7 Days to Die

7 Days to Die

43 Achievements


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On top of the world

On top of the world

Reach for the sky?



How to unlock the On top of the world achievement in 7 Days to Die - Definitive Guide

On Top of the World

You must reach 255 meters to unlock this achievement. I am still trying to find out where this spot is but if you want to know how high you are you can see the current meters you are at on the map, just hit cn_RB on the menu until you see the map.

If you get a good amount of Wooden crates you can put 1 down, crouch on top, jump and hold LT until you get high enough for the achievement. If you are unable to build them any further try looking up as it seems the game loading needs to catch up to you so you can keep going higher. (Credit goes to xx Kenshira xx for this idea)

I recommend doing this in single player and you can Disable the zombies, if they came and smack 1 crate the whole thing will come toppling down.

If you have anything to add please feel free to comment.

01 Jul 2016 11:50

I believe it can be anywhere, i just made 500 wooden frames, put one down, crouched on top looking down, and kept jumping while holding LT, achievement popped once i couldnt place anymore on top, i used about 350 frames when it unlocked
(EDIT, i did encountrr a few bugs where i couldn't jump anymore, i just looked up for a few secs, i believe it was loading that spot, once the frames go red, you're at the height)
By xx Kenshira xx on 03 Jul 2016 05:56
Wow! thanks for the info very helpful!
By Strategy One on 03 Jul 2016 09:01
xx Kenshira xx Good tips!!!! I always think need at least 2 frame in order to make it higher, jump and LT is a nice tips!
By lfcjohn on 04 Jul 2016 01:14
Only had to go to 194 meters on mine (couldn't go any higher), also took exactly 193 wooden frames from 1m off the ground so 1 frame = 1 meter.

Also holding LT and jumping wouldn't work for me, i kept getting pushed off by something and falling to my death, had to manually press LT after each jump to play it safe.
By Infamous on 05 Jul 2016 17:42
That was just the world rendering too slow above you knocking ya off,
By xx Kenshira xx on 05 Jul 2016 17:45
Didnt vwork
By on 06 Jul 2016 08:19
I was on top of a building doing it even lookin up after every one got thirteen down and every other one i placed broke when i placed it
By on 06 Jul 2016 08:28
You don't need to do it on top of any building, i do it on ground and within 300 wooden frame the achievement unlocked.
By lfcjohn on 06 Jul 2016 08:31
There is an update atm, so that could be effecting it, ill try it once i get online. And post a vid, if i can lol
By xx Kenshira xx on 06 Jul 2016 08:32
I think its fine dude to the patch notes not saying anything about achievements being affected.
By Strategy One on 06 Jul 2016 12:40
Ya, i looked into them after,
By xx Kenshira xx on 06 Jul 2016 12:57
Does this still work? I have been trying but every time I get to about 13 blocks high, I get knocked off. I have tried in two different saves and made sure that nothing was affected my rendering.
By Lymiss on 28 Jul 2016 20:59
I've been trying to do this achievement for weeks and every time I get so high up, the wood frames automatically break and I can't travel any higher.
By Flik Nightshade on 11 Aug 2016 06:16
I have never heard that one before, weird.
By Strategy One on 11 Aug 2016 06:27
Makes sense
By Strategy One on 21 Oct 2016 06:12
Im building a metal truss tower, next to one of the traders in navezgane. It's in the snow biome on top of a mountain. The mountain is right next to his outpost.
By HiFivingWolf on 16 May 2022 05:05
I’m only allowed to build up too 194m and can’t go any higher, no more blocks will place and the achievement won’t pop up even when jumping
By LordLecky on 05 Aug 2023 15:52
I built a ladder on a mountain until I couldn't place anymore. Took a picture, but no achievement. I didn't know how to check how high up I was until I read this thread. I will go check that now. I did check my elevation and it was 254. I took a picture that showed the top of the world border is all red. so frustrating.
By GlitteryGlynys on 03 Sep 2023 00:28
I hate the same problem as Flik Nightshade. I got to a certain point where the wood frames fall apart the second I place them. Does anyone have a workaround or another solution?

Found a solution! You can't build this on an already placed structure, ie buildings that were preloaded. The game stops you from doing it, and I was trying to do it off the top of a building. Have to start this from off the ground.
By Bonkekook on 20 Oct 2016 19:31
Should still work to my knowledge, try a different spot maybe.
By Strategy One on 29 Jul 2016 01:06
Still works, just been flat out with working everyday. But i tested it again today.
By xx Kenshira xx on 29 Jul 2016 03:08
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Hey guys this should help anyone who keeps trying this with wooden crates but keep lagging off to the sides :)

06 Jul 2016 23:46

this one popped for me by using the 'look down, jump, LT' technique with 250+ wood frames. The quick progress check is to continue looking and stacking until the next wood frame outline that you're about to place turns red. I did not have to look up at all or manually check altitude during this long task.

02 Nov 2016 12:54

The easiest way I've found to do this is to make 255 wood frames (you won't need that many however) and start on a hill so that you're already closer to the top of the map. Then just jump and place a wood frame under you and do this until you reach the top. It took me roughly 3 minutes. When you're done you don't have to axe your way back down, simply pick up the block under you.
P.s. You can pick up the blocks faster than you can fall, so you will actually free fall if you do this too fast. Take your time.

06 Dec 2016 18:11

Reach the upper limit of build height (+255 meters).

You can see your current elevation by opening the map.

25 Jan 2017 00:00

This achievement, while a bit misleading, is actually very simple to get. What you have to do is get up to the highest possible point in the game, which is 252 meters from bedrock. Elevation wise, the highest point in the game is 194 meters of elevation. The easiest way to obtain this achievement is to cut down a few trees and craft about 220 wood frames.

After all of them are done crafting, just find the tallest hill you can find and start jumping and placing the blocks below you by clicking at the height of your jump. While doing this, take your time a bit because if you try to place blocks to fast, the game might register that you are inside one of the blocks and throw you off the tower. Once you’re at the very top of the world, and you will know you are because you will be unable to place anymore blocks, the achievement will unlock.


Before attempting this trophy it's recommended that you backup your save and have at least 300 wood frames in your inventory. The easiest way of obtaining this trophy is by using the wood frames. So, go chop some trees down and get enough wood to craft them. Open up the crafting menu by pressing the and navigating the the hammer icon in the upper left. Once here find wood frames under basic.

Now that you have your items you will now need to find a flat piece of land in your world that is at a positive elevation. You can check your elevation by checking your map and looking in the bottom left corner. Make sure it says positive 1 or above before you start. Now begin placing wood frames and jumping at the same time. Once you get the elevation number to read 200 or above you will be awarded the trophy.