Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders

50 Achievements

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Sheriff moustache

Sheriff moustache

Have saved Donbar's life over the telephone.


How to unlock the Sheriff moustache achievement in Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders - Definitive Guide

The trophy can be missed.

When you call the Black Swan Hotel (moreover, it is Poirot who should call, and not the inspector), then ask Donbar, the owner of the hotel, to answer the phone. In a conversation with him, tell him that the guest Cast is a swindler, you can expect troubles from him in the future and invite Donbar to monitor his behavior.

25 Oct 2016 20:45

1 Comment
Until the answer, I agree with the hint above, but the following answer misleads me.
I will write all the answers in order:
First response "Alexander Bonoparte Cast"
Second "Point to the Black Swan Hotel in Doncaster"
Third "Call for Japp"
Fourth "Call Donbar on the phone"
Fifth "Say he's a crook"
Sixth "Disclose the danger vaguely. Caste is only a suspect"
Seventh "Ask to monitor Cast"
By LocDog on 06 Jan 2023 09:15