

66 Achievements



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Master Astronomer

Master Astronomer

Lined up all the planets in the celestial observatory in 15 moves or less.


How to unlock the Master Astronomer achievement in Adera - Definitive Guide

I don't know if this achievement is somehow glitched or not. I did it in exactly 15 moves serveral times (about 10 times), but it didn't pop.

This is how I did it:
Switch 1 (top) SEVEN times
Switch 2 ONE time
Switch 3 TWO times
Switch 4 (bottom) FIVE times

making it a total of 15

Switch 1 operates (from left (or outer) to right (or inner)) planets: 1, 4, 8
Switch 2 operates planets: 3, 7
Switch 3 operates planets: 1, 6
Switch 4 operates planets: 2, 5, 7

Planets 1 and 2 move an eighth circle
Planets 3, 4, 5, 6 move a quarter circle
Planets 7 and 8 move half circle

If you guys make it work, please let me know, or if I made some mistakes. Thanks in advance.

UPDATE: it finally popped!! The difference to the tries before: I did NOT skip any of the cutscences. If someone could verify that, that would be awesome.

"Stealth David" commented it wasn't skipping the cutscence ... so this chievo seems just to be sort of glitchy-ish :)

01 Apr 2013 15:11

I can confirm skipping has nothing to do with it. If you fail you must quit out and try again, trying again without quitting out will not work.
By JMJimmy on 04 Apr 2013 23:19
I had the 2 planets operated by switch 3 not part of the line, shall try again see if i made a mistake
By SILVERsifDURFER on 01 Apr 2013 16:36
didnt work for me. how about the game difficulty ?
By Zebrasqual on 01 Apr 2013 17:11
Worked for me. Thanks!
By MikeSilverstar on 01 Apr 2013 16:39
I messed it up first time, work on easy for me, cheers.
By SILVERsifDURFER on 01 Apr 2013 17:35
Worked for me on easy also. +1.
By AP E JC on 01 Apr 2013 18:29
Worked for me
By TOBY 1K NO BE on 01 Apr 2013 19:21
Really great, everybody got it except me :| .. Tried it on easy and normal.. about 20 times by now.. But good to see that my solution works for you guys :)
By TheJoGod on 01 Apr 2013 19:38
Worked great do you have to re do the whole game if it doesn't work
By Stealth David on 01 Apr 2013 19:55
Yeah you have to redo the wohle game.. a minute ago my solution finally worked for me :D
By TheJoGod on 01 Apr 2013 20:02
I skipped all cut scenes mate so don't think that was it
By Stealth David on 01 Apr 2013 20:08
got it on my 4th try
another advice - do not click anything on that screen (i.e. clicking to skip monologue or anything) but the puzzle buttons
i didn't skipped cut scenes on my 3rd try with no luck but i did on my 4th try so it doesn't matter
By Cookie Kenku on 01 Apr 2013 20:51
Thank you. Got it without a problem. I've added this solution to the walkthrough in progress and have given you relevant credit.
By Dwaggienite on 01 Apr 2013 21:14
I had to quit the game before starting a new run, to make it work seem like it kept some kind of count in memory between attempts, the solution 3,1,6,5 work aswell. because i did solve it twice with 15 moves but it didn't pop the first time but i did speed up the cutscenes the first time, and i did the quit and retry to be safe.
By The Biodreamer on 01 Apr 2013 21:15
Same as The Biodreamer, it worked when I quit and then restarted, but not when I restarted without quitting.
By Ocreeva on 01 Apr 2013 22:30
Worked perfectly thanks man!!
By fighterx93chipp on 02 Apr 2013 00:19
I can also confirm that skipping cut-scenes does not mess with the achievement. I can also confirm that if you mess up the puzzle the first time playing, you will need to completely quit out of Adera and restart the game before starting a new play-through.
By Jerith Geros on 06 Apr 2013 03:11
I have tried this several times and can't get it. I have used multiple methods to get to 15 moves. It's the last achievement needed. I'll try again to see if I get lucky. By now I have the game memorized and can get to the planets in like 5 minutes. Looking forward to an update for the game.
By SENTURY111 on 13 Apr 2013 09:40
After 5 or 6 attempts yesterday, I finally got it today after both quitting out of the game completely before restarting and by not skipping any cutscenes.
By Det 1304 on 02 Apr 2013 20:42
It worked on my first try by using your solution.
By xQu33nEmbla on 04 Apr 2013 20:20
I just got it, finally! Now to wait for episode 5.
By SENTURY111 on 13 Apr 2013 11:10
That method work perfect. THX for the tip.
By BudniuPolska on 14 Sep 2013 16:23
Both 7-1-2-5 and 3-1-6-5 combinations work for the four switches.
By VisibleRaptor5 on 30 Oct 2022 01:50
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The achievement is missable, but the part with moving the switches is not. This is because you have to do this to progress through the story, but you might do it in more than 15 steps.

I skipped every cut scene, and puzzle in the game except for this one, and the one for Master Cartographer. I spammed the click button while searching, and I paused the game. But I played through the entire episode without quitting out and in one sitting.

The steps that I followed:

I moved the topmost switch 7 times.

Then I moved the switch below that one once.

After that, I moved the switch below that one twice.

And finally, I moved the bottommost switch 5 times.

That ended up being 15 steps.

I however, did not get the achievement when I did it. I decided to stop my video like normal, play through the game, and come back to it after. When I completed the episode though, after the cut scene and before the credits, I got the achievement for completing the episode, and this achievement too. I did not even see the notification for this achievement. But when I refreshed my TA achievement tracker, it was there. So I went on to check, and it was there too.

Here is a video showing how I did the steps.

03 Aug 2014 04:57

*MISSABLE* You need to complete the solar system puzzle in 15 moves or less. The idea is to line up all 8 of the planets in their location on the left side of the sun. The set-up for the puzzle is like this:

Planets are numbered from their final locations on the left, 1 through 8, with 1 being the farthest to the left, and 8 being the farthest to right (closest to sun).

Switch 1 (top): Moves planets 1,4,8.
Switch 2: Moves planets 3,7.
Switch 3: Moves planets 1,6.
Switch 4 (bottom): Moves planets 2,5,7.

Hit the switches in this order for a total of 15 moves: Switch 1 x 7 times, Switch 2 x 1 time, Switch 3 x 2 times, and Switch 4 x 5 times.

*GLITCH WARNING* For some reason, this achievement just does not unlock when completing the requirements some times. If it doesn't unlock for you on the first attempt, try completing closing the entire game, relaunching it, and changing the difficulty and running back through the episode to this point to give it another go. Even this may not work. Two other possible solutions (or orders) you can try that will line the planets up in 15 moves are:

Alternative 1: Switch 2 x 1 time, Switch 3 x 2 times, Switch 1 x 7 times, Switch 4 x 5 times.
Alternative 2: Switch 1 x 3 times, Switch 3 x 6 times, Switch 4 x 5 times, Switch 2 x 1 time.