Backbreaker Vengeance

Backbreaker Vengeance

12 Achievements


Xbox 360
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It Begins

It Begins

Complete a wave


How to unlock the It Begins achievement in Backbreaker Vengeance - Definitive Guide

Whilst it's most likely the easiest achievement in this game, I can understand why someone could have trouble with this so here are some pointers:

It doesn't matter which game mode you are playing be it Tackle Alley, Vengeance or Supremacy so give each three a try - if one is too hard then move onto the next. I would say that Tackle Alley is the easiest to complete a wave on but I'm sure everyone has a different preference.

The main challenge involved in completing a wave is avoiding tacklers. The best advice I can give is to run almost straight at the tackler but with a very slight angle to either the left or right, the opposite direction that your opponent is approaching you from. Once your opponent is around 1-1.5 seconds away from you press diagonally down on the right thumbstick in the direction that the tackler is coming from and you should twilr round him like a butch ballerina. Now you just need to repeat this for the other players.

This all sounds slightly convoluted but when you're playing it's fairly simple. Run a little away from the opposing player and then dodge by turning towards them. I hope this helps people get into a surprisingly brilliant little XBLA gem.

03 Jul 2011 17:14