21 Achievements
Eat 2 fruits and all four ghosts in succession four times in a single round!
How to unlock the Perfect achievement in ARCADE GAME SERIES: Ms. PAC-MAN - Definitive Guide
start by eating enough pellets to earn your first fruit, while you wait for the orange ghost [sue] to leave the middle. you may want to eat both fruits right off the bat as having one show up while you set up can screw you at times.
you should notice two pathways that form squares on the map. do circles around the outside square [using screen teleports when needed] until you have all 4 ghosts following nice and close. now for me the top two power pellets are much harder so started with those. with these ones i dont really have a sure thing stratagy. with the bottom two power pellets when you get the ghosts following close. head down to the very bottom on the oppisite side of the pellet you want to eat. then head over to the power pellet using the bottom lane, hopefully they follow you down as long as the ghosts are on the bottom lane eating all 4 should be a sure thing.
the key to the whole thing is getting the ghosts following you in a group before going for the corners with the power pellets. chances are this will take a bunch of trys so good luck
video example of the set up..
WJS Osiris' tips are also great to utilize, particularly his/her point about following the square path around the middle of the maze.
Combine this with Kanchanaburi's solution for Picky Eater for an easy ride to the perfect:
Dying while a fruit is on the screen will stop you from getting both fruits
- Restart if that happens
You must eat ALL 4 Ghosts after eating a Power Pellet before they turn back into their regular form. You must do this with ALL 4 Power Pellets.
- Clump up the ghost as best you can before eating the power pellets
- Clyde (the orange ghost) is pretty stupid and just wanders around so atleast make sure the other 3 ghosts are close before eating the power pellet
The hardest trophy in the game right here folks. You need to make perfect use of all 4 power pellets and grab the two fruits that spawn during the round. Make note that you are allowed to die. To make it easier on yourself go with round 1 and 5 lives. If you need a breather then don't be afraid to pause and decide where to go next, as pausing can also help you if you need to make a tight turn.
When going for this trophy you can approach it in different ways. Do like me and wing it. Saving and backing up the save after every successful "4 ghosts in one pellet" or of you prefer to try to follow the route of another, then here is a video courtesy of Recep hat Hunger:
This is the hardest achievement in the game and to unlock it you need to eat all four ghosts after eating a Power Pellet four times and eat two fruits as well in a single round which makes this harder that "Om Nom Nom x4".
The most important thing is to eat 2 fruits first while collecting the dots. and then carefully eat 4 ghosts 4 times.
you can die.