7 Days to Die
43 Achievements
The Funeral Director
Kill 2500 zombies
How to unlock the The Funeral Director achievement in 7 Days to Die - Definitive Guide
-Difficulty Setting (Scavenger)
-Zombies run (never run)
-Enemy Aggression (Feral)
-Daylight Length (Doesn't matter)
Modded Options
-Enemy Memory (90)
-Enemy Spawning (Very High)
Start up a game with these settings on. This works best if it is in a game that you have good equipment in so that you can kill zombies quickly. Get 72 small stones and make 9 fires. Next get a ton of wood, preferably at least 250 pieces for each campfire. Go to an open area and put the campfires down in a three by three square. Put the wood into each campfire and start them up. Usually a pair of screamer zombies will come in first. These zombies look like the little girl from the Ring. DO NOT KILL THESE! Let them live for about 30 second because they will call in more zombies. After a couple of minutes zombies should start flooding in from every direction. Be careful because its really easy for zombies to overwhelm you. This achievement will still take damn near forever but this method is much better than just running around trying to find zombies.
I didn't quite figure out the spawning though, it seemed so random. Sometimes I would have 30 zombies chasing me and other times I would have 3 screamers and nothing else. Maybe the corpses on the ground had something to do with it, or maybe after a certain amount of times they can no longer summon any more zombies.
This achievement is pretty self-explanatory. You basically just need to kill every enemy you come across and after you’ve killed 2500 of them, the achievement will pop. Enemies that count towards this are the following: Zombies, Zombie Dogs, and Zombees (you will see these enemies in the main city of the map, they’re a zombified wasp that will die with 1 shot of pretty much any ranged weapon). This achievement is cumulative across all characters you make so you don’t have to try and get this all in one world.
Killing zombies with the right world settings and your difficulty set to the "Scavenger" mode will make this trophy fairly easy. It is, however, extremely reliant on you and your weapons and ammo supply. This is also a grind and will most likely be one of the last trophies you unlock. Killing zombies across multiple saves will all count towards your total meaning you can play in a friends server and kill 100 zombies and kill the other 2400 in single player games and still get the trophy. Having your world settings set to the right things can speed this trophy up a lot and I've outlined below what they are. It's also best to do this on your Nearly Immortal and
Survivalist save as you'll have to survive for 20+ hours and should have decent weapons and ammo. Below I've outlined the best world settings and weapons to kill zombies with. Make sure you back up your saves every few hundred kills just in case you die. You can also check your progress by being in the in the world and pressing the
. As soon as you do you will see a scoreboard listing all your stats in the world including a zombies killed stat.
Game World Settings:
- Zombies Run - (Never)
- Enemy Spawn - (High Or Very High)
- 24 Hour Cycle - (10)
- Loot Abundance - (200)
Best Weapons:
- Barbed Club
- Spiked Club
- Wood Bow
- CrossBow
- Blunderbuss
All of the above weapons are easy to craft and are very effective against zombies on the lowest difficulty setting. Normally it will take 1-2 strikes to the head with either of those clubs or 1-2 hits in the head with the bow or crossbow. Walking around at night while armed to the teeth with the above settings mean you should be killing 20 - 30 zombies every night fall. Just be careful not to die and lose score or wellness while grinding out kills. It's also important to note that there are different types of zombies in the game with some being a lot more difficult to kill than others. Below I've outlined the different types of zombies in order of their strength:-
Normal Zombies:
These are the most common zombie in the game and you'll be running into these everywhere in 7 Days To Die. They range from Plagued Nurses to the Bloated Walkers. After killing a zombie you can see what type it was by attempting to search their corpse. These types of zombies are also the weakest and can be killed with 1-2 hits to the face.
Snow Zombies:
Inside of the snow biome you will find the Frozen Lumberjack zombie most commonly. These guys are a little more difficult to kill then the "Normal Zombies" as their flesh has hardened due to being in the cold weather. These guys will take 3-4 hits, or - if you're lucky - 2 hits to the head.
Unique Zombies:
There are many different zombies that are considered unique in 7 Days to Die. They are as follows:- Zombies Dogs, Screamers, Burn Victims, Infected Police Officers & Fural Zombies. Fural Zombies and Dogs are the most dangerous of them all. Fural Zombies will only spawn on day 7 with the horde that will come and they take 10-12 head shots with the best bow or crossbows. So, you'll need to be prepared if you run into these guys.
Build yourself a hill (a cube of 2 blocks), preferably with a lot of flat space in all directions (zombies will not be stupid), climb onto it and wait for the evening of the seventh day. With the onset of this, go to the menu, continue game - the name of your save - continue game options. Next install:
in the standard options menu
- zombies run - always run
- enemy aggression - feral
- daylight length - 12
- enemy memory - 90
- enemy spawning - very high
- 24 hour cycle - 120
Statistics are summarized from all your saves, including online ones.