Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake 2

88 Achievements

1360 XP

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Greatest Hits

Greatest Hits

Find the Crossbow

10 XP


How to unlock the Greatest Hits achievement in Alan Wake 2 - Definitive Guide

The crossbow can be found in Watery during Saga Anderson’s section Return 3: Local Girl.

As you travel from Downtown Watery to Coffee World for your first time, not too long after your first encounter with a Taken Thrower, you’ll head around a loop on your map and then there will be a small branching path off to your left. This path will lead you to the Hunting Shack, which also functions as a Break Room. The crossbow is found inside a Cult Stash container directly across from the entrance to the Shack.

The code to open the lock is: 5-2-7, from top to bottom.

You may want to stop in the Break Room and make space in your inventory with the Shoebox, since the crossbow takes up 3 inventory slots, alone.

07 Nov 2023 19:01

Saga Chapter: Return 3 – Local Girl. You will leave Downtown Watery and start moving north using narrow path because the bridge to Coffee World is not accessible. After few minutes and couple of easy enemies you will find a shed. Turn on a generator and on the right from the shed you will see targets (numbers) set around for crossbow "shooting" practice. Not sure if its RNG. Pay attention to the number of arrows in the numbers. Take the numbers in order of 1 arrow, 2 arrows and 3 arrows in them. That will be the combination for padlock on the lootbox on the left under a little roof structure. Mine was 527.

29 Oct 2023 20:53