Bangai-O HD Missile Fury

Bangai-O HD Missile Fury

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Cleared All

Cleared All

Completed all stages included in the original game.


How to unlock the Cleared All achievement in Bangai-O HD Missile Fury - Definitive Guide

After completing all 47 stages of Fury Mode you unlock three additional map modes.

13 Bonus Extreme Maps
37 Bonus Normal Maps
6 Bonus Puzzle Maps

Complete these as well to unlock this achievement

15 Dec 2011 00:56

''I've seen more info at the back of a NES game box, thumbs down for me'' -ninja277
By Black Mesa on 16 Oct 2013 13:43
Fair enough...was just trying to give some clarity to a vague achievement description sorry if you coming here looking for some cheat code or something.

I'm assuming this is retribution for me thumbing down one of your solutions to which I ask....hold grudges much?
By NINja277 on 16 Oct 2013 22:15
There is nothing in between the lines here. If you downvoted one of my solutions, there was probably something wrong with it, my solutions are far from perfect. And how could I possibly know it was you? It's not like there's a list showing who downvoted your solution. I also never downvoted this btw, just thought you acted like kind of a hypocrite.

And when you say that I came here for cheat codes, you're just actively being an ass. You know perfectly well what people are looking for when they look up a GUIDE. Advice, tips, etc. The exact same thing you're looking for.
By Black Mesa on 16 Oct 2013 23:01
It would be nice to know a tad more, if you have the time. Interested in knowing how much a challenge this is and/or how long it took you to get this. Just so myself and other gamers can have a reference point when deciding whether or not this is worth pursuing.
By WeltallAY on 15 Jan 2014 14:27
I will def add that info weltallay. I will also try to add some tips if I can find the time as a lot of the controls are vague when they teach you in the game.
By NINja277 on 15 Jan 2014 23:06
Thank you very much, that is very appreciated.
By WeltallAY on 16 Jan 2014 01:23
This is not a solution, down voted.
By Harbringernight on 22 Jul 2015 22:37
By Harbringernight on 19 Jul 2019 05:16
Anyone that might struggle with Extreme level 3!

Spin around and do X4 counter attack all the time when you can and always do them in the bottom right and also try to spin in to the enemies on the bottom row while going there so they spin and can´t shoot. Dash, Dash, Dash, Dash! :)
By MattiasAnderson on 15 Jun 2023 14:48
You do not have access or are even aware of the other modes such as puzzle until you complete the original fury mode.

That is why I state you have to beat fury in order to unlock the other modes.

When I was first playing I had to research why beating fury mode was different than beating all stages. So figured I'd put it there to save others time in order to have an idea of what the achievement was asking of other words beating fury mode is not even 50% of the game.

As far as the cheat code comment, as well as people looking for tips and guides as you say they also look for the path of least resistance or glitches and cheat codes which I thought perhaps you may have been looking for. I don't know you in real life so not sure why you seem to have taken the looking for cheat code comment so personally. The fact is people do use them.

Finally if you think I was being a hypocrite than so be it. To me there is a big difference though between an achievement and an actual game review. A game review is to relay ones impressions of their experience playing a game,which I thought was not achieved in (if I recall) the paragraph or so for the game you reviewed. This is just my opinion we all have them, to be perfectly honest I don't recall whether I thumbs downed your review though I probably did. Again I don't remember what game it was for. It is the amount of time with which this must have been bugging you though that I find kind of sad because I didn't do it any time recently, we are talking months at least.

This will be my last reply in the comment section if you would like to finish our discussion the rest of my replies will be solely via PMs to you.
By NINja277 on 17 Oct 2013 22:34
Dude, I have never written a review in my life. You say you downvoted one of my reviews, surely you must refer to one of my guides. I'm in no way capable of writing an even remotely decent review for anything.

Also, the comment I quoted is on someone else's review, for Hard Corps. I agree with you on one thing, there is indeed more info at the back of a NES game box than there is in this guys review, but the same can be said about this guide. Which is what I wanted to put out here. I have never spoken a word to you prior to this, nor have I held any grudges against you.

And ofcourse I take offense from your 'cheat code' comment, who wouldn't get offended when someone implies that you're looking for cheat codes. I was looking for advice, which is what most guides on here offers, thought that was pretty self explanatory.
By Black Mesa on 18 Oct 2013 12:28
Thumbs up simply because @harbringernight gave u a thumbs down and he got the achievement and didn't help anyone else with tips or a guide.
By lucas1987 on 27 Mar 2021 18:34
clap What you calling me out for exactly? Expecting a solution? Ultimately not mine or anyone else responsibility to provide a solution. However when you do it’s up for scrutiny. You lonely and need attention? Trying to understand the childish @me.
By Harbringernight on 27 Mar 2021 23:14
Also the quote you have from me I explicitly tell you I down voted .....because I feel if I down vote the person deserves to know why.
By NINja277 on 17 Oct 2013 22:38
Lol. Beat Fury Mode. Beat Extra Stages Mode. Beat Puzzle Mode. Beat Extreme maps. The solution was fine. Plus I think they added the ability to watch other's replays, so you don't even have to think about it. Christ. +1 for the guide ninja.
By Hashmap on 25 Nov 2013 03:46
Very weird and horrific game! Very bad mechanics and hard to get a grip on. Such a game should have more info here if this would be a good guide. So I have to change my vote to down.
By MattiasAnderson on 04 Jun 2023 13:50
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