Bankshot Billiards 2

Bankshot Billiards 2

12 Achievements



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Speed Freak

Speed Freak

Complete all time trial tables in under a minute


How to unlock the Speed Freak achievement in Bankshot Billiards 2 - Definitive Guide

Although the achievement description says you have to come in under a minuter for all tables, this is misleading and not entirely true.

For this achievement, all you must do is have an average time of under 1 minute for all 12 tables. In other words, the total time for all the 12 tables must be under 12 minutes*.

*Others have bought it to my attention that you only need between 12-13 minutes for the achievement to unlock. If you still don't get it under 13 minutes, try to get under 12 minutes.

06 Feb 2009 19:02

I don't have this achievement yet. However I have read that the total time has to be under 13 minutes.
By on 01 Mar 2009 04:31
I don't now how it works, perhaps a mistake on my own behalf, but it IS 13 minutes. I had a spreadsheet going mostly to keep track of what courses I needed to shave time off, a little because I was bored. I had come in just under 13 minutes but no where near 12 minutes when I got this achievement.
By Gnemlock on 29 Apr 2009 10:00
If you read my solution, it clearly states it has to be under 12 minutes. This has been proven by many people and I can confirm it is not 13 minutes as my total time for all tables is between 12-13 minutes and I don't have this achievement.
By ezekiel 08 on 01 Mar 2009 05:37
the achievement title it self says 1 minute. I don't know how you would get 13 minutes..

probably a typo
By Gnemlock on 29 Apr 2009 07:46
I went through and had a time of 12:42:85 and didn't get the achievement. After I went through and trimmed it to under 12 mins I got it...
By pharohfred on 17 Sep 2010 23:21
As soon as I went under 13 mins it unlocked easy 200g :)
By uK x Peace on 19 Dec 2010 23:18
this not a guide is a advice D:
were are the videoguides or something like that?
to say is really a guide
By reforc3 on 22 Jul 2011 04:47
Popped for me as soon as I got under 13 minutes =) I gave up on this achievement before because I thought a few of the tables would be impossible, I didn't even complete them because I was quitting as soon as I hit 60 seconds. Ran through them after reading this solution, my initial run put me at 15 minutes total. I tightened up a few times and the last I checked I was at 13:05. The next one I improved on by about 10 seconds, achievement unlocked.
By poINtblank213 on 08 Feb 2012 03:34
I agree with the 13 minute people here... I needed to shave 2.25 minutes from my total time to get to 12 minutes. After shaving off approx 1.35 minutes, I got the achievement. Maybe it's not 12 or 13 minutes, maybe it's just a little gliched, either way, keep shaving time off and sometime between 12 and 13 you'll get the achievement.
By DragonYen on 27 May 2009 13:21
Thanks for your comments guys. I'll edit the solution to read "between 12 and 13 minutes".

