20 Achievements
After your first ten words, you had an average word scoring equal or better than 20.
How to unlock the Superintendent achievement in AlphaJax - Definitive Guide
If you've played the WP version a lot you may find you are quite a bit below the required 20 points average. I was on 14 average with around 110 games played and it took about an hour of only scoring 40+ points per word to reach 20 points average.
This can be checked in the statistics menu and is called 'Avg Move:'
Credit to Minioger for this info:
passing and swapping count as a move and decrease your average as they are 0 points!!
I ended up getting it by starting a game and getting a 20+ point word or resigning right away! Resigning doesn't hurt your average score (it doesn't count as a move).
EDIT: Credit to Humpurton for letting me know local games DO NOT count.
I found the quickest way to advance this is partly from the solution above. Start a new game. Use a site like this one:
If you don't have a 7 letter word, resign, like the other solution says, it won't count against you. Rematch. Repeat till you get a 7 letter word and get the bonus for clearing your rack. This should land you 50-80 points per turn.
For subsequent turns, I found it best to start spelling from the top Double Word (DW) tile downward, as it opens up more DW, DL, TL, and TW possibilities. If you can't get at least 20 points on subsequent moves, resign.
If you are having issues with folks that just are not playing, here is how to wipe the games from the board. Got to Date/Time on your PC and advance the date one week. Come back to Alphajax and choose "Their Turns", then click on the games, you will be offered the chance to force them to resign, as the game thinks at least a week has gone by since the game started. Swap your clock back when you are done and make some more games.
The points don't seem to count till the other player moves or resigns, so forcing resignation can boost your score very quickly.
Unlike Scrabble-solver or any of the others, you can tailor it to Alphajax specifically. Not only that, but if you fill in the board with what your current game is, the Scrabulizer will actually work out the very best possible words you can play and list them in order of points.
The problem with the other sites, is that some of the words are invalid on Alphajax 'cos they use the wrong dictionary as a source, plus you have to look around the board yourself and manually try words out, not with the Scrabulizer!
This is the best possible way to increase your average score and win you every game.
Go to statistics and and find your current average and current total moves
Now you need to pick a number of moves that you think you can get 20 at(MOVES DESIRED).
First take 20*MOVES DESIRED
Then take your current average * current moves
Subtract first number minus the second number
Then divide this by the difference of Current Moves and desired moves:
Here is an example
Currrent Avg 16
Currrent Moves 600
Desired Moves 1000
16*600 = 9600
20000-9600 = 10400
This is only a rough estimate, because your average on the stats page is a whole number, so it could be less, but its still a good estimate.
This achievement requires that you get your average word scoring up to 20 points. This is essentially your total number of points divided by your total number of moves taken. The achievement will not unlock until you have played at least 10 words in your Alphajax career. This achievement should be focused on IMMEDIATELY when you start playing the game. If you do not, and you place a bunch of small, low-scoring words, it could take a good bit of time to get your average word scoring back up to 20. In your first game, play the highest scoring words you can with your main account in order to get your average above 20 right away, as soon as you pass the 10 word requirement, and at the very least by the end of the first game. Be aware that passing your turn and swapping tiles counts as 0 points for that turn and will bring down your average. You can check your progress towards this achievement in the Statistics screen from the Main Menu. Look at the "Avg Move" stat.
WARNING: For those of you that played the Windows Phone version, the stats will carry over. If you played a ton of games and words, and have an average word scoring much less than 20, you may have a significant grind to get it up to 20. That is not factored into the estimated time for the Roadmap. We are talking a few additional hours, but in some cases, much, much more. It will depend on your situation. Be warned.