Attack of the Movies 3D
20 Achievements
Xbox 360
Staying Alive
Complete any level without dying
How to unlock the Staying Alive achievement in Attack of the Movies 3D - Definitive Guide
This can be done on any level and is much easier with more than just you playing. I thought one of the easier levels in the game was the Emperor's Tomb. It seemed like the shortest level and proved not to have many enemies. You must complete all levels without dying for another achievement as well.
My personal opinion the easiest movie to do it on is the graveyard fight or the robot rebellion...they are both short about 5-7 minutes a piece...i got my achievement on the graveyard fight the only hard part was being down in the catacombs as you have alot of skeletons that spawn at one time throwing skulls at you and then those that are right up in yo grill...i did this solo but playing with more then one person will definitely help even though playing over xbox live isnt an option...if you bought the game there should be an insert that allows you to get a dual cursor machine gun that makes this achievement ALOT easier