Army of Two

Army of Two

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I promise to kill you last

I promise to kill you last

Kill Dalton in less than 40 seconds


How to unlock the I promise to kill you last achievement in Army of Two - Definitive Guide

Watch the video on tips to kill him:
Video seems to be damaged. It shows a second or two and then errors out.

(You're other videos work for me so I don't think its on my end.)
By INMATEofARKHAM on 12 Jan 2010 12:07
Works for me too
By ll The Moon ll on 23 Nov 2010 02:45
so the 40 seconds starts as soon as he starts to fire? not when he reaches ground level?
By zacattack5000 on 11 Mar 2011 04:05
OK, what the hell? Are you not allowed to restart the checkpoints? I could have sworn I did this is less than 40 twice now, but it won't pop.

Finally got it, as far as I can tell, the timer either starts at the checkpoint, or it keeps going during the little scene when he drops down.
By EarthboundX on 27 Sep 2017 05:19
If you end up going down or otherwise think you won’t hit the 40 second marker: you can just restart checkpoint and try again to avoid redoing the entire mission
By The S bot 9000 on 09 Feb 2021 06:09
If you kill him and do not get the achievement, aka took too long, you can restart to checkpoint during the cutscene. If you complete the level, then go back into campaign and continue from checkpoint will also put you right at the fight. No need for restarting the level at all.
By Ninjitsu Banana on 03 Dec 2022 03:01
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All of these solutions are fantastic, if you have a partner. I, however, don't have any friends, so I couldn't do it with another person. For anyone looking to do it solo, the video below really helped me out.

Basically, equip two weapons: the MGL-MK X grenade launcher for your primary and the M107 Light 50 sniper rifle for your special. It would help to have them "de-pimped" as it were, it will attract less agro to you. It probably doesn't matter, but it doesn't hurt either.

Blast him with the grenade launcher until he falls to your level. It should take you around 5-8 blasts, depending on how accurately you hit him. Throughout this whole process, don't worry about getting hit, just focus on hitting him - you'll get through it without dying, don't worry.

When he drops down to your level, your going to want to quickly finish him off with some well placed headshots using the sniper rifle. It won't work as well if they aren't headshots. Try to hit him the first time to get him to hunch over, then keep blasting. I found this to be a little challenging, but stick with it. Also, if you go right, like in the video, and he keeps going into cover, try switching over to the left side, it sometimes makes it easier.

Hope this helps!

17 May 2013 03:03

Worked perfectly. Took me about 8 shots to get him to drop down but once he did, 2 headshots with the 50 were all I neededtoast
By The S bot 9000 on 09 Feb 2021 20:27
YEAH!!!!! Just got it - The S bot 9000 is correct - took me 8 shots of MGL - MKX to knock him off then took me 1 body shot then 2 head shots - F yeah lol great guide for single player :-) THANKS BRO
By TREX1979 on 28 May 2022 01:42
It takes me all 9 shots to bring him down, and for some reason he just will not drop from the 50 cal :( I upvoted though because this seems like a sound solution. TBH maybe I'm just bad with a sniper rifle. Great guide

Finally got it. it was in the end 8 nade shots, and 1 body, 2 head shots.
By Ninjitsu Banana on 03 Dec 2022 03:10
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I've played with several ways and by far the best way to do this is have both people use grenade launchers. (Note, use the primary weapon, not rifle front mounts). Just forget aggro and have both people blast him as fast as possible and ignore the soldiers that join dalton. Also, make sure you set it to the easiest difficulty setting.

25 Jan 2010 04:44

If you're an excellent marksman, you can do this very easily on your own using a sniper rifle.

The difficult part of this achievement is getting Dalton's cowardly ass off that catwalk overhead, and that's where your trusty SVD will assist you. Three headshots will trigger the cutscene where he falls down, and you have leave to finish him off however you please at this point because you still have 30 seconds on the clock. I personally opted to headshot him three more times (which is enough to end the fight), but you have plenty of time to just unload a machine gun in his face if you're so inclined.

01 Aug 2011 05:43

Another way you can do it is once he drops down to your level, have one person keep aggro on him while the other snipes him with the maxed out 50 cal. 2-3 headshots and he's toast

21 Nov 2008 21:04

Make sure you and your partner have a fully maxed AK-47 and stingers. Once you get to the checkpoint in the safe, equip them both and hold out until Dalton appears. Once he does, one of you hit him with a stinger while the other shoots him with the AK. Alternate until he falls. Once hes down on the ground floor, unload on him with the AK until he dies. If you practice this for a while, you should get it after a couple of tries

06 Aug 2009 07:56

I found that it was easiest to use the AK to take him down off the catwalk and then the M107 to snipe him once he's "face to face". 2-3 easy snipes and he is dead.

