Alan Wake 2

Alan Wake 2

88 Achievements

1360 XP

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Stunning Vistas

Stunning Vistas

Stun an enemy with a Flashbang

10 XP


How to unlock the Stunning Vistas achievement in Alan Wake 2 - Definitive Guide

Flashbangs start appearing as loot in briefcases and lunchboxes in chapter 5 onwards. Keep an eye out for lootable containers and you will find one - the contents of the containers varies so there isn't a guaranteed location. Saga most often finds them in Cult Stashes and Alan can find them in any container.

Once you have a flashbang, you need to use it on an enemy. Equip the flashbang through the cn_Y menu (or with a quick slot, if you prefer).

Find a physical enemy (so not one of the shadows that disappears when you focus the flashlight on it with cn_RB, you want one of the ones that can actually hurt you). Use your flashlight to burn off the darkness so that they're vulnerable (one for the comments - does it unlock if you haven't done this?).

To throw the flashbang, you need to aim with cn_LT and then press cn_RT to throw it. Keep in mind that the flashbang will bounce and roll on the floor, so you can throw it at/in front of their feet. The radius is relatively generous.

When the flashbang explodes, which stuns the enemy, the achievement should unlock immediately.

26 Dec 2023 00:44