6 Achievements

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Score 600,000 points

Score 600,000 points

The score won 600,000 points


How to unlock the Score 600,000 points achievement in ACA NEOGEO FATAL FURY 3 - Definitive Guide



HK = Heavy Kick
LK = Light Kick
air-to-air = an air attack that hits the opponent whilst they are also in the air

Just wanted to share my strategy for this achievement as I've only seen very brief things and I've found a relatively painless method that goes by as quick as you can hope for without needing to be fantastic at the game.

The quickest way of getting points is by getting Perfects. It's as simple as that. What we are going to do, is keep replaying the first fight in the Arcade mode over and over again.

On the main menu, load yourself up with about 30-50 credits as we'll be continuing A LOT. I only used 18, but you may aswell put in too many instead of not realising you've run out of credits and not continuing in time.

Here's the settings you want to change:

Time Limit - Set this to 99
CPU Level - Level 1 (the lowest)

We're going to pick Joe Higashi, and then as our first opponent we'll pick Bob Wilson as his anti-airs aren't great.

The general strategy is to jump in with HK (cn_B) then do a standing HK cn_B when you land.

If the standing HK is the Knee Strike (aka. his close HK) we'll follow it up with another standing HK to keep Bob at bay, and maybe land another hit. This will be a long leg kick, which is his long range HK.

At whichever point the long range HK comes out, you then follow this up with a jumping HK and repeat the process.

With the jumping HK, if you see Bob move like he's going to jump, we want to press cn_B ASAP to land an air-to-air and stop him from hitting you first if possible. If he's standing, we want to press cn_B a little later, after the peak of his jump.

If Bob ducks one of your standing HKs or if he sidesteps to the row above or below you, you want to mash out a couple of standing LKs (cn_A) to get a bit of space. Then throw out a long range standing HK. Rinse and repeat the jump pattern.

The only other thing to mention is if Bob hits you in round 1, mostly kill him for the points, then let him win the round. This gives you another shot at a perfect in round 2.

Other than that, let him win 2 rounds each time after you've won one and keep continuing.

Below here's a video as an example of the techniques I mentioned above.

I hope this helps guys. Any feedback or improvements are appreciated. If you want anything explaining in more detail just let me know.

20 Dec 2017 22:49

Good solution. Worked really well!
By Siphon Filther on 19 May 2018 06:16
Thanks mate.

Can you think of why I have 4 negative votes? Is it too wordy?
By IHeartParamore on 19 May 2018 14:24
I didn’t dislike but yeah it’s too wordy. I’m just gonna watch the vid, but if this is anything like the other neogeos it could’ve been layed out in a a small paragrapj
By Inferno118 on 18 Jul 2018 01:29
I’d say it might, honestly I started reading it and knew I wasn’t gonna understand all the fighting jargon (I suck at these games, barely know which buttons are high kick, mid punch etc) but that’s my stupidity. I dot wanna try and judge your guide lol I just thought the common consensus was ‘wow this looks long/complex for a 0-1 hour game, I’m just gonna play and see how it goes’
By Inferno118 on 18 Jul 2018 11:58
Doesn’t 2 controllers work like fatal fury 2 ?
By WhiteWarrior933 on 05 Jan 2019 14:53
The answer to my question is no. I’ve just tried it
By WhiteWarrior933 on 05 Jan 2019 14:57
Good method but the solution is a bit long winded. You can really speed this up by just save scumming every time you get a combo off. If he hits you just reload. Get your perfect and then let him beat you.

+1 from me though.
By Fooga on 24 Sep 2019 08:12
Worked perfectly, took me around 22 credits to get 600,000 cause I suck at Neogeo games lol, I also agree with the others about it being a bit too wordy but other than that the method worked perfectly +1 from me.
By xIt5Mill3rTim3x on 07 Nov 2019 16:57
So while I was doing this, I tried out different characters, and I found Blue-Mary worked very well.

Pick her and just spam the forward B attack over and over, it's really fast. Bob Wilson will spend most of his time just blocking or dodging over and over. It didn't work 100% of the time, but I got it to work much more often then trying the jumping tactic with Joe Higashi.
By EarthboundX on 25 Dec 2019 03:33
Thanks for this. I tried Blue Mary but the second guy always destroyed me(for the other modes). I got to the point where I didn't even need to use the Save scumming because I would perfect him in 10 seconds using Joe. I used the jump toward and B, but then I'd hit down and B to knock them off their feet and just repeat, timing to jump and B for when he got back up. Piece of cake.

And I know this isn't for this mode, but to anyone else trying, Joe was the only character I could beat the second person with. Tried a few others and I always got destroyed. I managed to get all the way to the 4th battle with Joe.
By Bonkekook on 23 Nov 2020 23:15
Fair enough. I mean a lot of complaints I've seen on other NeoGeo guides was that things weren't explained. Or if people "just use forward and A with character x" people sometimes comment saying it doesn't work because they're not applying common sense.

Would putting a tl:dr version of the guide at the top be beneficial? That way if people just need the jist of what to do then they can read that. If people aren't able to get perfects without reading the further explanation below, then they can read it if they need to.
By IHeartParamore on 18 Jul 2018 11:30
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Press start on Original Mode (Japanese or English, whichever you prefer) and then press the back button on the controller. Go into Game Settings and change the Time to 99 and the Difficulty to Level 1, leave everything else as it is. Press 'B' twice and then 'A' it will restart the game. Add a credit with 'LB' and press start. You can do this with any character, I just found the one I mention in this guide the easiest.

You want to pick "Geese Howard" with 'X' (character on the very left side on top row, yellow hair) and then pick "Bob Wilson" as your first enemy. Press the back button as soon as you load in and press "Create Interrupt Save Data", then press 'A'. You will want to do this every time you defeat an enemy or deal damage without getting hit, you will be using it a lot. If you take damage, press the back button and press "Back to title screen" and then go back into Original Mode and you will be wherever you created your last save.

You want to keep jumping at the enemy while spamming 'A' on both sides of him to avoid being hit, the faster you do this the better as the enemy won't even be able to get a hit on you. You jump and spam 'A' on one side and then quickly jump and spam 'A' on the other. If you want to take it slow, you could jump and kick the enemy, then back up and save, then attack again. Was able to get 600,000 points by the 6th enemy with no damage taken using this save trick. Let me know if this method works for you or if I didn't explain it well enough.

04 Jun 2021 04:20