Astalon: Tears of the Earth

Astalon: Tears of the Earth

30 Achievements

1000 XP

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No match for me!

No match for me!

Defeated all the bosses in the Boss Rush mode.

30 XP


How to unlock the No match for me! achievement in Astalon: Tears of the Earth - Definitive Guide

Took me a while to beat Boss Rush. Wasn't easy, but it's not impossible. Here some recommendations.

1| Algus (the Mage) is the better character for most fights. I've beaten five out of six bosses using him. For the last one (Medusa) I used Arias (the Warrior) equipped with the Sword of Mirrors.
2| You begin Boss Rush mode with LV1 characters and only have limited amount of orbs to level up, so use those orbs wisely. JHunz gave a useful tip to maximize the amount of orbs for the first level up - wait after you defeat the first boss and destroy the mask, and only then get back to collect the orbs from the first room.
3| The main game is pretty easy and you probably steamrolled the bosses, which means you probably don't know their movesets well. You'll probably die a lot in this mode because battles are a lot more protracted and the bosses will use their movesets to the fullest. Don't get discouraged.
4| The most useful items to get are: Blood Chalice (restore HP while idle, I'd say it's almost mandatory to beat Boss Rush without going mad) and Sword of Mirrors (parry and reflect enemy projectiles, makes the last boss so much easier). If you find these, grab them immediately.
5| Other useful items you can get: Icarus Emblem (speed boost, nice to have and makes dodging a bit easier), Monster Ball (fire an additional projectile with Algus. Since Algus will be your main character for this mode, it's useful) and Banish Spell (lets you destroy the phantoms summoned by the third and fourth boss), also Cloak of Levitation (if you didn't find the Sword of Mirrors, take this. Makes fighting Medusa's second phase a bit easier). These are all kinda useful and I recommend getting them over any other item, but give priority to the two items listed above if they appear alongside any of these four.
6| As for level ups, this is how I spent my orbs.
Rule of thumb: Prioritize ATK over DEF. You have low health anyway, and you shouldn't get hit if you play well. Always upgrade Algus (Mage) unless you have the Sword of Mirrors and you're going to fight the final boss.
After first boss: Spent everything to upgrade Algus' ATK.
After second boss: bough Shock Field and Arcanist, upgraded Algus' ATK.
After third boss: Bought some DEF levels for Algus, some hearts, and spent the rest in ATK.
After fourth boss: Bought ten or so ATK levels and some DEF for Arias (Warrior), bought Lionheart for Arias as well (ended up not using it, but I got really close and knowing I had a plan B made me more confident). If you don't have the Sword of Mirrors, keep upgrading Algus instead of Arias.

Tips and recommendations for the bosses:
0| Unless otherwise stated, use Algus (the Mage). He's quick, has good attack speed, and decent range. Kyuli and Bram are too slow, Zeek is unreliable and Arias must get too close to the enemy to hit it. On top of that, Algus+Shock upgrade is the best DPS in the entire game.
1| Tauros: Pay attention to the soap balls.
2| Volantis: This fight drags on forever. If you have the Chalice, it becomes basically impossible to lose, as you'll gain health faster than Volantis can inflict damage. If you don't have it, well, good luck. I just can't seem to predict its movements fast enough to avoid them during the second phase. I only won once or twice without the Chalice, and always on low health.
3| Solaria: Banish Spell helps fending off the spirits summoned by the boss, but it's not mandatory. In fact, in my successful run I didn't have Banish Spell at all. It's not difficult, but you may get killed once or twice before learning its moveset.
4| Gemini: Probably the easiest of the bunch. Algus with ATK power-ups and Shock upgrade will obliterate it. Again, Banish Spell may be useful for the first phase, but not mandatory.
5| Black Knight: To practice against him, you can load your main game save file, and take the elevator again. Don't attack him, just learn his moveset. When he gets on half health he tends to spam a particular attack, he'll fly above you and shoot three projectiles. This attack is pretty easy to dodge even by standing still and will give you plenty of time for the Chalice to do its thing.
6| Medusa: Fuck this thing. Practice against it the same way as the Black Knight: reload the main game save file and take the elevator. First phase is easy, just severe the veins with Algus while dodging its slow and telegraphed attack. Second phase fires a LOT of projectiles at you, so I used Arias' Sword of Mirrors to protect me and reflect the projectiles back at the Gorgon. Not all projectiles hit it, but enough did to destroy it. Next two phases are easier, use Algus for DPS and Arias if needed to parry and reflect Medusa's projectiles. Use every chance you get to stand still and let the Chalice heal you.

