46 Achievements
No Stone Unturned
Complete all Bastion Collectibles challenges.
How to unlock the No Stone Unturned achievement in Anthem - Definitive Guide
To complete No Stone Unturned you need all collectibles in the game. Here's what you need and what we already covered in this solution:
10 Overlooks (Trailblazer Challenge)
4 Tombs of the Legionnaires (Grave Historian Challenge)
25 Arcanist Archives (Arcanist Archives Challenge)
25 Dominion Intel (Dominion Intel Challenge)
25 Outlaw Intel (Outlaw History Challenge)
25 Scar Intel (Scar Intel Challenge)
25 Sentinel Archives (Sentinel Archives Challenge)
80 Misplaced Writings
80 Arcanist Runes
9 Hidden Places
63 Districts
30 Landmarks
You can keep track of your collectibles by pressing
Let's start off easy: There are achievements associated with each zone for the districts, landmarks and hidden places. I added videos on how to get these to each of the achievements already. If I missed one just google it - pretty easy to find it on Youtube! Don't start these early, makes much more sense to just do this after you're done with the main story. You will be visiting many of the locations during missions and contracts. I was 80% done with most of the explorer achievements by the time I started to work on them (after main story).
63 Districts, 30 Landmarks, 9 Hidden Places:
![Explorer: Ruins of Shadowmark](
![Explorer: Valley of Tarsis](
![Explorer: Academy Ruins](
![Explorer: East Gate](
![Explorer: Emerald Abyss](
![Explorer: Eastern Reach](
![Explorer: Fortress of Dawn](
![Explorer: Monument Watch](
![Explorer: Great Falls Canyon](
![Explorer: High Road](
Combine these with the Trailblazer Challenge (see video below):
10 Overlooks (Trailblazer Challenge)
You will most likely have this already if you are almost done with the game. You earn these while you progress through the main story. If you need a guide for this here's another video explaining exactly how this works:
Update Several people have posted that this challenge is NOT needed for the achievement. I will still leave it here (just in case).
First off a huge thank you to BaggaOne for finding this and to Zasta 360GameTV for making a video guide to show how this is done.
You need to equip the Storm Javelin and go to the clam location shown in the video below. This will unlock the 'Clam before the Storm' challenge. Nice wordplay, Bioware.
These are actually three different challenges that add up to 80 runes. You collect the runes and they will add up until a challenge is complete. The counter will then reset and start you on the 2nd or 3rd challenge.
The three challenges in question are Hidden Messages (10 Runes), Footsteps of Idris (20 Runes) and Vassa's Triumph (50 Runes) which adds up to a total of 80. These runes can be found during missions, contracts and while playing Freeplay. Unlike some other collectibles, these will always be in the same spot and disappear once collected.
If you progress through the story normally you will already have looted quite a few of these. Good for you because then you don't need to spend as much time working for the rest with the video guide below.
Some general advice after completing this challenge:
- This is going to be annoying. Take your time and collect other things as well while you hunt for the runes.
- Always go to the exact location that is being shown on the map, just being nearby won't help.
- Try to look for landmarks when he's showing locations in the video below. These locations can look slightly different during day/night cycles so it's not always easy to figure out where you need to be.
- Underground areas (ark symbol) usually have at least one more rune than what's being shown in the video and are easy to spot since most of these places are dimly lit. Keep your eyes open.
- Storm javelin is best for this kind of activity
Just as the Scar/Outlaw/Dominion intel these are random spawns. If you see Sentinels or Arcanists walking around somewhere or a camp then there's one of these archives nearby sometimes. However, Arcanist and Sentinel Archives seemed to be a lot rarer than the enemy intel pieces for me. Found this video online that helped me out immensely in getting this done. What this guy is doing is that he found one Sentinel spot and kept farming it over and over again.
Check video but don't get too excited just yet. Don't have to watch the whole thing, just get a general idea of what he's doing:
Location despawned after picking the intel up five times this way. In one instance the Sentinel location in the video spawned. Managed to loot it another 5 times and it despawned as well with no more spawns in the cave.
A few Freeplays later this happened: Another Arcanist spawn near where the Legionnaires tomb is but this time it worked exactly as in the vid above. Even better: Found another Arcanist archive location on the flight path and managed to alternate between these two until I was done with the 25 intel pieces - took me 5 minutes this way.
Just as the archives these are random spawns all over the Freeplay map. These do not spawn in the separate areas in Freeplay. Look out for huts, supply racks, and similar objects. Near them, you can sometimes find these intel pieces. There are plenty and you will get these as you spend more time in Freeplay.
