Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

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Win "Nobunaga (1551)" on Hard difficulty with any faction.


How to unlock the Shogun achievement in Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition - Definitive Guide

Okay, this one is tough, but fun. Here's how I did it:

You need to defeat all 5 clans within a time limit. To defeat a clan, you need to take out every one of their castles and town centers (TCs). It took me about 10 tries, but here's how I succeeded:

Choosing the Clan: I chose Chosokabe (green) because they are positioned in the middle of the map. I initially tried with Otoma (blue), but it was too challenging being far away from half of the civilizations. So, go with Chosokabe (green).

Early Strategy: Begin with a light focus on economy. Mass 5 cavalry archers and start harassing Oda (yellow) since he's right next to you. No need to grab upgrades yet, just mass 5.

Economy and Upgrades: While harassing Oda, refocus on your economy. Aim to reach Imperial Age before anyone else or restart if necessary. Getting to Imperial Age first grants a cavalry archer armor bonus.

Massing Cavalry Archers: Once you hit Imperial, grab your upgrades and continue massing cavalry archers and drop a castle towards Oda to start trebbing him down. Take him out; it's relatively easy.

Dealing with Other Clans: After eliminating Oda, proceed to take out Takeda (red) with the same mass of cavalry archers. Simultaneously, start massing a navy. Take dry dock before you build them to save on resources.

Naval Strategy: Send your navy, consisting of elite cannon galleons and galleons, to attack Otoma.

Preparing for Retaliation: As soon as you take out a second clan, be prepared for retaliation from the remaining clans. Drop a castle in the middle of the map and ensure production buildings are ready to counter the impending attacks.

Continuing the Assault: While your navy is destroying Otoma, finish off Takeda. Use your navy to assist in taking out Otoma's structures, even without landing on his island.

Moving East: Once Otoma is eliminated, move your navy along the east coast to attack Mori. Simultaneously, move your ground forces towards the center of the map to engage Mori.

Adapting to Enemy Tactics: If Mori begins building archers, supplement your army with stables to produce light cavalry. Continue producing trebuchets; around 10 are needed to effectively wipe out Mori's structures.

Final Push: After eliminating Mori, with about 15 minutes remaining, feel free to save your progress. You can load and still get the achievement. Finally, focus on defeating Uesugi. Prepare two armies, similar to before but with the addition of heavy cavalry. Utilize multiple castles and production buildings, and push from both the north and south.

Victory: By protecting your trebuchets and adapting your army composition to counter Uesugi's units, you should be able to defeat them within the time limit. I completed the scenario with 34 seconds remaining, although achieving success can be tight due to Uesugi's challenging defenses.

I am sure there are some ways to cheese this. Like dropping castles in your allies base before you remove that second clan but this approach worked well for me. And it was fun. One of my favorite campaign missions tbh.

19 Mar 2024 05:28

I did mine with Uesugi. The big thing for Uesugi is preparing ahead of time to invade the Chosokabe/Otomo islands. Oda/yellow might harass your west base a little and Takeda/red might harass both west/east a little, but I ran Kenshin around a bit. The bonus objective was fairly easy to find 6 relics also as 2 of them are in the Mori base and early on Mori is your ally, 3 are in your base, and the 6th is slightly north/northwest above yours/Takeda's bases at the top of the island.

Time stamps are important. For Uesugi, no reason to attack/harass early on. Just defend. On hard you have 90 in-game minutes (60 real life minutes). Start by making more villagers of course, but also fishing ships. After you've got about 20 villagers and 20 fishing ships, make more town centers, so you have 3 total, maybe 4, so speed up getting a lot more. But you should have your economy mostly built up (60-70 villagers) by 65-70 minutes left on the clock along with about 2-3 extra castles built beyond your first, placed wherever you feel appropriate in your base, AND infantry fully upgraded, the unique techs done, and treadmill crane from the university. Then mass produce the elite samurai (about 2 groups, so 90-120) out of the castles. Then take out Takeda/Oda. No siege equipment necessary. Keep making samurai as you'll be losing a few to the Takeda cavalry bonus attack and Oda/Takeda castles.

