Batman: Arkham Asylum

47 Achievements



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Biggest Bang

Biggest Bang

Complete story mode on Hard difficulty


How to unlock the Biggest Bang achievement in Batman: Arkham Asylum - Definitive Guide

Alright, instead of posting a 'how to' guide, I'll toss out some general tips and tricks I found useful on the journey through hard.

You can die very quickly if you're in a battle with multiple enemies, even if you're excellent with the counter button. A couple hits is still enough to take you down. Therefore, I highly recommend armour upgrades first. Second, you probably want to grab the multiple batarang upgrades, then the proximity upgrade for the plastic explosive (you get the weapon as you progress).

There are a few moves you need to master. The counter button (Y) in a fight is essential and it will take time to get it down right. Another is the RT+Y attack when a guy is down - it finishes him off. The second you have a group dazed on the ground, try and finish a couple guys ASAP. The third is double tap A (the dodge) - this will be your saving grace against large groups of goons, armed goons, titans and Poison Ivy.

In Gargoyle rooms with armed guards, there are two strategies that help. When facing 5-7 guys, make use of the Inverted Takedown. It's quiet and won't startle anyone. Also, make use of your plastic explosives and multiple batarangs, they are your saving grace - a well timed explosion or great 3 batarang shot will down a group, allowing you to swoop in and KO all 3 before they can get up. The armed goons take you down almost instantly, so you have to be incredibly careful.

As far as boss battles go...

Bane isn't too difficult if you can time your dodges and you can tap LT (the quick release batarang) - you'll catch him every time and send him crashing into the wall. The guards that help him are damned annoying, try and avoid them by running away until one or two are isolated and you can take them safely.

Scarecrow (x3) is basically a platform mini game and you'll figure out quick that going into the light is your end. Difficulty is irrelevant on this one as it's as simple as getting caught or not.

Poison Ivy gave me fits. The first half of the battle is relatively easy, make sure you use the dodge button a ton, avoiding the vines in the ground and the plant ions she fires at you. Once you blow the protective shell once, you get a save (thank god) and it's the same thing over again, just with tons of goons. I planted explosives at points and made sure to target goons near the edge as to knock them off. Basically it's an exercise in multitasking to focus on the vines as well. When she begins to shoot at you, simply keeping tapping A and LT to keep diving but also quick shooting the batarang - Batman is incredibly accurate. It IS hard but doable.

Joker is incredibly easy compared to Ivy. He's basically like a titan who doesn't charge and the battle is essentially you being able to beat up guards. Make sure to kick any close to the electric fences into them for insta kill, as well as target any guards who go for the guns. This really tests your combo skills which by now, should be good. Use the bombs Joker lets loose to your advantage - lure a group of enemies near one, trigger it and it'll stun all of them.

All in all, I found it on the same par difficulty as Ghostbusters - very challenging at points, mostly doable for the rest of the way and overall, an awesome playthrough. If you're familiar/a fan of the Assassin's Creed combat system, you may find this one to your liking/have an easier time getting good at it.

Good luck!

