Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3

54 Achievements


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Murder in Baldur's Gate

Murder in Baldur's Gate

Coat the streets of Baldur's Gate in blood - become an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal.


How to unlock the Murder in Baldur's Gate achievement in Baldur's Gate 3 - Definitive Guide

he developers of Baldur’s Gate 3 designed most questlines so that they may be completed in multiple ways. Thus, giving the players more freedom in how they approach situations. This guide represents one method that is confirmed to unlock this achievement or trophy.

Create a manual save before going down this path.

A full achievement guide is available here:

Open Hand Temple
Optional Step: When you reach the beginning of Act 3, head over to the Open Hand Temple on the west side of the area. There you will discover a murder while talking with Sister Yannis. Agree to help investigate and gain entry to the 3rd floor of Fraygo’s Flophouse where you will find a Bloodstained Parchment on a desk hidden behind a wardrobe. Next, meet with Valeria in Sharess’ Caress and obtain a pass for the Lower City. Let the guards blocking the Lower City know that you are investigating a series of murders and they will let you through.

Lower City
Once you’re in the Lower City, you will have markers on your map showing where the remaining targets are located. Kill a target and you will be approached about the Assassins of Bhaal. Kill another and you will be given the passphrase to enter their lair. Make sure you grab the hand of one of the victims as proof. The door to the crypt is revealed after pressing a button hidden behind a painting next to the quest marker.

Inside the crypt, you will need to take out your competitor. Then, agree to the ritual and follow the promptings. You may want to ungroup from your party and leave them behind so they don’t disapprove of your choices. If the bathing cutscene doesn’t trigger after killing the final target, interact with Sarevok to start it. The Murder in Baldur’s Gate achievement or trophy will unlock after rising from the pool.

After becoming an Unholy Assassin of Bhaal, you will now have access to reach the Temple of Bhaal.

14 Dec 2023 05:17

Worked great using Artemas suggestions 👍
By Reelbiggerfish on 05 Apr 2024 14:00
You can also get this without killing the people in town by working through the investigation, and later passing a high perception check and a deception 20DC check.

*** Spoiler - click to reveal ***
By Artemas on 28 Dec 2023 03:58
I'm working toward this one and wanted to know what was involved. In this video the guy talks you through it, and discusses 2 achievements that are earned in the area. Figured I'd share this with others in case you want a video guide with someone explaining things. I found that this video doesn't do spoilers as much as others.

Hope it's helpful!

11 Jan 2024 22:56

In Act 3 you need to go through the murder tribunal. There are 3 ways:
-We take the quest in the Temple of the Open Hand to investigate the murder. We find a list of victims and kill two
-Similar to the first one, only we go to save living victims. As a result, we will stumble upon a killer gnome. We kill him and take his cut off palms.
-You can also just kill Gortash, his hands are also enough to get through

Then we go to the Tribunal. We talk, agree to everything, etc. and so on.
We are taken to a separate room and offered to kill a flying elephant. We kill and watch the cutscene. At the end we get a trophy

10 Sep 2023 17:50