Then Mori/Chosokabe/Otomo will ally against you. Mori is still on the main island with you so get ready for them. They might have some petards built that will decimate your samurai. Move about 20 villagers down (with to the area of land between Kyoto/Teal and Mori/Orange, southwest of Kyoto (about 35-40 minutes left on the clock). There are some Chosokabe buildings down in this area, I took these out and built 5 more castles and 5 docks. With this forward base I then took out Mori by 20-25 minutes left on the clock. While Mori was dying, I researched the Dock techs and made 7 transports for my samurai groups and villagers. I then made about 5-10 cannon galleons and regular galleons each to help take down Chosokabe/Otomo castles near the beachheads.

Try to land the samurai first and order them to rush the enemy while you build more castles with villagers. Rinse and repeat with Otomo at about 10-12 minutes left on the clock.

If you micro manage the samurai while attacking, focus on castles, military buildings, and town centers, in that order. Once they're all destroyed, the clan will be defeated and all their remaining buildings/units will be deleted. Once the 5th clan is defeated, you win.

Anyways, it's possible to win with different clans. You'll just have to adapt to the clan style.
By Cheva1ier on 19 Mar 2024 22:33
I just finished it, also with Chosokabe. A few more bits of advice.

Elimination = destroying all castles and TCs for a faction. Feel free to ignore everything else. It doesn't matter how great an economy an enemy has or how many military buildings they have if you focus on the right buildings and knock them out anyway. And the faster you move, the less built up your enemy will be.

When you start the mission, recruit a monk. There are two relics already visible on the map near you, and a third a bit to the northeast. I never used the monk again after picking up those relics, but it's worth the investment.

With the Otomo, you only need a handful of elite cannon galleons. I built five while I fought Oda and that was plenty. Again, speed is key. They don't prioritize their own navy, so if you move fast you can get there with just a couple galleons in the way, or maybe nothing at all. Try to beat them *before*, or very soon after the Takeda. Once you take out Otomo, you don't really need to worry about Mori's navy. I only needed to get my army close to the coast once, briefly, so they can't really do a lot of damage. I sent my cannon galleons on a suicide mission when I was done, since they weren't going to be helpful and just took up some population space.

In addition to your cavalry archers, build some knights/cavaliers. You don't need them for Oda, but they help a lot for Takeda/Uesugi/Mori. All three will build rams to attack your trebs. Uesugi and to a lesser extent Mori will do archer spam that the knights are great against.

There's a bit of gold south of Kyoto and north of Oda, around where one of the relics was. I set up a mine there and two stables and archery ranges, and spammed my cavalry archers and cavaliers. I ended up with about 20 gold miners, 20 lumberjacks, 12 farmers, with an army of 60 cav archers, 60 cavaliers, and 16 trebs. That gets you pretty close to the pop cap, but with a bit of room.

You can use some of that room for a couple scouts. One of my big time sinks was finding the damn castles and TCs. Sometimes they'll rebuild one you've destroyed, and you'll waste time looking for it if you keep moving. Sometimes they'll have a big chunk of town you fight through only to find there's nothing important there. Try to always have an idea where the next castle or TC is so you're always either destroying one or moving to the next.

I beat them in the order Oda->Otomo and Takeda->Uesugi->Mori. Mori builds a big navy, which as mentioned above doesn't really help them. So they were kind of a pushover. If you can get to Takeda before they start really building up their army, Uesugi will be the only real challenge.
By Peaches 518 on 19 Mar 2024 19:24
Here a tip for finding those lone town centers and castles: Save the game, resign, on the statistics screen click the down right button to return to the map. That will uncover the map, you can take a quick look around where they are, reload your game and finish them off.
By Koleriker on 20 Mar 2024 08:33
I did it with Takeda and had 3 1/2 minutes left on the timer; it was cut pretty close but I didn't realize at the start that the 2 furthest south were islands so I had to crash build docks and research those techs/ferry across soldiers.

So yeah if anyone isn't the Gunpowder or Cav Archer bonus civ then make sure to have some navy ready for them in advance. They don't build too much on their own; I think a half dozen fast fires/ galleons each, so you don't have to go crazy for water supremacy but at least get the techs reserched before the end.
By TheWyandotte on 21 Mar 2024 00:34
Used Cheva1ier's strat and got this first try (discounting 5-6 loads).

For me, I had to get the final two relics once I'd beaten Takeda but once your Samurai are fully maxed and massed, this is relatively easy and I finished with over 6 mins to spare.

