21 Achievements


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Dig through the entire area on any Round!


How to unlock the Dig achievement in ARCADE GAME SERIES: DIG DUG - Definitive Guide

This is a horrible achievement.

First, in your settings, set your lives to 5. You can change the game settings before you start the game, but not in the middle of the game.

I recommend you use Round 1 for this. Also, always keep two Pooka enemies alive, as these are the slowest enemies, and if you have one enemy left, it will eventually evacuate the round, which will then start the next round and not give you enough time to do the requirement for this achievement.

To dig through the entire area, the entire area underneath the surface needs to be black. There can't be any dirt whatsoever underneath the surface. There will be small notches of dirt on the line between the surface line and the next row down, but you can't clear these. Everything else beneath that, however, must be black.

To do this, I recommend using long, straight tunnels. To clear the area, you need to go through every square both vertically and horizontally.

20 Apr 2016 14:50

You can give yourself 5 lives in the settings
By Joshatron1205 on 20 Apr 2016 15:13
Yes, this too. I forgot to mention.
By Dwaggienite on 20 Apr 2016 15:22
It's funny because I've never had a problem with dig dug, I use to play this back in the day for hours and hours lol it comes naturally now :-P . but good guide for those that are having difficulties
By WheresUrH3ad on 21 Apr 2016 07:55
I can never seem to get this achievement to unlock even after I've dug through the entire round. Never unlocked for me on the Xbox 360 version also.
By SERPENT SUICIDE on 23 May 2016 17:00
I had a hard time with the 360 version, but here i was lucky and unlocked the achievement at my second try. yay! If i remember correctly there is some "invisible dirt" - you have to dig through the starting tunnel AND through the tunnel where your enemys spawn.
By Kugare on 25 Sep 2016 20:37
After reading the comments here I thought I'd have a rough time with this achievement. I actually got it on my first try. It's worth mentioning that if you find yourself about to get into a jam/trapped by the remaining monsters surrounding you, you can pump them up (but don't pop them), and you can run through them in the phase of losing air. It definitely keeps things calmer while trying to complete this.
By Arlanzo on 03 Nov 2016 17:54
Not super hard, but very tedious.
By EarthboundX on 04 Aug 2017 07:21
I’ve dug everything in the map 10 times now and still haven’t gotten the achievement to pop. This seems to be bugged. I know I didn’t miss a spot, dirt or black or blue.
By exorr on 31 Dec 2019 03:37
I'm not sure what I can say mate. Check your achievements on your profile on Xbox One. You may have unlocked it, but it may be stuck.
By Dwaggienite on 31 Dec 2019 07:13
This eventually popped. My xBox was having issues and I had to hard shutdown and power back up then a few achievements popped all at once.
By exorr on 02 Jan 2020 03:46
I remember this from the 360 version. Agreed: horrible achievement, but, I know why they made it one. Dig Dug was released when I was about 8 years old, and any arcade you went into, gamers would try to clear the area by digging on one quarter as a bet or dare. HA! Man, those were the days.
Anyway, nice guide and +1 from me.
By Broon43 on 19 Apr 2020 21:19
Thanks for the guide smile
By Imos Celta on 07 May 2021 16:13
I quite liked the challenge, even if it might have broken the D-pad on my new controller.

My tip. think about which enemies you want to keep alive. in level 1 there is a green guy and three pookas. Somehow I found it easier to leave the two pookas that spawn at the top of the level. I was previously leaving the top left and bottom right pookas and they kept almost pincering me into the corner.
Also take advantage of their AI. if you have even a single strip of dirt between you and an enemy, wait till the enemy commits to going around then dig through and run past, they can't correct themselves fast enough to get you
By Fluke939 on 14 May 2020 09:48
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Here's my own strategy, that might give people a little more idea of how to do this in a planned out, methodical way:

1> Kill off the leftmost two enemies right away (pygar then pooka), and move towards the left side of the screen ASAP with as little digging as you can. Use their caves as your path to the left side, using the upper left pooka cave on your way to the top.
2> Here's the idea... you want to start doing vertical passes with the least amount of horizontal passes until you're done with the verticals. So once you get to the top (the blue area) go left and then all the way down. Do a U turn and go most of the way back up until you get to the area you started going vertical first after killing the pygar.
3> Around now you'll have to start worrying about the other two pookas as they'll have escaped their caves and headed your way. Remember that you can pump them up TWICE without them exploding and use this to slow them down. It's tedious but you need to preserve your lives until the very end. Obviously, if you kill one of the remaining pookas, the level will end because the other will hightail it for the hills.

