Alien: Isolation

Alien: Isolation

50 Achievements


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Mercy or Prudence?

Mercy or Prudence?

Complete the game without killing any humans


How to unlock the Mercy or Prudence? achievement in Alien: Isolation - Definitive Guide

Complete the game without killing humans.

This solution will tell you where humans will be encountered and how to avoid them. As far as I know there is no non lethal method of taking down a human. (If anyone has knowledge to the contrary please let me know). It's implied in another achievement description that there is but I missed this on my first play through after trying to knock someone out with the maintenance jack, and trying to stun with the stun prod. These also added to the achievement counter for killing 10 humans which is why I would advise you to just avoid the humans or when difficult use an alien to do your dirty work for you!

Mission 3: Once you get to the lobby you will see a woman standing in front of the elevator. Run towards her and duck behind the reception desks. She will fire twice and then run off to get her friends. As soon as she has finished firing you can proceed to the objective and grab the security access tuner. Then start running up the left stairs which will be on the opposite side of the lobby that her group will be coming from. Keep running south on the far side of the couches and stop when you get to the small set of stairs. Now just walk through the room with the 2 elevators and out the other side to the west. On your left will be a guy facing the other way. Just keep walking towards the objective marker and you will be fine. When you return here wait for your new friend to finish eating then carefully walk to the elevator to Seegson Communications.

Mission 6: While on the primary care floor you will find a few humans in the hallways. If you go to the entrance after obtaining the trauma kit there will be one walking a way from you which you can avoid by cutting through a room on your right. But you can skip all this by going straight to the Power Plant and Samuels will radio and update your objective to initiate the evacuation procedure. On your leisurely walk back to the entrance cut back through the operating theatre (where you got the trauma kit) to avoid the humans, the Alien usually will help you out by thinning the crowd and keeping them occupied.

Mission 7: When you need to "Find a compression cylinder to repair the elevator" there is a clear path to avoid the humans starting with a vent on your right. As long as you don't stray from the path you can just keep moving until up the ladder and then you are pretty safe. After completing the objective, you won't need to worry about those humies anymore.
Now once you get to the Synthetic Fluid Plant there will be 2 humans on the far overhead area looking down on you. Smoke bombs will do nicely here while you do some rewiring. Once done the humans will either stay up the top (take the activated door on the left) or they will come down and out the door you opened leaving you free to go up the ladder and on your way.

Mission 8: You will be sent to fix the transit system. After activating the 3 green screens a human will walk out. Hide nearby and wait for him to do his usual routine of walking clockwise around the set of consoles you activated earlier. While he does this you can go activate the lever that is to the right and behind when facing the middle 3 green screens. Once you do this you need to activate more green screens on the left and to the front. Just be careful as the human may decide to go the opposite way but mostly he just goes around the room. Now hide while the human is taken care of and replaced by an Android with pretty much the same predictable path. You can kill him if you like. After activating the middle consoles again you can go. If you know exactly where all the consoles are and the order you need to hit them in just walk straight to them all without stopping and the human shouldn't see you, you will be back at the last middle console as the android is butchering that human you're not allowed to kill!
Once you get back from fixing the transit system Waits will let you know they heard voices as they were leaving. Push the button to call your objective transit and then hide in a locker opposite the transit. Just wait a while and the humans will come down and talk and then eventually leave so you can get in the transit car.

Mission 10: The only humans in this level are not hostile so don't try and hide from them for 5 minutes until you get close enough to realise Ripley talks to and warns them about the Alien. I never did that, not me. Nope.

Edit: Jan 2017. So Tuxie in the comments had this to say: "About mission 10. After returning to the elevators from locking down the corridors at the server farm, I ran into people on the upper level. They immediately opened fire and I had to throw a noise maker there to get rid of them. So not everyone on mission 10 are friendly." I was a little surprised to hear this over 2 years after but I can't check and I don't remember so use the above comment with caution and please confirm it for me if it's true! Thank you Tuxie for your comment!