Don't neglect stone at the start as you will want at least 1 castle each on the East and Western base approaches with murder holes and ballistics researched.

I was nowhere close to a 70 vill eco (maybe 45-50 with just two TCs) and boomed sufficiently.

Save often and bring vills along with your army to keep building supporting castles. Otomo wiped my Samurai doomstack with handgunners once I invaded, but you can easily brute force their island with 8 or so fast fire ships and 12-15 Elite Cannon Galleons which can reach all of their Castles and TCs.
By Roose91 on 27 Mar 2024 02:04
Done with Otoma :) You have some time to booming peacefully, later resources are not a problem. I had my eco and researches done around 60 min - with 2 factories. Then I
1. created fleet with galeons and ~7 bomber canons
2. sent some of your vills and troops across the sea, to a peninsula right to the orange - I started with building a castle (enemy tried to prevent, but you can build some palisade to protect builders), few chuches, then 6 trebuchests and mass Conquistadors will do a job.

With bomber canons you can eliminate blue (it's possible to snipe every castle from the sea), and go later for yellow and red. Simultaneusly orange one is easy to destroy from land, after which betrayal happens.

I buillt castles and churches close to yellow base and went for yellow+red. Every castle created later in their bases helps with their units waves.
Save/load and microing was pain - Otoma with his eco and Conquistadors is absolutely OP, but eliminating factions quick enough is crazy.
By AureliaNova on 04 Apr 2024 19:28
I’m having an absolutely torrid time dealing with Mori as Uesugi. They’re unbelievably entrenched and able to get like 5 castles and 7 TCs up backed up with so many arbelesters that kite my samurai

Did green faction instead - cav archers, trebs and navy smashes them. Just need to supplement with a few light cav to intercept rams.
By Lord Kingslay3r on 17 Apr 2024 18:44
This was definately the toughest achievement that I completed so far. To be honest, I am not quite sure how I did it in the end.

I was just to give up for the first time ever. Then I tried "one last time" before going to bed and actually succeeded with three minutes left. These are the key points that helped and seemed important to me:

1. I started with green. You don't need to waste time with defence, still you have buildings to recruit on land. Also the horsed archers are useful. Against most units (except rams....) and the motherf***ing fire traps.

2. Save the game, scout for castles and TCs, then load again to save trebuchet travel time. Also use pause for micro management.

3. Use cavalry to counter rams and trebs. Otherwise its impossible to win against purple.

4. ALWAYS take villagers with you. While attakcking build military buildings to fill up your army and - if needed - castles to keep the enemy busy and restock trebs.

5. I didnt use ships as much. However it can save time to destroy certain buildings of orange using cannon ships (e.g. north-eastern castle) since the orange buldings are widely scattered and it would take minutes for trebs travelling there.

I did not try it myself but I guess a lot of castles and TCs could easily be destroyed by using ships. Blue and green should be reachable completely and orange and purple in large parts.

I wish you guys luck. This one cost me a couple of tries, nerves and at least five years of lifetime....
By cid2sk8 on 01 May 2024 21:56
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Just a few tips to add to zas11s' guide.
I did it with 14 in-game minutes and I'm not a really good player.
Note that in order to defeat an enemy, you only need to destroy all their TCs and castles.

I used this video as a reference for early economy and followed his steps until I defeated the first enemy (purple) like he did:
At this point, I was 4 minute late compared to him in the video.

When you eliminate Orange, Yellow turns enemy. In his video, he builds castles in yellow's base before they turn enemy and I think it is a great idea and you should do the same. It makes killing them much easier.
For blue and green, you can destroy all their TCs and castles with Canon galleons. So while dealing with the first three, build a good naval army with fully upgraded galleons and canon galleons. I never landed troops on their islands but I had my foot army in transport ships nearby just in case, ready to drop off (and you should do the same).

A few more tips:
- You can do actions while the game is paused with F3. Game will resume and your actions will go off. It makes micro-managing villagers/techs/etc easier and you lose less time.
- Save game, then quit game, then return to map to see the entire revealed map and where the TCs and castles are located. Plan your optimal route, reload your game and go. I hate playing AoE II like this but I also hate timed achievements or scenarios.

08 Apr 2024 21:34