Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake 2

88 Achievements

1360 XP

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Bring It

Bring It

Find the Sawed-Off Shotgun

10 XP


How to unlock the Bring It achievement in Alan Wake 2 - Definitive Guide

In Return 2 - The Heart, after you turn the light on in the Witch's Hut you'll have to go to the General Store. From here, you should have your first encounter with a Cultist. After this, go into the room he broke out of & to the right on the wall in a display case - will be the Sawn-Off, code should be 739

Happy Hunting, Hunters. 💜

27 Oct 2023 08:19

MINOR SPOILERS…. This is at Coldron Lake when you play as Saga. About 1.5hrs in to the game you will be tasked to find the heart. When you get to the general store and finish the fight you will find the fridge. In the same room there is the shotgun but its locked behind a padlock combination. I have found mine at the clerk desk. My Puzzle solution was: (possibly RNG) The 3 digit long access codes are written on post it note but crossed out when changed. The new number will start with the same first digit as previous crossed ones. The next number in order on the lottery ticket was the missing end of my code.

29 Oct 2023 01:30