Mission 16: These humans are probably the most lethal in the game so It would be nice to kill them but they can be avoided without too much trouble. From the door you need the Ion torch to open walk forward to the steps and then crouch, keep moving forward while hugging the left wall. There will be a shotgun guy in front of you, wait for him to turn around and then use the ion torch to open the vent on your left. Get in and follow it to its end, then turn left and walk forward to another vent on your left. Once out the end of this one, turn left down the stairs, turn right into the room and move the end waiting on the left side of the door crouched in the corner. Peek around the corner, there is a shotgun dude in the middle of the room. If he is walking towards you go back to the corner and wait for him to come down almost right next to you, then walk past him into the next room. If he is walking away you can go straight away. Stay on the left side of the room so you are covered by all the consoles in the middle. Once you get to the end check on your right that the guy isn't there and then proceed down the stairs into the small room and take the vent. Go up the ladder, open the hatch and then be careful as another shotgun dude is patrolling this last hallway. If he is right there wait for to turn around then follow behind him until he goes into the room where you originally got the motion tracker. Cut across the hallway and proceed upstairs.
Once you are upstairs, said hi to Ricardo and gone up the elevator you will encounter your last few humans. Exit the elevator and turn left at the end of the hallway, staying behind the table and chairs. Open the vent and drop down then just keep going straight forward where there will be a little door that you can exit the vent. Just keep moving turning left out of the vent and towards your objective.

Mission 18: Towards the start of this mission there will be one part where you are in a small area with a couple of shotgun guys and you have to power up some stuff. You can sneak around them by hiding behind the boxes but I think it's more fun to throw out a noise maker and let the Alien do what it does best.

I realise I may have been a little vague at times I just didn't want to spoil anything. You should know what I'm talking about once you get up to each point I'm talking about. Hope this has helped and please contact me if you need any advice with this game.

11 Oct 2014 13:12

This may be an asinine question, but if the alien kills the humans (say by using the speak distraction or a noisemaker), does it count against you?
By CPCrookedMan on 11 Oct 2014 20:02
Not at all dude, I did it quite a few times on my playthrough and the achievement unlocked right on time :) It's a good strategy!
By JayD101 on 11 Oct 2014 21:28
Confirming the above. It's a great strategy. In fact, it should be your first option when dealing with armed humans. Always have 2 noisemakers on you and toss them near any stubborn armed humans.
By GREGO McGEE on 12 Oct 2014 08:57
Can this be done by loading missions (does it store what missions you've done without killing a human and pop if you complete them all like that), or does it have to be done in a single playthrough?
By tobiasvl on 24 Oct 2014 22:13
I can't be 100% sure but I think you could load the earliest mission you had killed a human and then play to the end from there. However the game does auto save things often such as for the no death achievement you can't load a save once you have died, you can only start and load just before you are about to die. So it might have saved that you killed someone and void the achievement unless you start a new game, unfortunately don't really have a concrete answer to give you, sorry dude. If you know a couple of spots you killed someone it might be quickly worth trying your idea using chapter select however if you need to not kill all of the humans I would just start over. If you know the game already you can sprint through it quite fast. Anyway good luck! Let us know if you find out how it works exactly smile
By JayD101 on 24 Oct 2014 23:01
I can confirm this can be done by loading missions. I was on my second playthrough going for this (Mercy or Prudence) and One Shot. On chapter 6 I killed a human while trying to evade the alien, and didn't realize it until chapter 8 when my thoughts just kinda stumbled on it.

I reloaded chapter 6 and finished the game without dying or killing any humans. Both trophies popped thankfully. I also noticed while backing up my saves to the cloud that every mission has a save created. This gave me extra confidence that it would work because it wouldn't make sense for game to create saves instead of just making artificial level checkpoints (unless... they were actually your saves).

This method would probably work well for the One Shot trophy too if you find yourself in a bind and are out of previous saves. Just reload the previous mission's save and continue from there. Backing up your saves is still the better idea, but s**t happens.

BTW, I played this game on ps4, but I tend to use Xbox related achievement sites because the communities are larger. I'd be pretty surprised though if it were different on Xbox.
By Hoopindale on 02 Nov 2014 07:28
I can confirm this can be done by loading missions. I was on my second playthrough going for this (Mercy or Prudence) and One Shot. On chapter 6 I killed a human while trying to evade the alien, and didn't realize it until chapter 8 when my thoughts just kinda stumbled on it.

