Batman: Arkham Asylum

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Freeflow Combo 40

Freeflow Combo 40

Complete a combo of 40 moves (any play mode)


How to unlock the Freeflow Combo 40 achievement in Batman: Arkham Asylum - Definitive Guide

The best way to get this would be to play the new FREE DLC challenge "Totally Insane" - you fight against an infinite amount of enemies - hence the infinity loop icon on the thumbnail.

New enemies will drop in constantly, allowing you to chain together some very long combos.

Just out for the insane patients ("lunatics") who try and jump on your back, they are also able to jump dodge over the top of you, similar to how Batman himself does.

17 Sep 2009 13:46

spot on - exactly how i did it myself the other day
By BlakZombiToken on 20 Sep 2009 19:54
having a ton of trouble with this achievement
By GriZzly GRiP on 22 Sep 2009 02:21
Good thinking...I just did it this way!
By pyr0lyZer on 09 Jul 2010 15:08
This is how I got it... it's pretty easy if you can keep the combo in the early stages of the round because when the Lunatics start appearing it becomes harder to keep the combo because they have the ability to dodge our attacks
By Muse23PT on 30 Jun 2011 16:00
Excellent. Did it first try with this method.
By Majestik Moose1 on 08 Jul 2011 17:53
Helped me a lot, thanks
By Beggi Har on 24 Oct 2011 15:03
Is the challenge called Totally insane or the DLC?
I might be totally blind but I DL both free DLC, and I can't find this challenge... XD
By WhistIing Wolf on 14 Jun 2012 08:08
The enemies spawn too slow, can't get more than x10.
By Barad 007 on 25 Oct 2012 17:03
Sorry, this DLC appears not to be on the marketplace anymore. There is an "Insane" pack but doesn't seem to contain this infinite loop you speak of.
By WeltallAY on 08 Sep 2013 20:01
@ B A R 4 D - Yeah same here I move to fast they don't spawn fast enough I tryed lots of ways to slow down the combos by hitting Y + B when I got up to at least 5 x. Also tryed to evade. Ganna try the Rumble in the Jungle with the Titan see if that will work better.
By A Batwoman on 16 Oct 2013 19:39
Is "Totally Insane" the same as "Insane Night"? That's the only one I can see on the marketplace
By pezza888 on 21 Jul 2021 16:34
The DLC is still available. I downloaded it straight from my Xbox 360 dashboard on the Arkham Asylum page. You start the DLC in the main menu, "Downloadable Content". It's easy to know which one it is, as it has a infinity symbol next to it. I just unlocked the achievement today with the free DLC.
By Renki on 01 Oct 2023 12:55
Looks good but there is a weird glitch that some people seem to be having (myself included) where the new maps just don't show up.

Firstly - they don't appear in the usual "challenge maps" place - they are in the DLC menu.
Secondly, sometimes they don't appear there if they'd been downloaded previously (before an update maybe?) so try re-downloading them and they should appear.
By AnanabSemaj on 15 Jul 2012 11:38
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NOTE: I think it's best to do this with the Critical Combo Strikes upgrade, once you get to a certain point early in your combo each hit in that combo will count as x2 in your combo meter. Did I mention the word combo?

This achievement is really about 60% luck and 40% skill. You gotta get lucky enough that the enemies are spread out enough so it doesn't get over-crowded (which my lead to confusion on your part OR it might give Batman an area-of-effect attack where he'll accidentally hit more than one person, which could screw up your flow.)
Here's how I did it. When you first break into the Arkham Mansion there will be a room full of baddies looking for a paper (it's right after the first room where you have to go into the grate on the ceiling). From your position you can glide kick. Do it. It will scare the rest of them and give you time to plan your moves. Now attack each person in a certain order, preferably a circle, so when you get done with the last person the first one you hit will be getting back up and you can keep going. Good thing is that you have a check point right at the start of this area, so you can restart if you mess up. I got to x70 in this area on Hard.
Good luck!

