21 Achievements


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Dig 1000 spaces! (1 space is the same size as 1 character)


How to unlock the Rambler achievement in ARCADE GAME SERIES: DIG DUG - Definitive Guide

This must be done in one game/playthrough. This achievement is NOT a cumulative achievement.

The game grid's spaces is 14 columns wide and 15 rows deep. This means that, on a full grid with no tunnels, you'd get a maximum of 210 spaces per level. Obviously there are tunnels.

You will need to be a pretty good player at this, so I recommend trying to get down to two enemies on each level quickly, and then trying to dig as much of the play area out as possible. This is a very hard achievement, but can be done!

Other advice is if you try and leave the small 'passages' that the enemies spawn in at the start of the game unbroken (i.e. you don't go into them), if the enemies start coming towards you through the walls, you can get them to re-appear in the caverns, trapping them for a few seconds as you dig through more blocks before they start to go through the dirt again.

Another idea is that every second column or row, you do long straight passages, so that they will always be a good tunnel away from you and can't really phase through directly towards you, their 'ghost phasing' will always get them to reappear and stop them from phasing again for a few seconds.

Another tip is that if you only have one enemy following you, and there's another enemy in the round, just keep pumping the enemy following you up to its maximum size before popping, then digging a few more spaces. This will get you much needed extra squares towards your count! When you have both enemies following you, just pump one up a few pumps, turn away quickly to break the grip of the harpoon, then turn back to hit the other enemy with your harpoon, and make him pop as the first enemy deflates. When the second enemy is dead, hit the first again, and kill him, OR, if he starts to evacuate immediately, go and dig any remaining squares you can whilst he evacuates.

Remember, you can set your lives to 5 in the settings before you start the game.

For anyone wondering, I tried to clear as much as possible of each round, and the achievement popped for me in Round 7.

20 Apr 2016 14:57

Can I just create tunnels or does removing all of the dirt add any extra spaces?
By Korrupted Kloud on 22 Apr 2016 07:21
I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean by extra spaces? The count basically counts one 'square' of dirt as 1 unit towards the achievement. In one game, you have to remove 1000 'squares' of dirt.
By Dwaggienite on 22 Apr 2016 07:23
Ok. So do you have to make be screen completely clear, as you do for the "dig" cheevs? Or can you just choose to go up/down or left to right?
By SlightlyErotic on 24 Apr 2016 11:15
No, you don't have to make the screen completely clear. Each 'square' i.e, each space, counts as 1 dig. So you basically just need to dig through 1000 squares of dirt in 1 game.
By Dwaggienite on 24 Apr 2016 11:25
Another good guide, cheers +1
By Mystical Dragon on 08 May 2016 19:58
A little tip for people attempting this, digging up and down is the easier option than left and right it seems. Also, this gets easier as the levels go on! In later levels, the enemies are a lot faster and are on your ass the entire time, so they're less likely to try and trick you. For me, the majority of my deaths were from enemies tricking and ambushing me, so trust me, them moving faster actually does make it easier!
By Snooch2theBooch on 13 May 2016 04:34
Yes, that's correct.
By Dwaggienite on 30 Sep 2017 07:35
Thanks, I was just able to get this. I really stressed out over clearing out the first couple levels as much as possible which is not necessary. You can just get what you can. I also ended up getting this on Round 7. Also like the tip by the user for going up and down was really good too.
By Hexa Fox on 30 Sep 2017 08:14
I'm glad to help.
By Dwaggienite on 30 Sep 2017 10:46
I must not have been as patient as everyone else - I didn't end up getting it until Round 13. In my case, I think it helped that I had been trying to get the Centurion one for so long, so I ended up getting good practice at playing through those first 13-14 levels.
By Paw McCatney on 12 Apr 2018 23:31
Upvoted. Probably be revisiting this soon -- tired of seeing it incomplete, lol.
By Mr Granstaff on 05 Jul 2018 16:04
This achievement is the bane of my existence. I try it for about an hour or two minimum per day, but I still cant get it. There was a time I made it to stage 6, and was at a point where I was so close that any of my next tiles dug through would give it to me. but of course I died before I got it. This is one of the hardest achievements I've ever dealt with.
By Instant Chem on 12 Feb 2022 21:34
This achievement is more about your mentality entering the game. You simply have to be in the zone to get it.
By Dan Pena on 03 Apr 2022 14:59
Managed to get this today, popped on level 8 or 9. Didn't completely clear a single level (though was pretty close on level 1 & 2), and definitely there were a few where I cleared maybe half the level? I did find that going for the fruit when it came up helped a lot, as it meant I definitely got that extra life at 20K (I finished at around 46K).
By Pedle Zelnip on 12 May 2022 23:57
I got this on round 6 and I missed quite a few blocks. Only took about 3 attempts and I wouldn't call myself much of an experienced dig-dug player. I just tried to take out the dragons first and left 2 enemies, then when I was cornered or only had a few blocks left I would take out the last enemy and try and get as many blocks before they escaped. I was worried this was going to be a grind but I'm glad I got it so fast. Now on to 100 enemies.
By Willow Meow on 14 Dec 2022 12:36
Great tip about going up and down. I was trying left to right with no your comment went up and down and knocked the achievement out! Thanks so much!
By xCRiMZoNx on 26 May 2016 21:57
Yeah so to clarify once more for slow people, this is entirely different from the "Dig" achievement right? In that you need to clear the entire level of dirt for dig. However, to get credit for the 210 spaces you only need to go in one direction? Hope my question makes sense.
By Hexa Fox on 30 Sep 2017 07:26
I've been trying for this achievement for months. Usually putting in an hour a day or so. I've sunk hundreds of hours into this achievement, and i absolutely cannot get it.