I tried to do this the other ways but then tried this way and it worked best

30 Jul 2011 20:18

Both have AK's and after the back to back fail or restart. This starts you at the checkpoint of the cut scene and you are in a much better position as Dalton is right in front of you. Immediately start shooting up at Dalton to take him down in about 10-12 seconds. Cutscene. Have one player designated to go left and one go right around the outside of the railings. I watched the video and was doing the exact same as them but with my partner and I, Dalton would run for cover with 1-2 bars of life left. We did it a hundred times and finally tried splitting up as mentioned before. When you are split up, he has a hard time concentrating on one person and therefore stays in one spot (about 90% of the time) without running behind the low cover and is much easier to take out. I helped two people get it today and that's the method we used and it only took a couple of tries.

28 Jul 2011 11:18

method in the video def. fast and effective, but it didn't work for me right away: darn Dalton just runs for cover after his down and M107's shitty handling sucks ass. I decided to go with fully upgraded SVD and what a difference! SVD does the same amount of damage as M107, + control and accuracy on SVD is far more superior.

Getting Dalton down from the catwalk with MGL is a breeze. The hard part was landing clean hits on him with a sniper. At first I went right many times, like in the video = no luck, than I went left many times = no luck either. I was like WTF!? can't properly hit the guy! And than all of the sudden game magically decided to freeze Dalton in one place, he hasn't moved an inch after falling from catwalk and I've got my perfect 3 shots.

If you struggle with this give it few tries and maybe game will cut you some slack.
Army of TWOI promise to kill you lastThe I promise to kill you last achievement in Army of TWO worth 81 pointsKill Dalton in less than 40 seconds

There are a lot of great guides already posted, but with the online having been shut down some of the solutions involving a partner, instead of an AI, may not be suitable for everyone unless they have a local teammate. This solution is for those that have an AI partner. While this could also be used for a local teammate I believe the other solutions are probably more suitable in that circumstance.

In all honesty, I am by no means a marksman redface so, personally, I had some difficulties using the sniper methods. Either Dalton was too quick to move behind cover, or I just completely missed the headshots. I tried all the methods above that could be done with an AI partner, and the best way I found to do this achievement was without the sniper.

I equipped myself with the FIM92 Stinger and PKM. Both are fully upgraded. After the cut scene I immediately pulled the stinger out and fired 2 shots at Dalton. That should immediately take you to the next cut scene. Afterwards I pulled out the PKM and ran around the left side towards Dalton who should be directly across from you. I then started to empty my clips on Dalton. I did my best to headshot him the majority of the time since that does the most damage, and that should be the end of mission.

Just as an extra note I also found that instead of pulling out the PKM right away after the second cut scene I would run around the left as usual while reloading the stinger. Once I had a clear view I would use my last shot with the stinger on Dalton before using the PKM for the rest of his health. Some may find that last shot with the stinger to help out a bit more instead of immediately using the PKM. I’ve done both so either method should work.

I hope this helps those stuck with the useless AI!

08 Jun 2015 19:53

You must kill Dalton in under 40 seconds. Easiest done on recruit in co-op.

Once the fight with Dalton starts have both ppl use PMK's or if you can't shoot well enough with it then use AK-47's. You must knock him off the bridge within 10-12 seconds max, if you have to reload or if he walks too far to the right, it has taken you to long. Once you do this and he is knocked off, immediatley after the cutscene take out your sniper, use the M107, and have both people instantly start firing headshots at Dalton, he should be across the room, once the cutscene is done he will directly across the room from you. It might help to take 2-3 steps to the left to get a clearer shot. If you both hit him with 2-3 headshots you should make it in under 40 seconds. The achievement should pop up about 2 seconds after he dies so you will know.

Now this is a very difficult achievement, you won't get it quickly. you and a partner will have to practice this many times. The most key part is being able to knock Dalton off the catwalk in about 10 seconds, 12 max!! Try to get him before he goes past the first bend of the catwalk. Just open fire right away with a PMK or Ak-47, me and my friend used Ak-47's but PMK does more damage but is less accurate. To get the headshots you will need to get lucky. Sometimes Dalton will run and hide, but right when the cutscene ends you will have a few seconds where he is out in the open shooting at you and if you get lucky he might even stop to reload before running to cover. You have to have your hand on the LB button in the cutscene getting ready to swtich to sniper. Once that scene ends run 2-3 steps to the left if you need to and instantly line up a few headshots. Like I said I got about 3 off on him and my friend got about 2-3. The headshots are key.