I reloaded chapter 6 and finished the game without dying or killing any humans. Both trophies popped thankfully. I also noticed while backing up my saves to the cloud that every mission has a save created. This gave me extra confidence that it would work because it wouldn't make sense for game to create saves instead of just making artificial level checkpoints (unless... they were actually your saves).

This method would probably work well for the One Shot trophy too if you find yourself in a bind and are out of previous saves. Just reload the previous mission's save and continue from there. Backing up your saves is still the better idea, but s**t happens.

BTW, I played this game on ps4, but I tend to use Xbox related achievement sites because the communities are larger. I'd be pretty surprised though if it were different on Xbox.
By Hoopindale on 02 Nov 2014 14:43
KnightRaven, the other solution suggests to reload your save if you accidentally kill someone. If that doesn't work or you want to be careful reload the chapter you killed someone and play from the start of that chapter.
By JayD101 on 07 Feb 2016 14:04
Yeah, that was a ways back now. Looks like I'm not going to get it in all likely hood. Oh well, I was going to have to do another playthrough anyway.
By RoadtoRuin77 on 09 Feb 2016 07:20
About mission 10. After returning to the elevators from locking down the corridors at the server farm, I ran into people on the upper level. They immediately opened fire and I had to throw a noise maker there to get rid of them. So not everyone on mission 10 are friendly.
By Tuxie Duck on 06 Jan 2017 18:24
Hey Tuxie sorry if I made a mistake it's been so long now I can't even remember. I read my note for Mission 10 and it don't make a lick of sense to me, however no one has mentioned this before so I'll just add your comment to mission 10 for just in case. Thanks for your info!
By JayD101 on 08 Jan 2017 05:16
No problem. Could there be some kind of randomness with the humans as there's with non-scripted alien movement?
By Tuxie Duck on 09 Jan 2017 17:04
about mission 10. After returning to the elevators from locking down the corridors at the server farm, I ran into people on the upper level. They immediately opened fire and I had to throw a noise maker there to get rid of them. So not everyone on mission 10 are friendly.

this happened to me aswell dec 2018
By deluxnugs on 09 Dec 2018 18:29
MISSION 10 (2/2019)- I can confirm that there are 2 dudes that will fire at you from the top of the stairwell, and want to kill you. Use a Noise thingie so that the Alien will show up and do the dirty work and eat them for you.
By x neotar x on 15 Feb 2019 04:31
yup, I had 3 guys shoot at me from returning on level 10 to the lobby. it might be because of using the short way back through the cell area which spawns them. anyway threw noisemaker and hid in locker on stairway and let the alien mop them up.
By Diesel Foley on 19 Sep 2019 02:48
excellent guide though bro, last two missions was so easy following your guide. mission 16 with the shotty guys I did first time without being seen once...thumbs up
By Diesel Foley on 20 Sep 2019 01:59
i just went though the game and i didn't kill any humans, but i did kill androids is that why i didn't get the achievement? Also i watched the alien kill humans as well
By RAREBORN on 10 Apr 2021 23:09
I finished the game on Novice for this and One Shot. Neither unlocked.

I went back and replayed via Continue and this one unlocked for me.. for some bizarre reason on the 2nd attempt.