If you need more help, try watching someone else beating Boss Rush mode. This video (not mine) from Rayquaza911 really helped me:

27 Feb 2022 23:44

Finally just got it after a few hours of trying.
It seems really daunting at first, but just go into the Medusa being confident and you'll do it. I very nearly got it on one run with Algus/Arias method, but I decided to ditch that idea because you end up using too much money on Arias that could just all go to Algus. Also found that I ended up playing very scared/defensive since I knew that I had Lionheart and Sword of Mirrors. I highly suggest for anyone struggling to just use Algus only. It makes things too complicated and dragged out when you throw another character into the fold for Medusa. Blood Chalice is a must of course, but I highly suggest for all of the other items, to 100% focus on Algus items, and abilities. You then get to overpower a single character and make mincemeat of EVERY boss.
My winning run I had Blood Chalice, Cloak of Levitation (which I would actually make a case for it being 2nd most useful, simply because it allows you to more consistently dole out very nice and constant DPS, especially for Medusa), Icarus, and a worthless item I couldn't use for Algus since there were no other options after one of the bosses.
I had his Shock Field and Arcanist abilities like mentioned in the guide, ATK at 15, DEF was at 6 or so, also had his attack speed at 2, and another important one that's very cheap is Inner Fire 1 (extra damage for only 100? heck yeah). Had extra money at the very end so I upgraded Invincibility a few times and Poise was the only other thing I could afford after spending money on all of the other priorities.
Oh, and also had health +11, which is actually somewhat important as well since you're going to need some room for error with how much damage these fools do to you even with some defense. With all of this, I utterly destroyed the final two phases of Medusa (similar to the video). The guy in the video is very good, and really confident with the 2nd phase. Unless you're really dang good against that phase, I suggest taking it a lot slower and waiting for the circle of purple orbs to be gone before going on the top pillars and attacking. If you're impatient, you'll just start getting hit from all sorts of things flying around.

Anyways, that's just my two cents. Of course, the vast majority of that info is borrowed from your guide and from the dude in the video. Thanks a lot for putting this up though, it definitely helped me a lot and is a great guide. +1 obviously.
I'm surprised you don't have more thumbs up with how detailed and nice your guide is. Maybe because the game doesn't have a high population on this site or something ? Idk. Ah well.
By Galuda Wings on 17 Mar 2023 11:07
Yeah, the game has a very low population on this site and xbox as a whole (TA is currently tracking only 205 people!). But it's no biggie, I like writing writing guides for obscure/unknown titles and games with low population on the platform, since I figure that bigger games surely have more than enough guides already (both on TA and the internet as a whole).
Thanks for leaving this comment, I really appreciate you giving me a feedback and I'm happy you found my guide useful. I'm sure your insight will be useful for other people passing by.

Also, congrats on getting the achievement!
By Pierpy988 on 19 Mar 2023 18:58
Aglus' Shock Field upgrades definitely makes a pretty big difference I found. While this only took me 2 good runs, there was a huge difference in my damage output in that second run with Shock Field. I went all in with Aglus, only upgraded him even though I did find the Sword of Mirrors in my winning run, I didn't end up using it. The Black Knight almost killed me, but after I beat him I was able to stand around to get all my health back in the first Medusa phase thanks to the Blood Chalice.

Another good tip, ignore the huge group of orbs you start next to in this mode. Come back to them after beating the first boss and destroying the orb multiply mask, to double them. Oh, I see the other guide says that, well it's worth repeating, lol.
By EarthboundX on 11 May 2024 01:39
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Recipe for a good start:
Leave the blocks in the first room alone. Beat the first boss, ideally hitless. Zeek is good for this with his arcing shots. Now hit the mask four times to double your orb gain, and break all the blocks, including the ones you left in the first room. This will give you about 1500 orbs to start with in the first shop.

If the Blood Chalice shows up in your item choices (and it can), you've been gifted a free win.

24 Oct 2021 03:04

Quite a difficult trophy to get. You need to defeat 6 bosses of the game with an unleveled hero; after each victory, you are given a small number of Orbs for leveling up.
  • 1 boss is a fairly difficult boss for the first battle. The danger comes from balls flying throughout the arena; it is best to cover it with Algus
  • Boss 2 is not so much a difficult boss as a long one. Küli will be the fastest to deal with it if, after the first victory, you choose a bow for the archer
  • Boss 3 is not difficult, it is best to close it with Algus, be sure to buy an upgrade for him for 1000 Orbs
  • 4th boss - the easiest one, closed by Algus
  • 5th boss - not difficult, Kylie closes perfectly if after one of the victories you choose endless wall jumping - as soon as the knight approaches you, jump to the very top of the screen, then go down and shoot the enemy in the back
  • 6th boss - the most difficult, the first phase is closed by Kyuli - it is best to constantly move, jumping to the very top of the screen and shooting the head with a bow, phases 2 and 3 are already easier, closed by Algus - just shoot the face as quickly as possible

18 Jun 2023 08:50