26 Aug 2009 20:52

The group of thugs in the Mansion area is the PERFECT chance to get this -- top job!
By Stevivor on 31 Aug 2009 00:12
I found this spot and attempted it but got frustrated with it. I know it could be accomplished here, I just was having difficulty (I was playing on Hard). I got this on Sewer Bat (extreme). You could use the rope grapple to pull 3 enemies behind you right away to create a circle. The original author is correct: this is like 40% luck too.
By dropK1CK ninJA on 28 Sep 2009 20:35
Thanks this got me the achievement! Top guide by far ;)
By TheHolySammich on 06 Apr 2010 18:54
Cheers. Guide made this super easy.
By Jackov Spades on 22 Aug 2010 10:19
Can be tough but I found clearing out a few enemies, saving, then coming back made this much easier. Good spot for this achievement.
By sonnyforple on 22 Oct 2011 02:48
I have the critical combo strikes upgrade but how do I get it to work exactly? I've never seen my combo go up in 2's after each hit.. when my combo goes yellow and I start hitting everyoen faster it still only goes up 1x per hit..
By Barad 007 on 25 Oct 2012 17:52
It's automatic, so I'm not sure what this problem would be. I haven't played this in at least a year, but I believe once you get to x5 in your combo it starts going up in twos (could be wrong). All I can say is make sure you have the upgrade, sorry!
By Angel ManFreddy on 28 Oct 2012 15:37
Does it matter what difficulty you beat the challenges on?
By FEAR PointMan24 on 14 Jun 2016 04:46
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I got this on the Combat challenge Sewer Bat (Extreme), playing the first round.

I avoided all advanced moves, sticking solely to attack, stun, counter and evade. The reason is that using takedowns and/or throws negate your critical strike, causing you to miss the mark. When I did a round and culled the herd with two take downs, I ended with a 38x combo, while sticking to my mentioned method I finished with 43x.

This will take a lot of practise and patience, as well as some luck.

EDIT: Some people seem to have problems getting this on round 1, but manage to get it on round 2. Unfortunately, I don't have the game anymore to re-visit my solution, so I cannot verify this.

07 Apr 2010 17:39

Tried a few of the ideas on the other solutions an this worked like a charm Deserves more positive votes thanks couldn't of done it without this. =3
By MikeBebop on 05 Aug 2010 00:16
You going to need luck to get this one as i did the above and didnt use the advance takedowns but i killed every one with a x36
By A Sneaky Sl0th on 23 Jul 2013 22:00
Managed it on the second round smile
By LanDi on 03 Jun 2018 12:24
I ended up getting it on the second round, but this is a good solution. I stuck to the basic moves like you suggested. Thanks!
By Nibcrom Lives on 13 Jun 2012 13:05
I don't know why but the first round wasn't working for me so I tried the second round just kicked ass that round got up to 44x combo. Used that Y + B combo I love it and evaded when I needed and didn't spam the X button and watched what they did they do try to throw boxes at you so I moved the align stick as towards the box throwers.

Thanks for the tip was playing GOTY edition and finally got a 44x combo so if I can do it anyone can just practice and don't get up set keep moving around press Y when needed evade when you feel like they might hit you off guard and use Y + B when you see a yellow streak. Awesome thanks again!
By A Batwoman on 16 Oct 2013 21:05
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28 Aug 2009 19:09

Also at about 50% game completion you should have unlocked the Sewer Rat (Extreme) Combat Challenge. The last level of this challenge has about 15 guys (I think) and all 6 times I have played it have gotten at least 40x, (update)my max 62x. Might be easier to do it here if you are not towards the end of the game yet but have a lot of the Riddler's stuff collected.

29 Aug 2009 00:02

The easiest way i found to get this achievement is in the level right after you have shut off the pumps near Killer Crocs liar. Joker will lock you in an enclosed space and send down a titan as well as an elevator full of enemies. After injuring the titan enough you will be able to hop on to its back and ride it around. Try to time when you get on it with when the next wave of enemies comes down in another elevator. Then ride the titan around hitting as many enemies as you can. Each time you hit an enemy the combo meter will increase and the combo will never go away while riding the titan. Eventually when you are thrown off the titan you could have a streak as high as 25 or 30. That is a good place to start from and from there it is simple attack and counter with the enemies that come down the elevator for about 10 or 15 hits and you should easily get the achievement.

30 Jun 2010 18:26

Not sure if this has already been said, but the best place to get this achievement is when you get accepted to Joker's party near the end of the campaign. You enter a room full of 20 henchmen, defeating all of them will give you the 'Party Pooper' achievement as well.
Anyways, what I did was, before entering, I got myself a checkpoint by walking into the Penitentiary and back out. After this, I went and got my name marked of the guest list, went in and knocked out some thugs with some kick-ass free-flow moves.
Whenever I got my flow interrupted, or there weren't enough people left for me to get the 40x combo, I just restarted from the checkpoint and kept trying. I think I got it on my third try, and I can guarantee that if you do this, you WILL get the achievement eventually.
I got this one in the challenges; Rumble in the Jungle. Wait for the round where there's one Titan. Get him on his knees and then mount him, this should get you an easy 25-something hits without the risk of being hit youself, then after the titan throws you off his back just try and keep the combo going. I managed to get 42 hits with this method. Only downside is you'll have to avoid the Titan for the remainder of the combo which can get difficult. Try not to get pinned down in corners and keep your camera on him as much as you can.

