21 Achievements


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Picky Eater

Picky Eater

Clear 3 Rounds in a row without eating a single ghost and without losing a life!


How to unlock the Picky Eater achievement in ARCADE GAME SERIES: Ms. PAC-MAN - Definitive Guide

Outside of spending lots of time learning how to group the ghosts, there's no set "walkthrough" that will get you this achievement. The AI in Ms. Pac-Man is a little more advanced than original Pac-Man. Here are some tips that might help:

1) PRACTICE! I'm terrible at this game, and I still managed to 100% it. It can get very frustrating getting through levels 1-2 a bunch of times, only to die on 3. Overall this probably took me 50 tries. But, each try I got better. At first I could only make it past level 1. Then I started consistently beating level 2. Finally I beat level 3 after many attempts. If you find that you're getting too frustrated, take a break and come back to it later. Staying cool will help your reflexes.

2) This should be obvious, but start with level 1. Levels 1-3 are the easiest in the game.

3) Ghosts will track you, then go random for about 8 seconds. This can get you into trouble. The ghosts will take unexpected routes after following you a bit. This got me trapped on many occasions.

4) Use the warps to your advantage. You can buy yourself time and flip the map by using warps. On levels 1-2 the ghosts have a small delay when they use the tunnel, allowing you to gain some space. Always check the other side of the warp before you go through to make sure it's clear.

5) If you have a couple dots left and no power-ups, be patient! There's no timer, so don't rush. Set up your attack and use the warps to gain an advantage. Don't make a risky move that could get you eaten.

6) Dodge! Even with the improved AI, the ghosts can still be exploited. In certain situations you can do a quick "juke" move on the ghosts to get them moving in the other direction. If there's one a level above you, turn back, then forward again and sometimes the ghost will start travelling the opposite way.

7) Double tap the D-pad. The inputs for this game are not great. There were many times where I could've sworn I pressed a direction and the game just did not register it. When in precarious situations, always double tap whichever direction you need to go. It will save your life!

Good luck. I will post a video below, but as you can see, his path is pretty random. The starts worked well for me (first 10 seconds or so), but then I did my own thing.


29 Apr 2016 18:52

You have to complete 3 full rounds without eatting any ghosts or dying at all. You can still pick up the ghost pellet power up but you just cant eat any ghost and also dont eat the fruit as in my playthrough I would eat the fruit and complete 3 full rounds without dying and without eatting any ghost and the achievement wouldnt unlock after multiple playthroughs so I decided to not eat the fruit at all either and the achievement unlocked for me so if the achievement isnt unlocking for you try my method with not eatting the fruit.

28 May 2022 18:11

Video guide w/ commentary, done w/o checkpoints

- I found eating the Power Pellets while the ghosts were already at a distance gave me more free time to pick up dots w/o running into them

- Using the Warp Tunnels helps to confuse the ghosts causing them to change their directions almost getting lost


20 Jul 2019 05:38

To make this trophy as easy as possible, go for it during Rounds 1 - 3. Use the power pellets as ghost deterrent and make sure to back up your save after each successful round. Be warned though that ghosts will occasionally move towards you even if you have a power pellet active so try to keep some distance. Here is a video by Recep hat Hunger:


To get this achievement to unlock you need to clear 3 rounds without eating any ghosts or dying. I would recommend starting from round 1 as it is the easiest and work through then next two rounds. The achievement will unlock when round 4 starts.

There is a little trick that will make your life much easier. To begin with, we go to the game options and set one life there (so that without options - I’ll continue my life, I’ll continue to do so... for incentive), then we start the game from the first level and try to complete two rounds without losing a life and, most importantly, without eating any one ghost. As soon as we get to the third round/level, go to the menu and select Save and Quit, exit and close the game. We upload two save files to network storage. We start the game and try to get through the third round without losing a life or eating a ghost. If you lose or get too drunk, we exit the game, drop two save files from the network storage into the PS4 system, go into the game and try again, if unsuccessful, repeat the shamanism with the save.

13 May 2017 18:55

1 Comment
You can use in-game saves and network storage at least 100 times per level. Which will make this trophy even easier.
By JoseGamingTV on 12 Jun 2018 10:13