27 Aug 2009 22:24

are the achievements stackable like beat the game on easy and medium ?
By Heaven In Vain on 30 Aug 2009 19:34
Yes, they are stackable
By TheIcemanCometh on 02 Sep 2009 11:44
On Bane I found it much easier to kill the enemies as they came, oddly enough the fight with 1 titan and a bunch of enemies, Ivy i didn't have a problem with, though I dodged with the left trigger a lot In a lot in the fight, also Joker was really, really hard, at least the third wave, you might want to add some tips on that fight, i cant really think of anything to add tohelpp you, I wish I had this solution when I beat the game
By andrew 290000 on 07 Sep 2009 22:09
With Ivy I found that the batclaw worked really well against the henchmen. When you see them come up, make sure you're not standing where a vines going to spring up beneath you, and fire the batclaw at them. 1 of 2 things will happen to them: 1) they'll get tripped up and fall into the vines, or 2) they'll fall over giving you either an easy RT+Y takeout, or a temporary breather as other guys move in.
By Pedle Zelnip on 18 Sep 2009 19:55
This is a great strategy but my biggest question is what should I do if my health is low and there are no collectibles around?
By ChaoticOverview on 08 Aug 2010 11:56
A helpful tip for fighting joker: When the guys start rushing into the arena, target the ones up high with your triple batclaw, you will grab 3 if you`re lucky and the fall will always instantly ko them
By JUDGE DODD on 29 Mar 2011 18:49
One useful suggestion is that if you have full health and you encounter riddler trophies or the teeth don't get them leave them there if you are desperate for health so that you can come back to them later and recover some health
By ljp0390 on 16 Oct 2011 16:44
with the joker fight the hardest part is the previous bit where you need to kill to titans and all the guards and i only played it on normal
By JoeySJ95 on 19 Dec 2011 23:33
All this advice is spot on. I'd like to add that the Titan fight with all the thugs after the Pump Control room ranked ten times higher on my frustration meter than either Ivy or Joker. The quick Bat Claw ended up being a great help, and pulling the guys into the electric gates is a good way to thin their numbers. The same strategy worked well during the Joker fight too.
By aj vanzetti on 08 Feb 2012 17:24
With the titan and thug fights I found it best to just ignore the thugs and focus on the titans. Evade and only single hit the thugs. Your aim is to keep mounting the titans (ooo-misses) and using them to take out the thugs...
By HollowPonds on 07 Mar 2012 16:02
yeah, throwing batarangs at all times made me beat Ivy much faster. I even stopped fighting the guards. I just dodged, dodged and LT'ed like crazy. After she gets enough damage, she'll automatically go into the next phase, allowing you to do a good amount of damage. After this she has little health left and you can just LT away again, dodging plants and guards.

The key is to not let this fight last too long.
By Creamium85 on 03 Sep 2009 00:07
One thing to note on Ivy. You don't have to wait until she "opens up" to throw Batarangs at her. Granted, they don't do AS MUCH damage as they do when she's open, but the do do some. Just keep tossing every chance you get, and she'll go down in no time.
By TheIcemanCometh on 02 Sep 2009 19:10
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this guide is going to be short and to the point

use detective mode whenever possible

get the upgrade where you can do a combo takedown ASAP

save one health upgrade for the end (i used it when i had to fight the titan in the elevator shaft, but if you get through that use it during the battle with poison ivy, and be sure that your health is low when you use it otherwise it will be a waste)

when you get to the end, dont fight the guards waiting for you to go through (although i did)

and in the mansion when you see around 20 guards, use hit-and-run tactics (knock out a few, leave the building, rinse and repeat.)

if you need any help just send me a message on xbox live telling where you are and i will get you through it as best as i can. but for now ill only be online during the weekends. so ill let you know when i can
A few more tips nobody else covered:

- The hardest part for me was fighting the titan and massive waves of convicts in the elevator shaft area after shutting down the pumps. A few tricks here are helpful. First, if you go into the little room the Titan burst out of, you've created a choke point to avoid being surrounded and can use the multi-hook to pull three enemies toward you, then combo in a straight line right out (this hook strategy is a great go-to strategy for yanking a few guys out of a crowd). If that doesn't work then just keep evading your way over enemies' heads back to safety. Second, titans won't charge you unless they can face you without having to turn for awhile, so just running in circles around the room won't work. You can either stand in the mass of guards countering repeatedly until they charge, or evade over their heads, though. Third, the moment the battle starts (before the titan emerges) put a couple of explosive gels down by the elevator where the guys are going to come out. You'll have peace enough to get the titan almost to the 2/3 mark before you even have to throw a punch at a normal mook.

- Remember that you can throw baterangs around corners if you do a corner cover (pressing A by the edge and leaning around a corner - you had to use that move with Zsasz). This is really helpful when you're clearing rooms and enemies are keeping in close packs - with the multi-baterang you can take out at least three at a time.

- If you're evading Ivy's vines often won't damage you, even if you were standing right in the middle of them.

- Putting a bunch of explosive gel down at the beginning of most battles often helps you knock everybody out for a second and get two or three easy takedowns. Food for thought. For example, when Joker stops swiping at you and runs back over to the platform, putting a gel down to the left or right knocks down pretty much all of the mooks right away.

- Without the counter indicators, my brain sometimes seized up and I'd start button mashing or forgetting controls. If there aren't any special enemies going after you, you might want to mash counter for awhile in these situations until you get your bearings.

18 Apr 2013 07:58

This is for beating the game on Hard Difficulty, which will also unlock the achievements for beating it on Easy and Normal. You have the play the entire game on Hard, you cannot start at a lower difficulty and change it to Hard at the very end.

