Agoraphobia "Knock Knock"
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Agoraphobia "Knock Knock" achievements progress.
You Have viewed the credits, thank you for playing.
You have read your first note, good luck with the rest.
You quit the game because you are to scared to finish it.
You have completed the game, now try and get some sleep.
You have unlocked a door and escaped the room.
You have played the game and stayed when things got bad.
You have played the game for a good amount of time, I'm so proud of you.
You found the remains of a body.
You found the hidden book switch, what could go wrong.
You have completed the hidden puzzle.
Turned on a radio and listened to the voices.
You located the severed finger, how gross is that.
You have taken your first photo, say cheese.
Watching T.v will rot your brain.
You found the severed foot.
You have found the severed hand, give us a high five.
You have found the missing jeep, there's no turning back now.
You found the hidden grave site.
You found a candle and blew it out.
You did it, you looked in the trunk. What where you thinking?