Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3

54 Achievements


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Action Surge

Action Surge

Perform five attacks in one turn. Your enemies won't know what hit them (literally).


How to unlock the Action Surge achievement in Baldur's Gate 3 - Definitive Guide

This is pretty simple to do with Lazrael or any character with fighter levels as she gets action surge.

Once you get to 5th level you will unlock Extra Attack which gives you 2 attacks per action. For me this actually unlocked when I did 4 attacks in one round which was simply attack, attack, action surge, attack, attack. But if you need 5 you can also give her two weapons and that should push it to 5 attacks at level 5.

I am not sure if other bonus attack actions like pommel strike would also work for this achievment.

08 Jan 2024 11:58

I just got this achievement today and can confirm that using Lazreal’s pommel strike as the fifth action after doing attack, attack, surge action, attack, attack unlocked the achievement. Interestingly, the first time I tried it, one of the attacks missed and the achievement did not pop. However, when I tried it again with all attacks and pommel strike hitting the achievement popped.
By SeaWAboy on 04 Mar 2024 05:09
Great info! Thanks
By LSK ArcAziel on 10 Sep 2024 07:05
Couple of easy spots for this achievement if you have a save near it: At the very start of Act 2 on your way towards the Last Light Inn, there is a glowing dead green crow on the ground. Save and interact with the glowing crow and a flood of crows with 1 HP surround you. Another good spot is in Act 3 at the Elfsong Tavern. Accept the rat quest from the cook and there will be tons of rats down there to swing at.

Make sure that you have in your party Lae'zel or any party member in the Fighter class over level 5 (could also snag a hireling). Use "pommel strike" (bonus action), attack, attack, action surge, attack, attack.

As a bonus, these are also good spots to get the "Fists of Fury" achievement. Simply unequip your weapon and land a hit on a crow/rat.
Baldur's Gate 3Fists of FuryCheevoMamaThe Fists of Fury achievement in Baldur's Gate 3 worth 28 pointsKill a character with an unarmed strike.

05 Apr 2024 00:30

A quick way of getting this would be a martial/melee class, such as Barbarian or Monk, combined with an Elixir of Speed and Extra Attack. Pop the elixir to be able to strike twice in one turn, but doubled with Extra Attack, it'll give you four; combine that with Monk gaining Unarmed Strike as a Bonus, or any other Bonus attacks as other melee classes, and you should get this starting:

Barbarian, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, and Ranger at level 5
Bard, using the College of Valour or Swords, at level 6

Fighter also acquires Improved Extra Attack, increasing the amount of additional attacks you can do from one to two, at level 11, so don't feel like you have to solely play Monk to get this trophy.

07 Sep 2023 18:18

There are a million ways to do this, but this one is super simple, doesn't require any consumable resources like potions, and for most people won't even require any specific build changes, multi-classing, re-speccing, etc. (assuming you keep Lae'zel as a fighter.)

All you need for this method is:
- A level 5 fighter of any subclass
- Two weapons that have both the light and finesse properties (daggers, shortswords, scimitars or hand crossbows)

Once you have 5 levels in fighter, you will have the only two abilities we need, which are Action Surge (from level 2) and Extra Attack (from level 5.) From there, arm the fighter with two weapons described above, and get them in a position to attack either an enemy with lots of hit points or several enemies they can reach in a turn.

Once you have all that, just do these 3 steps. I put them in my preferred order as it minimizes your chance of accidentally burning your bonus action attack sub-optimally, but they can be done in any order.

Step 1. Bonus Action Attack
I recommend this first because if you use the main hand attack first it automatically adds your Bonus Action Attack after it. By doing this one first you can choose your targets more deliberately.
Step 2. Standard Attack (twice)
This can be a standard melee or ranged attack, throw, improvised weapon, or unarmed attack. Once you do one of these the first time, they will all be highlighted in red, indicating it's letting you choose your second attack for the 'extra attack' feature.
Step 3. Action Surge & Repeat*
Hit Action Surge (a little spikey looking heart) and you will get your action back. Repeat Step 2, with both attacks.

That's 5 and you'll have your achievement.

*In normal difficulties, you could replace Action Surge with a Haste spell or potion of speed - but note if you're in Honour Mode, this will only give one extra attack, not the full 2-attack "action", which is the main reason I recommended a fighter for this.

31 Dec 2023 09:37

This is across the party, not just one character, which makes it trivial by level five, when non-caster, non-rogues will get extra attack. A monk or dual-wielding character in a four man party can get this as early as level one. As the name suggests, a level two fighter's action surge will also unlock this early.

31 Oct 2023 00:00

There are any number of combinations of effects to do this, but what I'm listing below is the easiest, since it requires the fewest additional features and doesn't burn any resources like potions. All it requires is a level 5 fighter and two weapons that are both light and finesse (daggers, short swords, or hand crossbows.)

Basically you're just combining two fighter abilities: Extra Attack and Acction Surge, with dual-wielding.

So you can go....
- Bonus Action Off-Hand Attack
- Main Action attack
- Second attack
- Action Surge (get another action)
- Main action attack
- Second attack

There you go, five attacks in one turn, with no potions or anything burned, no complicated multi-classing, nothing.... just a fighter being a fighter.

31 Dec 2023 09:37

Easily done as a Laezel or similar power class with multiple attacks per turn
In the case of Laezel in the mid game:
- preparation (close combat)
- hit
- hit
- impulse to action
- hit
- hit

06 Sep 2023 17:59