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Animal Rivals achievements progress.
Finish Arcade mode with Leonidas the Cat
Finish Arcade mode with Bryan the Lion
Finish Arcade mode with Shawn the Pig
Finish Arcade mode with Jasper the Sloth
Finish Arcade mode with Gary the Proboscis Monkey
Finish Arcade mode with Ed the Panda
Finish Arcade mode with Bobby the T-Rex
Finish Arcade mode with Clarence the Rat
Finish Arcade mode with Zax the Mecha-Dog
Finish Arcade mode with Arnold the Anteater
Get at least 1110 points in Catcher Mode.
Finish Arcade mode with all characters
Beat Canyon Stage in Runner without dying even once
Play on every stage and it's variation once
Finish 5 different Tournament Sessions
Play and finish a full 10-round Tournament
Unlock all colors for every character