The closest I've ever gotten was clearing most of round 6 before losing my last life. Honestly, I expected to have it by then, because most every round I had only one or two missing squares AT MOST. The math added up, so I was PISSED when I didn't get it.

Edit: I literally got this achievement within an hour of me posting this comment. Maybe I should rage more often.
By Instant Chem on 04 Apr 2022 17:08
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You can abuse the save system to make this achievement very easy (if a bit time consuming). Sorry if this is a little long, I'm trying to make the instructions as clear as possible.

This must be done in one game, it is not cumulative! As far as actual play suggestions (rather than just how to manipulate your saves), I would start by killing all but 2 Pookas. While digging you do NOT want to clear the board in a methodical pattern. That will connect a lot of tunnels together. What works a lot better is to try to avoid connecting tunnels whenever possible, going back and forth and staying within an uncleared section. This will really mess with the enemies pathing. Of course there will be times you have to bust through your walls in order to escape, and this will unavoidably connect your tunnels. You can also slow the enemies down if they are chasing you down by quickly turning around and pumping them up. You can do up to 3 pumps if you have time, and the more, the longer it will stop them for. This will even work if both enemies are following you, although you will spend most of your time pumping and will not have much time to dig. When running away, you will also make better speed in a tunnel that has already been dug and the best speed of all on the surface.

Play the game until you feel like you've made a good amount of progress towards the achievement. Then save and quit and follow the directions below to get a reusable checkpoint. Then keep playing from your checkpoint and try to get a little further and make a new checkpoint. If you mess up, or aren't doing as well as you would like, restore your previous checkpoint and try again. N.B. Your achievement will not actually pop until you go back online.

Personally I cleared each level completely, then saved my progress. It's a personal choice of how much risk vs hassle you want to put up with. You can save your progress after every level. You can even save it every level. You don't need to restart each time you die, you could allow yourself one death every level if you like.

NB: Going offline is optional, it provides a little bit of extra insurance against a fast sync as well as against operator error. You can just delete your local copy of the save whenever you want to restore your checkpoint. There is a very small chance it will synchronize your save while you are playing. Also if you are online you will have the ability to delete your save from the cloud as well (which you definitely do not want to do).

