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Banjo-Pilot achievements progress.
Unlock Jolly Roger and select him !
Beat Rare time and complete Treasure Trove Cove R in less than 1m 04s in Time T
Unlock Humba Wumba and select her !
Unlock Klungo and select him !
Unlock Gruntilda and select her!
Complete Spiral Mountain in less than 1m 30s in Time Trial!
Complete Jinxy's Dunes in less than 1m 45s in Time Trial!
Complete Freezeezy Peak in less than 2m 00s in Time Trial!
Complete Hailfire Peaks in less than 1m 30s in Time Trial!
Complete Treasure Trove Cove in less than 1m 30s in Time Trial!
Complete Clanker's River in less than 1m 45s in Time Trial!
Complete Grunty Industries in less than 2m 00s in Time Trial!
Complete Gobi's Valley in less than 1m 45s in Time Trial!
Complete Witchyworld in less than 1m 35s in Time Trial!
Complete Breegull Beach in less than 1m 35s in Time Trial!
Complete Terrydactyland in less than 1m 50s in Time Trial!
Complete Hailfire Peaks R in less than 1m 32s in Time Trial!
Complete Treasure Trove Cove R in less than 1m 33s in Time Trial!
Complete Grunty Industries R in less than 2m 00s in Time Trial!
Complete Gobi's Valley R in less than 1m 40s in Time Trial!
Complete Breegull Beach R in less than 1m 30s in Time Trial!
Complete Terrydactyland R in less than 1m 57s in Time Trial!
Complete Cauldron Keep R in less than 2m 05s in Time Trial!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Spiral Mountain!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Treasure Trove Cove!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Clanker's River!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in J.Roger's Lagoon!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Clanker's River R!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Gobi's Valley R!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Mayahem Temple R!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Witchyworld R!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Terrydactyland R!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Cauldron Keep R!
Beat Rare time and complete Grunty Industries in less than 1m 24s in Time Trial
Beat Rare time and complete Gobi's Valley in less than 1m 08s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete J.Roger's Lagoon in less than 1m 22s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Breegull Beach in less than 1m 05s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Terrydactyland in less than 1m 16s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Cauldron Keep in less than 1m 33s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Breegull Beach R in less than 1m 03s in Time Trial!
Complete Steamy Vents in less than 2m 00s in Time Trial!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Freezeezy Peak!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Steamy Vents R!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Grunty Industries!
Complete Clanker's River R in less than 1m 38s in Time Trial!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Witchyworld!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Terrydactyland!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Jinxy's Dunes R!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Hailfire Peaks R!
Beat Rare time and complete Jinxy's Dunes R in less than 1m 17s in Time Trial!
Get 1st in all races in Broomstick Cup!
Get 1st in all races in Endurance GP!
Get 1st in all races in Jinjo GP!
Complete Mayahem Temple in less than 2m 00s in Time Trial!
Complete J.Roger's Lagoon in less than 2m 00s in Time Trial!
Complete Cauldron Keep in less than 2m 15s in Time Trial!
Complete Spiral Mountain R in less than 1m 30s in Time Trial!
Complete Jinxy's Dunes R in less than 1m 50s in Time Trial!
Complete Freezeezy Peak R in less than 1m 58s in Time Trial!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Gobi's Valley!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Freezing Furnace!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Mayahem Temple!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Steamy Vents!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Freezeezy Peak R!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Grunty Industries R!
Beat Rare time and complete Spiral Mountain in less than 1m 02s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Jinxy's Dunes in less than 1m 12s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Freezeezy Peak in less than 1m 20s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Clanker's River in less than 1m 10s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Mayahem Temple in less than 1m 14s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Steamy Vents in less than 1m 20s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Hailfire Peaks R in less than 1m 03s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Clanker's River R in less than 1m 10s in Time T
Beat Rare time and complete Grunty Industries R in less than 1m 28s in Time T
Beat Rare time and complete Gobi's Valley R in less than 1m 14s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Freezing Furnace R in less than 1m 00s in Time Tria
Beat Rare time and complete Mayahem Temple R in less than 1m 14s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Steamy Vents R in less than 1m 21s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete J.Roger's Lagoon R in less than 1m 24s in Time Tria
Beat Rare time and complete Terrydactyland R in less than 1m 21s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Cauldron Keep R in less than 1m 24s in Time Trial!
Get 1st in all races in Jiggy Cup!
Get 1st in all races in Beehive Cup!
Get 1st in all races in Feather Cup!
Get 1st in all races in Pumpkin Cup!
Get 1st in all races in Cauldron Cup!
Get 1st in all races in Skull Cup!
Unlock Bottles and select him! (and win all races because maximum speed!)
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Jinxy's Dunes!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Hailfire Peaks!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Breegull Beach!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Bottles in Cauldron Keep!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Spiral Mountain R!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Treasure Trove Cove R!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Freezing Furnace R!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in J. Roger's Lagoon R!
Collect all 6 jiggies and beat Gruntilda in Breegull Beach R!
Beat Rare time and complete Hailfire Peaks in less than 1m 02s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Treasure Trove Cove in less than 1m 03s in Time Tri
Beat Rare time and complete Freezing Furnace in less than 1m 04s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Witchyworld in less than 1m 05s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Spiral Mountain R in less than 1m 04s in Time Trial
Beat Rare time and complete Freezeezy Peak R in less than 1m 21s in Time Trial!
Beat Rare time and complete Witchyworld R in less than 1m 03s in Time Trial!
Get 1st in all races in HoneyComb Cup!
Complete Freezing Furnace R in less than 1m 28s in Time Trial!
Complete Mayahem Temple R in less than 1m 44s in Time Trial!
Complete Steamy Vents R in less than 1m 52s in Time Trial!
Complete J.Roger's Lagoon R in less than 1m 56s in Time Trial!
Complete Witchyworld R in less than 1m 28s in Time Trial!
Complete Freezing Furnace in less than 1m 30s in Time Trial!