Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3

54 Achievements


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Hot Date

Hot Date

Go on a date with Karlach - now that's playing with fire.


How to unlock the Hot Date achievement in Baldur's Gate 3 - Definitive Guide

The developers of Baldur’s Gate 3 designed most questlines so that they may be completed in multiple ways. Thus, giving the players more freedom in how they approach situations. This guide represents one method that is confirmed to unlock this achievement or trophy.

The Hot Date achievement/trophy is difficult to pull off, and it is easy to get stuck in a state where you can’t fix the situation. This is a sequence of events that are confirmed to work, and it may contain extra steps.

A full achievement guide is available here:

Act 1
Start in the Blighted Village and head northwest out of the village past the windmill (event there). Just after the windmill jump over a crack in the wall to the north and continue along the path until you jump over a broken bridge. Then, head east working your way down toward the river. Eventually, you will find Karlach on the south side of the river just across a log bridge where you can invite her to meet you at camp.

Try to find Karlach as soon as you can and keep her in your party at all times. You need her there to help boost her relationship with you by doing things she approves of. As soon as you find her, add Karlach to your party and head up the hill to deal with the paladins. After they are defeated, ask her “That fight at the tollhouse really…heated you up, didn’t it?” Followed by “I liked the look of it.” That will get you started down the long path of flirting with Karlach and will introduce you to her heart condition. Let her know that there are tieflings in the druid grove nearby.

It may be optional, but also finding her early in Act 1, gives you the chance to meet Dammon with her at the Emerald Grove.

After saving the tieflings, they will join a party at your camp. During the party, talk with Karlach again and say “I think I’ve drummed up the courage to tell you how much I like you.” When you initiate the long rest, she will visit you by the fire. The dialog options are up to you, but keep them positive and don’t reject her. The next morning, talk to Karlach again and say “I’d like to try cooling you down somehow…” Switch to Gale and cast Ray of Frost or another ice/water spell on Karlach.

Infernal Iron
You will need 2 pieces of Infernal Iron for the events that take place in Act 2. There are many places to find the material throughout the game. Here are a few easy early spots.

The first piece of Infernal Iron can be found in the blacksmith’s room under Blighted Village in the Whispering Depths. When you’re in the room with the blacksmith’s forge, climb the ladder in the northeast corner and collect the iron from the chest.

A second piece of Infernal Iron is located behind Dror Ragzlin in the Shattered Sanctum. On the balcony above Dror is a locked gate with a pile of treasure. Among the treasures, you will find a piece of Infernal Iron.

Another piece of Infernal Iron is located in the Masons Guild building just north of the Tollhouse in Act 2. This piece is found sitting on a table next to a pile of stone slabs.

Act 2
When you reach the Last Light Inn during Act 2, make sure you have Karlach in your party and talk to Dammon, the blacksmith. He will offer to fix and upgrade her Infernal Engine if you supply him with Infernal Iron (you need 2 pieces). The order of the next set of events is critical. If you deviate too far, you may lock out the option for the date in Act 3.

After the 1st upgrade, say:
  • “I still can’t touch you, though…”
  • “Of course I do.”
Head to camp for a long rest, but don’t take it yet.
  • “Karlach, I’d love to be able to touch you properly.”
  • “I’d take your hand in mine.”
Finish the long rest.
Have Dammon upgrade the Infernal Engine a second time.
  • “I’m so happy for you. For both of us, if I’m honest.”
  • “I can’t wait for tonight. I’m going to hold you as close as possible.”
Head to camp for another long rest, but don’t take it yet.
Say: “Of course. Nothing would make me happier.”
Start the long rest.
  • “Hello, darling.”
  • Choose which ever options you want to not completely reject her.
In the morning, say:
  • “I loved being able to touch you last night.”
  • Choose either of the first 2 options.
  • Choose deception. She prefers if you lie about her situation.
  • Choose any option after that to not reject her.
Act 3
At this point, you will need to progress the story into Act 3. When you reach the start of the act, you can take a long rest and ask Karlach: “It’s been a while since we connected like we once did.” This will prompt her to mention her plans for the future.

When you finally reach the Lower City, head to camp for a long rest. Karlach should have a quest marker over her head and the date sequence will begin. Choose the dialog options you think work best as long as you don’t reject her. The Hot Date achievement or trophy will unlock after the end of the interaction when you return to camp.

14 Dec 2023 04:54

Faustus PHD - I think this issue is caused by a Long Rest having a different, unrelated scene trigger, which causes the Karlach stuff to be skipped. I was doing this in my Dark Urge playthrough and after doing the second upgrade, I did a long rest. Instead of getting the necessary Karlach dialogue, I had the butler telling me to kill Isobel. I did another long rest right after and still couldn't get the Karlach update to trigger.