Contrary to popular belief I don't think you need to complete any world events to make these spawn, I often found them in random spots on the map if there were Scar and some storage containers nearby then I would usually check for Intel and often found one. Once looted they disappear for everyone until they respawn.
If you need pointers here are three videos that show you possible (!) locations for the intel pieces. Again, these are random spawns and may not be there when you try to find them in these locations. However, it's a good vid to show you what you're looking for in the world. After a few of these, you will know what to look out for in the world.
You've made it this far so don't give up! The 80 misplaced writings work just like the runes do. They are fixed spawns in the world (Freeplay only) and can only be picked up once. That's good news! The bad news is that they aren't glowing green objects but small pieces of paper that can be just about anywhere.
Three challenges that are associated with this part of the achievement. Once the counter is reached for each challenge it will reset and progress to the next one. The challenge names are Mederines' Disciple (10 Writings), Mederines' Order (30 Writings) and Mederines' Peer (40 Writings).
I used the method from ArkhmInmate0801 to finish the last writings. Be aware of the fact that getting a new pilot to unlock Freeplay takes about 35-40 minutes. There are quite a few writings very close to the fort in Freeplay. Three are actually right at the entrance and five can be picked up in the cave where you find the Legionnaire temple.
* * *
That's all there is! If you got questions be free to add them to the comments section or get in touch with me on XBL. I'll try to help you out if you can't get this one done.
If you have ideas on how to improve this solution let me know as well.
I can't take any credit for these videos, however these guides will guarantee you collecting each of the Scar, Sentinel, Dominion & Anarchist Intels.
Simply watch and follow, if the collectibles don't spawn, exit out of the expedition and search back into Free Play. It may take a few attempts, but trust me, with some persistence, they will spawn.
I was able to finish off all 4 challenges in around 2-3 hours using these videos saving many hours of searching and watching locational videos.
When you do find a server with the spawns there, you should be able to farm them indefinitley. If an item isn't there, keep going and coming a few more times as per the videos.
Note that other players being in the vicinity will interfere with the spawning of them.
Scar Intel
Sentinel Intel
Dominion & Anarchist Intel
There are a total of 402 collectibles in Anthem.You can check your progress in the "Challenges" menu (see Exploration, then Bastion Collectibles). No collectibles can be missed, so feel free to work on this casually as you play the story and just mop up everything else later.
PowerPyx has written a very detailed guide to getting all the collectibles, complete with his always well-done videos. Using his guide, which can be found HERE, you will get this achievement and all the "Explorer:" achievements as well.
The ones that say "can farm the same ones after death" mean exactly that. There are farming loops you can go on to grab these collectibles, then let yourself die to respawn and repeat the loop to get credit toward the challenges until you're done. This makes the grind for these much less intensive than it might have otherwise been. Similarly, the ones marked "can farm the same ones by making a new pilot" can be farmed by creating new pilots and grabbing the same collectibles a few times (you'll need to complete the first missions until you get to Freeplay). This will not overwrite your main save, but should be done last anyway to be safe.
As of patch 1.04, there is a very convenient way to farm. There is no need to travel across the entire map, as in the video, and then restart the location, as many claim.
It is enough to find 1 place with one of the above collectables, take it, fly away from it (it costs about 15 seconds to fly away) and return. Ta-dam! the team is on site. Repeat this 25 times for each and you're done.
Sometimes collectibles appear nearby, if the distance between them is 15-20 seconds of flight, it is enough to travel between them.
At some point they may stop appearing (I ran out of reps at 17-19). Healable by flying away for 30 seconds. When you return, everything will be in place.
Video guide with 80 diaries, notes and more.
Dominion data:
scar data:
stories of bandits:
archives of guards and archaeologists: (there are only 10 reset points in the video, although in reality there are more, but following the route from the video once you remember all the points will take no more than 5 minutes, then restart the location and repeat the route again).
archives of guards and archaeologists, histories of bandits, data of dominion and scars are deleted randomly.
we still need to collect 80 diaries, notes and manuscripts, at the moment there is a video with only 10:
I advise you to leave these fees until the end, because... While you are going through the campaign and collecting all the other items, a video will most likely appear with the location of all the places, if it does not appear, you can create a new character, go through the first 2 story missions (10-15 minutes) so that free play becomes available, and start collecting items in the same in the same places as in the video, but at the same time they will be marked as new in the statistics.