Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express

Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express

28 Achievements

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The world's greatest detective

The world's greatest detective

Confront the twelve jurors without making mistakes.


How to unlock the The world's greatest detective achievement in Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express - Definitive Guide

Chapter 8

This is the final, very long scene of the chapter, which takes place in the lounge car when all of the train passengers are gathered so that Poirot can explain the solution to the case, including all evidence and accusations (the denoument, if you're a mystery novel fan). There are a lot of questions in this scene, and you must answer them all without a mistake. (It's possible that some of the questions may not count toward the achievement, but it's not really worth the risk given the length of the scene.)

These are all of the questions and the correct answers for this achievement:

What was the motive for the crime? Revenge
When was the crime planned? Several months before departure from Istanbul
Who is Daisy's murderer? Ratchett
What do the 12 stabs symbolize? A jury in the United States

The next section has 4 items and you must select them all one by one; there's no single correct answer:
The red kimono
The broken watch
The vaping liquid
The conductor's jacket

Did Detective Locke stab Ratchett? No
What is the proof that clears Ms Locke? She was drugged

What did Mr MacQueen mean? I thought we had eliminated all clues.
Did Mr MacQueen stab Ratchett? Yes
What implicates Mr MacQueen? His father

Did Mr Masterman stab Ratchett? Yes
What implicates Mr Masterman? Sleeping pills Ratchett

Did Bouc stab Ratchett? No
What is the proof that clears Bouc? Found me a room on the train

Did Mr Michel stab Ratchett? Yes
What implicates Mr Michel? Drugged Ms Locke

Did Mr Hardman stab Ratchett? Yes
What implicates Mr Hardman? Mr Michel's testimony

Did Ms Schmidt stab Ratchett? Yes
What implicates Ms Schmidt? Drugged Ms Locke

Did Countess Andrenyi stab Ratchett? No
What clears Countess Andrenyi? Morally incapable of stabbing

Did Count Andrenyi stab Ratchett? Yes
Why did Count Andrenyi stab Ratchett? He replaced Mrs Andrenyi

Did Mr Foscarelli stab Ratchett? Yes
What implicates Mr Foscarelli? Ms Locke's investigation

Did Ms Ohlsson stab Ratchett? Yes
What implicates Ms Ohlsson? Mrs Hubbard's Latch
What was Ms Ohlsson's occupation? She was the nurse of Daisy

Did Dr Constantine stab Ratchett? No
What is the evidence that clears Dr Constantine? Bouc's testimony

What links Captain Arbuthnot to John Armstrong? Soldiers

What links Ms Debenham to the Armstrong family? Teacher
Ms Debenham was whose teacher? Helena Andrenyi

Did Captain Arbuthnot stab Ratchett? Yes
What implicates Captain Arbuthnot? Mr MacQueen's testimony

Did Ms Debenham stab Ratchett? Yes
What accuses Ms Debenham? Ms Ohlsson's testimony

Did Princess Dragomiroff stab Ratchett? Yes
What implicates Princess Dragomiroff? She is left-handed

What is Mrs Hubbard's real name? Linda Arden
What links Mrs Hubbard to the Armstrong family? Sonia's mother
Did Mrs Hubbard stab Ratchett? Yes
What implicates Mrs Hubbard? Toilet bag hiding the latch

The achievement will unlock a bit later, after the rest of the scene has concluded.

19 Jan 2024 07:14

Chapter 8:

04 May 2024 21:27