Still nothing for One Shot though. Gutted.
By corpirate on 01 Nov 2022 14:22
>After completing the objective, you won't need to worry about those humies anymore.
How tf did you only get 5 downvotes so far? Either the Alien won't show up in this mission unless you attract or I got "lucky" with the RNG. Either way I've wasted about 30 minutes to this fucking room already thanks to either getting shot in the back or the Alien being a derpy cunt.
By HerrKätzchen on 30 Mar 2023 20:58
Can anyone confirm if killing a human counts even if you die and it reloads? Because I haven't killed any humans and saved but I did die once after killing one. Just wondering if I should stay the course and keep avoiding killing people or just say fuck it and start blasting fools. It would certainly make my playthrough easier if I could.
By RoadtoRuin77 on 07 Feb 2016 00:32
I do recall the game has an autosave on the achievements so it may have counted you as having killed someone even if you died and loaded before you killed him/her. But as mentioned above you can reload a chapter before you killed that person and you should be fine if you want to keep going for the achievement. Maybe finish your current run however you enjoy and then re-load the chapter before you killed someone and continue from there to get the achievement. Good luck!
By JayD101 on 07 Feb 2016 14:02
Just a heads up, guys, on my second playthrough when I was mopping up the other achievements, in Chapter 11 (right after picking up the shotgun and keycard on the corpse), I walked into the body bag area with a group of guys just staring forward, (two people on either side of the leader) and as soon as I approached they shot at me. After the first shot, I immediately loaded since I'm going for a no-death run, as well. Next time I entered room, nobody was alive. Couple of androids startled me, though, and I took them out but was surprised since I didn't remember any of that during my first playthrough.

Also, there will be a bunch of people that shoot at you after you restore power not long after there are concerns about the androids going crazy. Make sure to let the androids kill anybody who is shooting at you. I had a shotty guy who was relentless towards me but a good android slap put him down. Another good place to be careful with the humans. Didn't see anything about Chapter 11, so here you go.
By DarkPaul on 10 Feb 2017 11:46
To help others. YES, you can get both this and "Self Defence" for killing humans. I got every single achievement in 1 play-through except "One Hundred Times Too Many" because that one is impossible to get alongside "One Shot".

The easiest place to get both is any time you get 3 or more humans together. Kill them with e.g. a pipe bomb and immediately reload your previous save (don't even wait for the saving icon). Then DON'T kill them again. Continue the game and save a few more times. Later when you find 3 or more humans again, repeat by killing and then loading a previous save. Even if your achievement bar won't increase for killing humans and the game has not saved the humans dying, it counts towards the achievement. After killing the last few humans you need and getting the achievement, re-load a previous save once more and continue on without killing any yourself. I let dozens of humans get killed by the alien too, pretty much anyone that was in my way.
By Ginzoyel on 29 Aug 2020 13:29
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If you accidentally kill someone, reload your save immediately and it should still pop at the end.

I accidentally used a flame thrower on a lady but reloaded my save and it still popped at the end, and I even got credit for the kill 10 humans achievement.

13 Oct 2014 20:00

1 Comment
How do you accidentally use a flamethrower on a lady? shock
By Crazy Dutchman on 27 Feb 2023 16:08
Here's a guide I put together to help with this achievement, I played through on Nightmare although i'd recommend going through on an easier difficulty, the strategies in the video will work just the same. Hopefully the guide helps some of you out.

11 Jan 2020 20:15

It's not that hard. Just don't attack any human (don't even fire one shot at them, don't stun them either).

You can let androids and the alien attack humans (with, for example, a noisemaker).

You can also run past humans if they found you. Make sure you're on full health. But they usually miss a lot (and attract the alien instead laugh).

17 Jan 2017 00:00

This is a mostly straightforward achievement, as your chances of killing someone by mistake are very slim. It seems that neutralizing someone with the stun-gun voids the trophy, though, at least it did for me in my 1st playthrough.
That means you should only use smoke bombs against humans (noisemakers are too valuable!). Just throw them at your aggressors' feet and run towards your destination.

12 Jul 2021 14:21


To get this trophy you need to in one playthrough, not kill any humans. I suggest doing it on your Hard run since you don't want to be seen anyway. Humans can see you from far away so try to stay out of sight when around them, they can be distracted by noisemakers and flares if they are in your way. Most human encounters devolve into you throwing a noisemaker to attract the alien to kill them for you and since the alien killed them it doesn't void the trophy. Most other times you can just sneak past them. Humans are not really a threat and if you kill one accidentally load your previous save as fast as you can because if you don’t that playthrough is ruined and will need to start again.

Also, in case you are wondering, Androids are not humans so you can kill them all you want. Once you beat the game without killing any humans then the trophy should pop.

The video walkthrough provided above is NOT CURRENT!!! In the spring of 2017, a patch was released that raised the difficulty level... Now you can’t run on the easy level! But the concept of passing is the same.

01 Nov 2017 22:36