I reloaded my save and did a long rest before doing Karlach's second upgrade, which triggered the butler scene. Then I did her upgrade, long rested again, and I was able to progress with Karlach because I no longer had any story related scenes getting in the way.
By dshaw88 on 18 Feb 2024 19:55
I am having trouble with the section for Act 2. I got he iron in Act 1, met Damon with Karlach and he upgraded her in Act 1. Used your responses that you mention for Act 2. Thusly, in Act 2, there is only the one upgrade. Afterwards, I take her a kiss, but nothing has happened after numerous rests. I don't want to proceed in to Act 3 yet, considering I never got to the "Hello darling" lines of dialogue. Thanks for the guide, though any clarification would be greatly appreciated.
By Faustus PHD on 08 Jan 2024 08:09
Hey Faustus. I’ve been looking all over for answers to that same thing. The only thing I’ve found is that I guess if you don’t get her relationship high enough in Act 1 then you won’t be able to get it high enough for the date. Even if you kiss her. I got to Act 3 with infernal irons taken care of, kissed her, and had “exceptional” relationship. Didn’t matter. She just said something like “man we almost had something there, but that’s okay we’re just great friends now”
By Neth Naala on 22 Jan 2024 13:10
At the tiefling party, when I confess to her, she just says something about not wanting to ruin a good thing. Also, in Act 1 when I gave Dammon the iron it didn’t give me an option to kiss her, and I haven’t received any romantic options up until this point (at the party). Am I still able to romance her at this point? I’m assuming this is a bug.
By MattAndersn on 11 Feb 2024 23:14
I don't get the

“That fight at the tollhouse really…heated you up, didn’t it?” Followed by “I liked the look of it.”

dialogue options at all after the tollhouse fight, so we'll see how it goes.
By arkngt on 24 Feb 2024 14:16
arkngt - I didn't get that dialogue either, but still got the achievement.
By dshaw88 on 24 Feb 2024 22:33
Yeah, it seems to work for me to. BTW, Faustus PHD seems to be right in the answer above. The long rest I took had a different scene triggered, so didn't work with Karlach, but fixed after first getting rid of that scene.
By arkngt on 25 Feb 2024 21:50
Such great design. "Must have Dammon, to date Karlarch."
By thomaskorat on 02 Apr 2024 19:00
Karlach has by far the best relationship arc imo
By Reelbiggerfish on 10 Apr 2024 01:55
Had to log in just to say OP doesn’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. This sequence doesn’t work in the slightest. Better off just running through the campaign, picking “good” options, and seeing where that gets you by act 3.
By Sgt4ks on 26 Apr 2024 14:07
@Sgt4ks any chance you have the save I could use?
By Buda94 on 09 Oct 2024 09:54
Everyone is over thinking this. I got this my first try with karlach and never looked at a guide. Just pick what she would want. I also had wyll in camp as well had no issues. I also long rested a lot. Ppl don't realize how many long rest you need to do. Sometimes you need to rest back to back to get the cut scenes through. Got it no problem first try was very easy just be a normal person and think about what she likes. Seems some ppl forgot how to flirt.
By Inmortal459 on 09 Nov 2024 20:35
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You need to romance from the first act and complete her tasks, we get the trophy in the third. A missable trophy if you don't pay attention while resting in the camp after defending the grove, or earlier. There is no need to romance Shadowheart; she will talk about the orchid in a normal conversation.
As soon as we find ourselves in the lower city, we go to the camp to rest, in the conversation Karlakh will offer to go on a date.
For those who don’t want to romance Karlakh: from the beginning of the game, romance whoever you want and along the way Karlakh, you will have to choose after returning from the Song of the Night. We save, then there are about 2 hours of game left until Act 3.

11 Sep 2023 12:29

The hint above is not entirely correct, you don’t have to spend time after the grove with Karlach, I chose to spend time with Shadowheart and as a result, in the third chapter I was still able to go on a date with Karlakh.
By Black_Nero on 13 Sep 2023 17:12
The bed scene with Karlach was at the end of Act 2 after defeating Keteric Torm in the camp during a long rest, but the trophy did not drop. After moving to the 3rd act, during a long rest, only lines with a kiss and about our relationship are available in dialogue with Karlach. The trophy only drops in Act 3 when visiting the lower city.
By Sherman_E on 03 Jan 2024 14:28
You need to romance her from the first act and do her tasks, we get the trophy in the third. Missable trophy if you don't pay attention during the rest in the camp after defending the grove, or earlier. You don't need to romance Shadowheart, she will tell you about the orchid in a normal conversation.
As soon as we find ourselves in the lower city, we go to the camp to rest, in conversation Karlakh will offer to go on a date.
For those who don't want to romance Karlah: from the beginning of the game, romance whoever you want and Karlah along the way, you'll have to choose after returning from the Song of the Night. Save, then there are about 2 hours of play left until Act 3.

11 Sep 2023 12:29

The hint above is not entirely correct, you don't have to spend time with Karlah after the grove, I chose to spend time with Shadowheart and as a result, in the third chapter I was still able to go on a date with Karlah.
By Black_Nero on 13 Sep 2023 17:12
Bed scene with Karlah was at the end of Act 2 after defeating Ketheric Torm in the camp during a long rest, but the trophy did not drop. After the transition to Act 3 during a long rest, in the dialogue with Karlah, only lines with a kiss and about our relationship are available. The trophy only drops in Act 3 when visiting the lower city.
By Sherman_E on 03 Jan 2024 14:28
After you repel the goblin attack on the grove at the very beginning of the game, go and recruit Karlah. Remember, she is a positive and kind character and hates devils and everything connected with them. If before the party, after defending the grove, you have not raised the relationship level to "high", start over. She will refuse you.

In Chapter 2, before going to Damon, take a break and watch a story scene. Then do it again until there are no story scenes left. There is a bug in the game. After visiting the blacksmith Damon, you will need to go to the camp and take a break, and if there are story scenes, they will break the romantic line with Karlah and it will simply not start for you. As a result, you will remain just friends.
By raul244 on 21 Oct 2024 02:05
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There is one gag in the game that blocks a romance and subsequently a date with Karlach
If you kill the strange ox (which can be safely done after killing the goblin leaders), then Dammon the blacksmith will NOT appear in the Harper barn in Act 2, and you will not be able to repair the karlach heart.

16 Sep 2023 18:27