Hard is called this because you have no indicator when enemies are about to hit you (on Normal and lower they'll get lines over their head before they're about to hit you) and their hits take more of your health, so as long as you have a decent grasp of the countering system and pay attention to enemies' body language this really isn't that hard.

Something I haven't seen any guides mention is that when you use the Health Upgrade it instantly refills your health to full, so you should NEVER upgrade health until you're in a boss battle when you really need it.

What I highly recommend is when you start the game, go out of your way to get all the collectibles you can to get large amounts of experience, which you should in turn use to upgrade all your combat abilities and not health.

With your combat abilities upgraded to the max early on, it'll make Hard mode much easier as you'll be able to dispatch enemies quicker thanks to the Critical Strike ability and the Instant Takedown.

If you get all the collectibles you can, you'll likely have maxed out abilities and at least one available health upgrade by the time you get to Bane, which is arguably the hardest part in the game and where you will likely need to use your first Health Upgrade/Instant Full HP.

I recommend saving your remaining three health upgrades for:

-the Titan battle after you clean all three water tanks. This is tied with Bane for the hardest part in the game due to how small the arena is

-the Poison Ivy battle. Luckily you get a mid-battle checkpoint here but the second section is still very long and you will likely take too much damage

-the Double Titan battle before you face the Joker. This one isn't too bad but the level design will cause you to take some cheap hits. If you can pass this section without upgrading you'll have extra insurance in the final Joker battle

28 Jan 2021 20:08

This is a story related achievement.

Like every game the harder difficulty's can cause issues for some players. I suggest you play through the game at least once to learn all the movies and the general dynamics of the game. If you don't feel like running through the game more than once start out on hard.

While playing through make sure you pick up and solve as many of the riddles as possible to help build your XP level. The more you build on your character the easier the game will be in the long run.

Look through the secret achievements for tips on how to deal with the bosses you may be stuck on.

These achievements do stack so playing through on Hard will unlock Easy and Normal.

This is a story related achievement.
Like every game the harder difficulty's can cause issues for some players. I suggest you play through the game at least once to learn all the movies and the general dynamics of the game. If you don't feel like running through the game more than once start out on hard.
While playing through make sure you pick up and solve as many of the riddles as possible to help build your XP level. The more you build on your character the easier the game will be in the long run.
Look through the secret achievements for tips on how to deal with the bosses you may be stuck on.

These achievements do stack so playing through on Hard will unlock Easy and Normal. 


This is a story related achievement.

Like every game the harder difficulty's can cause issues for some players. I suggest you play through the game at least once to learn all the movies and the general dynamics of the game. If you don't feel like running through the game more than once start out on hard.

While playing through make sure you pick up and solve as many of the riddles as possible to help build your XP level. The more you build on your character the easier the game will be in the long run.

Look through the secret achievements for tips on how to deal with the bosses you may be stuck on.

These achievements do stack so playing through on Hard will unlock Easy and Normal.

You'll get this achievement, along with the two previous ones (Big Bang and Bigger Bang) for beating the game based on which difficulty you play on. I recommend playing the game on hard difficulty to knock out all three at once, as the game isn't incredibly difficult on any of the difficulty levels. Keep in mind that you can't change difficulty after you've started a save file, so choose wisely!

20 Apr 2023 00:00

Story related, and cannot be missed.
Once you defeat Joker as a Titan, you will earn the trophy according to the difficulty you selected.

In order to defeat Joker as a Titan, avoid and evade his attacks. He will eventually jump up and leave you alone. He will then send several of his henchmen to attack you. After defeating his henchmen, you will notice Joker being distracted by helicopters. Shoot your grappling hook into his back and pull him down. Repeat this process 3 times to earn the trophy and win the game.


This is a story related achievement.

Like every game, the harder difficulties can cause issues for some players. I suggest you play through the game at least once to learn all the movies and the general dynamics of the game. If you don't feel like running through the game more than once, start out on hard.

While playing through, make sure you pick up and solve as many of the riddles as possible to help build your XP level. The more you build on your character; the easier the game will be in the long run.

Look through the secret achievements for tips on how to deal with the bosses you may be stuck on.

These achievements do stack, so playing through on Hard will unlock the achievements for the Easy and Normal difficulties.

I advise you to immediately complete the game on this difficulty level, since the game is easy and all difficulty levels are tied to it. Three Achievements in a row.

13 Jul 2011 11:35