To “back up” a new checkpoint.
1) Go online if you are offline.
2) Save and quit.
3) Quit the game (hit xbox button, then menu/hamburger button and select quit)
4) Wait a while for it to synch up to the cloud (I would give it 10 to 15 minutes).
5) Load the game.
6) Go offline (OPTIONAL- If you are sharing your content via swapping home xboxes, you should still be able to play for a certain amount of time even offline, as long as you launch it first. Since the levels in the arcade collection are all pretty short, you should either be at the point where you are ready to go online again in just a few minutes.)
7) Continue to play

To restore your checkpoint
1) Xbox button then menu/hamburger and select manage game.
2) Go to the saved data for your gamertag and hit A, then select “DELETE FROM CONSOLE”. DO NOT SELECT “DELETE EVERYWHERE”.
3) Go online again (OPTIONAL).
4) Load the game and after the launch screens it will sync your save from the cloud.
5) Once it does this, go offline again, and give it another shot.

To go offline
1) Settings
2) All Settings
3) Network
4) Network settings
5) Go offline

To go online
1) Open sidebar
2) Go to settings section
3) Select connect to xbox live
4) Go online

02 May 2016 10:51

Please ,Can you explain these steps in a video. smile
By Gs4s on 31 Aug 2016 10:53
I tried this method, and it didn't work (unless there is a delay with the achievement unlocking after going online). I cleared the first five stages completely (which should add up to more than 1000), and I went on to clear a lot of dirt in stage 6 as well. But I didn't get anything. Is there anything I did wrong here?

EDIT: It unlocked! I guess there was a delay. Thank you so much! Positive vote from me!
By CryptCore on 28 May 2018 06:57
Can you please make a video this is every confusing
By LordlierVincent on 02 Jun 2021 22:10
Another important tidbit for me was how far to go into the game menu so it syncs. I found that pressing A twice and then it showing “gameplay will resume from saved data” was a good point to go offline. If it’s not your home Xbox, you have about 5-10 minutes not sure before it starts bitching about licenses and such
By el teby on 15 May 2022 13:48
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Difficulty: Easyish

This can be exploited by saving the game and backing your data up to the cloud storage (It's in settings in application save data).
Do a level or two, digging as many spaces as possible, then save and quit.
Upload your data and continue with the game.
Save your lives at the start for the later levels. You don't want to die a lot on the easy levels.
If you die you can just quit and download your game progress from the cloud, similar to how you uploaded your progress.
This trophy should be earned in tandem with killing 100 enemies.

Note: You can increase your lives to 5 in settings to make this easier

11 Jul 2016 16:16

This trophy is not cumulative, which means you must do it in one playthrough. Use the tips from the Dig trophy to your advantage, though this time you need to hang on to your lives as much as possible. Make use of the Cloud/USB save method/exploit to make this easier (detailed at the beginning of this guide) this way after you clear a lot of the map, the vast majority of it at any rate, then backup your save. You can then resume from that point if it all goes wrong. The map is 14x15 in size so it's possible to dig 210 blocks if you totally clear a level. Just try to clear as much as possible especially in the early easier levels, use the cloud save method if needed and you should pop this trophy by level 6-8. Be sure to alter the game settings so that you start with 5 lives as this will make this trophy easier. You will receive 10 points for every square cleared so you can get a rough idea of your progress towards this trophy by monitoring your points. This is difficult as you will receive points for killing enemies adding to your score so it's 10 points for every square and you need 100 squares cleared for the trophy, which makes 10,000 points. Thanks to Tiberius for the points tip.

The hardest trophy in the game, both in terms of execution and because there is no visible stat for dug up blocks, but there are moments that make getting this trophy easier:
1. For each full-fledged dug-out block they give 10 points, for thin residual jumpers no points are given, and hence two important consequences, which are written in paragraphs 2-3.
2. Your statistics for dug up blocks will be points, i.e. 1,000 blocks × for 10 points and we get 10,000, it is with this number of points that the trophy should fall out, but remember that killed enemies and vegetables also give points - we subtract them in our minds.
3. We dig full-fledged land for which we give 10 points, do not dig “residual” jumpers.
4. Tactics, we dig the first level almost 100%, the second by 90%, the third and fourth by 80% with a penny, the fifth up to 70%, and on round 6, dig as much as you can, if you did everything as I recommended, It is in the 6th round - at about 25,000 - that the trophy will drop. I advise you to follow exactly my tactics, the enemies will become more impudent with each round and you will practically not be able to dig normally after the 6th round.
5. Everything that I wrote must be done against the background of regular “save and exit” and copying the save, otherwise everything can end quickly and disastrously.

23 Apr 2016 03:18