20 Achievements
Distinguished Triumph
You completed a game with at least 300 points.
How to unlock the Distinguished Triumph achievement in AlphaJax - Definitive Guide
Finish a game with a score of at least 300 Points or more -
If you really are struggling a cheap way to get this is to use a anagram solver such as andys anagram to find the biggest words possible
Take into account using the triple word or letter scores as much as possible
and makina use of big letter scores such as x,q,z,and the j
sometimes using just two letters such as a x and an a can score you 50+ points
If you really are struggling a cheap way to get this is to use a anagram solver such as andys anagram to find the biggest words possible
Take into account using the triple word or letter scores as much as possible
and makina use of big letter scores such as x,q,z,and the j
sometimes using just two letters such as a x and an a can score you 50+ points
Use this website:
Unlike Scrabble-solver or any of the others, you can tailor it to Alphajax specifically. Not only that, but if you fill in the board with what your current game is, the Scrabulizer will actually work out the very best possible words you can play and list them in order of points.
Using this, I haven't had a word lower than 25 points for the last 20 plays This will get you the maximum amount of points in every game you play.
Unlike Scrabble-solver or any of the others, you can tailor it to Alphajax specifically. Not only that, but if you fill in the board with what your current game is, the Scrabulizer will actually work out the very best possible words you can play and list them in order of points.
Using this, I haven't had a word lower than 25 points for the last 20 plays This will get you the maximum amount of points in every game you play.
This achievement requires that you earn a final score of more than 300 points. This is not that difficult when using the solver and a little strategy. To guarantee this unlocks, make the other player passes on all of their turns. With this one tip, you should have no trouble surpassing 300, if not 500 points in a single game.