And if people don't believe that all you need is a average time for all tables, please try it out before you give a negative vote :(.
By ezekiel 08 on 27 May 2009 23:50
My total time is 12:59.98 and it unlocked for me, so seems 13 min is the magic number. You can view your total time by going into leaderboards and scrolling over to the Time Trial game mode.
By Elem3ntal80 on 22 Oct 2009 00:59
Ha, I almost want to call BS on all of you for this achievement. I'm at 19 minutes and can't see myself doing much better. I would love some tips and even if someone could send me the table times they have, I'd love to see what I SHOULD look like. Thanks.
By The Caged Rage on 27 Jan 2013 14:21
It is as everyone says. Less than 13 minutes and the achievement unlocks. Keep shaving time on the tables until you get it.
By xKiNGSCaReCRoWx on 10 Jul 2017 03:11
Can confirm that it unlocks once you get under a total time of 13 mins. I was on 13:00.16 and it didn't unlock, next table I got it down to 12:55.32 and it unlocked.
By jochta on 01 Nov 2009 11:55
Thanks, I got it a few seconds over 12 minutes. Knowing it meant for all tables combined helped.
By Joe da Immortal on 07 Jan 2010 20:22
Hey, hes someone got some tips for this (precise way to complete table). This is my last achiev, I have got about 13:20 so not far. Still I can not put off any more :P
By gPiOrzeL on 01 May 2010 15:42
@gPiOrzeL I've searched the web and YouTube for videos but came up dry. I don't think too many people bothered with this game as it was so expensive on release. I'm still yet to unlock this as I need to shave off about 1 more minute of time :-(.
By ezekiel 08 on 02 May 2010 00:21
Done it :) On leaderbord I got time off 12:59.80. I found nothing in web. Oh, and 13 minutes is patched time, becose so little number of players achieved <12 min ;)
Good luck!
By gPiOrzeL on 02 May 2010 08:55
@gPiOrzeL Thanks for the info on the patched time, I'll edit the solution to reflect this new info!
By ezekiel 08 on 02 May 2010 09:51
I can't do it, if I didn't get this game for free with xbox live gold pack I would not have wasted 800MP on it.
By ozbuffinatic on 01 Apr 2011 06:31
@ozbundyboy Likewise. I didn't know about achievements then so I played this as it came free. I've tried and tried and just can't do it :-(.
By ezekiel 08 on 01 Apr 2011 11:15
Oh yeah! Got it today @ 12:59:99. Definitely leaving it like that because of the sheer awesomeness.
By EmDeeGee on 01 Mar 2012 00:31
One important thing I noticed is that the game is very predictable. Some of the tables start with you lined up to hit a particular ball. If you don't move the aim at all but adjust the power, you can find an ideal starting place. I *think* for table 11, I used 55% and got 3 off the break. If you miss your second shot, just quit and restart with the same power, and you'll get the exact same results. Really makes it easier to learn the tables. At least for the first few shots.
By Th1ckMcRunFast on 23 Mar 2012 13:21
got it early this morning at 12:15 minutes... thank you, TA.
By ReliantGung ho on 11 Dec 2012 20:20
mine unlocked at 12:50.25
By JPG30 on 07 Aug 2015 20:54
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A few tables are best to not move the cue aim at first, just experiment with power and spin. I got kind of lucky with using full power and lots of front or back spin. I would almost always restart as soon as I scratched. Ginkgo helped me focus and stick with it. You can check your total time during play by pausing and going to leaderboards.
My times so you don't stress about getting lower.
Table 1: 35.94
Table 2: 16.21
Table 3: 1:00.05
Table 4: 1:15.80
Table 5: 1:13.11
Table 6: 2:00.28
Table 7: 1:03.93
Table 8: 1:03.24
Table 9: 56.64
Table 10: 29.77
Table 11: 1:10.50
Table 12: 1:50.64
total 12:56.15

Below is copied from a post in the forum Achievement Discussion
Here are some guidelines for three of the time-trial tables.

SHOT 1; power to 40 and press A. This will pot 2 balls top left and bottom right. The queue-ball will end up between the two top balls. (I know that not changing the power will pot the same two balls. But now the position of the queue-ball is better.)
SHOT 2; move the ruler from left to right towards the yellow ball. When the second arrow disappears press A. If done correctly this will pot 2 balls bottom left and bottom middle. The queue ball should remain on the bottom half of the table.
SHOT 3; move the ruler from right to left toward the top middle ball. Similar to shot 2 this should pot 2 balls top middle and top right.

- don't move the queue.
- press B (red button) and move the point of impact to the top of the ball.
- press a (green button) which will pot all the upper balls.
- don't move the queue.
- press B (red button) and move the point of impact to the top of the ball.
- press a (green button) which will pot all the lower balls.


1. don't move the cue
2. hold B and and aim to hit the very bottom of the ball
3. full power and press A

09 Sep 2016 02:32

Make sure your overall time averages a minute or less. You don't need to finish every table in under a minute.