16 Sep 2009 18:56

I found the best way to get this was on the downloadable Crime Alley on the 4th round. They are all either regular thugs or thugs with pipes. You do need to pay attention to the possibility of thugs ripping things off the wall, but if you can prevent them from throwing them all you need to worry about is just striking from thug to thug and countering when necessary. There are more than enough thugs in a small area to continuously knock them down while keeping them close. Pretty easy as long as you keep it simple.

30 Aug 2009 17:02

This is really easier than I believed: I've tried many many many times, reaching max 30 hit combo before been hit... Also the Titan wasn't a good solution for me... I'm skilled enough in combat technique, but...
Well, here's the solution (really easy).
Done on Sewer Bat (not extreme) on 2nd wave, using just 2 button: hit and evade. You'll face a big amount of foes without knife or tube, so they're really easy to evade.
Well: face one thug, hit - evade - hit - evade - hit, hit (if you're not too crowded) - evade, evade (if there's more than 2/3 enemies), and so on.
No special combo, no batrang, or else... just hit and evade, no matter the distance, Batman will hit without trouble, and you can evade any time you need, because this wont interrupt the combo count.
You'll reach 40 before finish the foes.

Done on first attempt.

11 Dec 2011 20:21

Easier way is to evade while fighting. It's perfectly doable during normal gameplay but except if you are in hard difficulty level, in-game fights allowing this combo are pretty far from beginning. So, just do it in any fighting challenge.

Basically, just evade (A+A on controller) an enemy and strike it (X on controller), and repeat until x40 combo.

Asylum is the first in the serie so Freeflow system is less "assisted" than other Batman games. So, you have to "target" the next goon after evading to allow Batman to correctly strike. If you don't, Batman stupidly strike in free space in front of him and break your combo...

Don't rush, combo won't break if you do it correctly, even if it's not quick. Take you time : evade, target, strike, evade, target, strike...

02 Nov 2015 00:00

This is one of the hardest achievements to complete. You will need to string together a comb of 40 hits without being attacked from your enemies. You may find this a little easier with the weapon upgrades as you can pull off far stronger combos and raise your level faster.

Once you raise your combo level it will turn gold allowing you to pull off stronger hits. You will also be able to take longer breaks between combo attacks on enemies giving you time to think about each move you pull off.

While fighting with the Titans you can build up a high combo level while riding on their backs and hitting over Jokers men. Just take your time and practice.

See "Freeflow Perfection" for combo combination.


Easiest way to do this is to punch () and then evade ()x2. Continually repeat the pattern of punching someone then jumping over to evade to avoid being hit to keep your combo going. The only challenging part to getting a 40 hit combo is having enough enemies. If you did not get this in the story then simply pick a Freeflow challenge map with enough enemies to get it done.

This is one of the hardest achievements to complete. You will need to string together a comb of 40 hits without being attacked from your enemies. You may find this a little easier with the weapon upgrades as you can pull off far stronger combos and raise your level faster.

Once you raise your combo level, it will turn gold which allows you to pull off stronger hits. You will also be able to take longer breaks between combo attacks on enemies giving you time to think about each move you pull off.

While fighting with the Titans, you can build up a high combo level while riding on their backs and hitting over Jokers men. Just take your time and practice.

See "Freeflow Perfection" for combo combination.

This is one of the hardest achievements to complete. You will need to string together a comb of 40 hits without being attacked from your enemies. You may find this a little easier with the weapon upgrades as you can pull off far stronger combos and raise your level faster.

Once you raise your combo level it will turn gold allowing you to pull off stronger hits. You will also be able to take longer breaks between combo attacks on enemies giving you time to think about each move you pull off.

While fighting with the Titans you can build up a high combo level while riding on their backs and hitting over Jokers men. Just take your time and practice.

See Freeflow Perfection for combo combination.

This is one of the hardest achievements to complete. You will need to string together a comb of 40 hits without being attacked from your enemies. You may find this a little easier with the weapon upgrades as you can pull off far stronger combos and raise your level faster.

Once you raise your combo level it will turn gold allowing you to pull off stronger hits. You will also be able to take longer breaks between combo attacks on enemies giving you time to think about each move you pull off.

While fighting with the Titans you can build up a high combo level while riding on their backs and hitting over Jokers men. Just take your time and practice.

See Freeflow Perfection for combo combination.
Same as achieving Freeflow Combo 20, Sewer bat extreme challenge or any of Rumble Jungle.

11 Jul 2011 20:22