4> Here's where my strategy comes in. So you've got two vertical passes done. Go to the right and start another, then do them uniformly one after the other, keeping the pookas at bay until you reach the right side. I like to do them without breaking the walls at the bottom, because when the pookas are chasing you, it gives them less direct routes to get in your way. This is really the whole point of doing the systematic vertical THEN horizontal approach. You need them to work hard to get at you so you have more time to dig.
5> Eventually the "hurry up" music will start and they'll chase after you even faster. It gets pretty hairy after a while. Try not to lose a life until you're done with all the vertical passes. On your last vertical pass, on the far right side, from the top upper right corner,make sure you make one big horizontal pass along the blue area to the left side, as it seems to be required.
6> Now we start the horizontal passes. I like to start at the bottom and work my way up. I don't think it matters much though. The key is to NOT cut holes sideways closely for them to get at you through. So I run one across the bottom, then skip the next horizontal up, and run one back a level above the next, so when they're chasing me they don't have easy access. You want them to have to travel a long ways vertically- they never turn around or double back, so once they're going vertical you don't have to worry about them until they can come around a corner and back.
7> As you finish horizontals one by one, alternating rows, you'll start running out of ways to dodge them, so be super careful to keep inflating them every few seconds. Hopefully you saved your lives for the end, because when you get down to four rows it gets almost impossible to dodge them.
8> When done, inflate the remaining ones and go to the next level. I saw other people say you don't need to, but really, what's the harm? I didn't once, and the achievement didn't pop for me even though I cleared the whole level. I'm pretty sure you need to finish the level.

To summarize, the real strategy here is to keep the horizontal walls around as long as possible so the pookas have to work a lot harder to get at you, and once they start going down the wrong path you have some breathing room. It gets harder and harder as you near finishing, but doing every ALTERNATE horizontal row makes it a little less frustrating.

Good luck, and don't feel frustrated- this is a very hard and annoying achievement, for sure. Take a break after a while.

21 Apr 2016 01:20

Again this is best done in level 1. For this trophy you need to dig every single area on the level, every little piece of dirt so the whole screen below the surface is totally black. You want to leave at least two enemies alive while doing this because if you only leave one then that particular enemy will attempt to escape and ruin your chances. Personally I found leaving at least one dragon the best bet, although they breathe fire, you can use this to your advantage as it will stop moving temporarily so you can get away. Either way, just make sure you leave at least two enemies alive while going for the trophy. This will probably take a few attempts and requires a bit of luck. If an enemy gets too close to you then shoot it a couple of times to slow it down, thus allowing you to escape from the area and continue digging. Don't just dig long vertical or horizontal tunnels, be sure to randomise and intersect other tunnels, the enemies are easily confused and often go in other directions to you given the chance. At a certain point the music speeds up indicating that the enemies have also increased in speed, this makes it harder for you to maintain digging as you will end up having to shoot them a lot to slow them down. You can start level 1 with 5 lives by altering the settings and clever use of them will make this trophy a lot easier.

Dig as much as you can and survive for as long as you can but when the music speeds up don't worry if you lose a life, then you start in the middle again with the music/enemies back to normal speed giving you the chance to clear a lot more of the area. Just take your time and you will get this. See the image below for an example of what the screen should look like at the end i.e totally clear:

It’s just not necessary in any case, we dig completely only in the 1st round. And that’s why, with each round, the enemies become more energetic and faster, i.e. their speed is minimal in the 1st round, what does the enemy have to do with it? The fact is that you will have to dig with at least 2 living enemies, if you leave one, he will run away and the round will end. Next, I recommend leaving a pair of “simple bubble” and a dragon, the fact is that two bubbles will move constantly, and the dragon periodically stops to spit fire, this gives us a head start on time. Don’t even think about betting 2 dragons, in pairs they are much more dangerous, they will take you out at once. Now, how to dig correctly, according to the condition, the screen should be COMPLETELY CLEAN, only small “jumpers” that cannot be dug will remain at the top, the remaining jumpers remaining after digging in the form of thin lines should also be erased, this is the problem. It is better to dig the tunnels themselves long and winding, so that enemies wander in them; do a complete clearing only when almost everything has been dug.

23 Apr 2016 02:59