to get ahead of the game early and get supplies such as med kits, antibiotics, and many different schematics for various different weapons and armor. However, you will be passing days very fast so if you do not have enemy spawn options disabled it's best to do so before trying this, especially if you do not have any way of killing zombies yet. Zombies, infected dogs, infected hornets, and exploding cop zombies all come out at night so you will need to be hiding inside or have a decent weapon and ammo supply.

From the main menu, select continue game and you will see all your created worlds. Select the one you would like to get air drops every ten minutes on. Now you will see another option: continue game options. Select this and navigate to the modded options menu. Change the 24 hour cycle to 10. This will make one in game day pass in ten minutes real time. Also, make sure you have air drops set to 24 so they spawn in every 24 hours in game time. They're marked on your compass as yellow packages. They also never disappear if you do not touch them so you can collect them whenever you want.

You are required to live without dying - 20 hours 50 minutes of real time, in a single player game . Best combined with the Neil Armstrong trophy
If zombies are in the way - the name of your save - continue game options - modded options - enemy spawning = disable

26 Jan 2017 23:45

1 Comment
Even if you play without zombies, dangers still await you. Beware of going to a destroyed biome, military bases, or strip clubs, as there are mines there that can easily be blown up. The only enemy NPC for you will be a bear, it is also better to beware of it (if you urgently need to kill it, then do it on a high-rise building, let there be wood spikes on the ground, and take a better weapon with you).
While you are earning a trophy, you can start building a base and looting.
By TownSparrow on 24 Feb 2018 08:29