Batman: Arkham Origins

Batman: Arkham Origins

49 Achievements


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I Am The Night

I Am The Night

Finish I Am The Night Mode


How to unlock the I Am The Night achievement in Batman: Arkham Origins - Definitive Guide


As daunting as this achievement might seem, it's really not as bad as one might think. For starters, the main storyline is short as hell - I sat down and started this mode at 10am and finished around 4pm (it was short because i completely avoided side quests and challenges because i'd already completed them in my standard or New Game + modes). Secondly, you can only unlock this game mode once you've finished NG+, and for good reason: If you can't finish NG+, then you shouldn't even be thinking about getting this achievement until you improve. Anyways, here's a couple of tips for all you budding "I Am The Night go-getters":

If there is even a shred of doubt that you won't be able to finish a fight, restart. It's completely safe, and gives you another chance to succeed where you previously failed. This piece of advice is the most important.

2. Evade, Evade and... Evade
Seriously, the evade and hit from behind (A + A, X) is by far the easiest and most foolproof way to stack your multiplier up, and is a great way to slowly whittle down your enemies. Most of the combat fights in IATN mode have at least one armoured thug, and I found that the best way to get rid of them was just evading and attacking the non-armoured guys until the multiplier reached five so that you can use the B + Y takedown on the armoured ones.

3. Get rid of guns
Might sound simple, but armed thugs can reset any multiplier you have in an instant. I found that the X + Y destroy weapons combo took too long, so i just settled with either using the Batclaw to wrench the weapons away, or actually attacking them so that they dropped their weapons.

4. Have confidence
Corny, right? But it applies to this game mode so much, especially in predator encounters. If you see a guy standing stupidly in the open (as thugs usually do), take the chance! If you fail, restart. If you don't, keep going. Use gargoyles as much as you can, and if the enemies end up destroying them (which only happens in a few of the encounters), just stick to grates and vents.

5. Practise your Counter
Just continue your New Game + file and pick random fights. The lack of Counter icon in the game actually affects how you play the game initially, so it's imperative that you can counter easily without the icon. Every bit of health counts!

6. Bosses
Aside from the Bane encounters, I'd say the Boss fights aren't too difficult at all. If you couldn't beat Killer Croc, you've got a long way to go. Deathstroke's fight was just outright fun, Copperhead's was a LITTLE tricky (but again... evade, evade, evade) and Firefly's was just basic. EDIT: Using gadgets (such as the concussion grenade and explosive gel) on Copperhead hallucinations gets rid of them, as they will only damage the real Copperhead. Thanks to Blargby for the tip.
Here are my tips for Bane though:
- Be wary of any nearby thugs. Most of the time Bane will take them out with collateral damage, but every other time they're the reason you lose health so quickly in these battles. If you've stunned Bane and are beating him up, remember to counter thugs if they try to attack you during the beatdown.
- When Bane charges at you, SPRINT, then EVADE at the last second. If you evade straight away, he tends to just change his direction to where you leaped to. Also, try not to get stuck in a corner, as Bane will just constantly charge at you.
- If you get the 5x multiplier, use the B + Y combo on Bane ASAP. Every attack you make on him counts, and the B + Y combo does a substantial amount.
- For the final Bane encounter (when he goes berserk), the four simplest takedowns (as far as I know) are the Vent Takedown, Grate Takedown, Corner Takedown and Silent Takedown. And yes, I did them in that order. I think after the first takedown, Alfred tells you to use the electric gates to your advantage, which is a little tricky. You have to kind of steer Bane towards one of the gates and hit X when you're next to it.

That's about it.. If you find your combat/predator skills lacking, you can practise in the Combat Training Module. Also, if you're REALLY desperate, and you completely doubt your ability to succeed in this game (which you shouldn't.. have faith!), then you can just save a backup file on the Cloud. But again, if you just stick to your guns and remember the restart button, you should be perfectly fine. If I can get this achievement, anyone can smile

Feel free to comment or PM me if you're stuck. Happy hunting! toast

12 Dec 2013 06:14

Jesus man! That's scary as hell, lucky save! Would've been the absolute worst way to go out... glad you finished it, though. Cheers for the feedback
By A Flash Bangado on 16 Dec 2013 01:56
One tip for the Bane fight.

Make sure you are walking diagonally towards him, then evade. It's a lot easier to do than to just sprint and then evade at the last second. In fact, the problem with Bane is that WBM designed him to be like a homing missile, so no matter how fast you are, he can just turn around and hit you anyway. But if you go diagonally and then evade, he can't hit you at all.
By MM2313 on 08 Jan 2014 11:10
i did use that ^^ as my main form of evasion for a while, but for me, i eventually just found it a lot easier to run at him and evade. whatever works for you thought, it's a tough boss regardless!
By A Flash Bangado on 13 Jan 2014 10:02
It's actually the worst boss fight in the game. The other ones aren't that much of a problem at the moment. So far, I've just defeated Copperhead and am going towards the Bane fight now. Hopefully, I can have this wrapped up in a few days, provided that I don't die. It just seems like when you do a cape stun three times on Bane, he can somehow be faster than you with that punch. Makes me want to have infinite shock gloves for both fights!
By MM2313 on 25 Jan 2014 02:45
totally agree. i found the final bane fight (when he's beefed up on Venom) sooo much easier than his standard battles... pretty sure the frequency with which i reverted to last checkpoint was so much higher during those fights than any other point in the game.
By A Flash Bangado on 25 Jan 2014 09:18
A tip for the first bane encounter - concussion grenades stun him when you are still in the hotel room. Spam them when you get out on the balcony as well and they will help knock down random baddies.
By SallyNasty on 27 Feb 2014 04:18
Little tip for Copperhead: her hallucination clones dissipate if you hit them with explosives, to try using the Concussion Detonator (LT-B) or Explosive Gel (LT-X, my personal method) to whittle down the crowd. After all, she only takes damage if you hit the real Copperhead, so you want to spend as little time as possible beating on fakes.
By Blargby on 16 Mar 2014 19:29
nice tip! didn't know that, but i guess it makes sense. thanks for that
By A Flash Bangado on 17 Mar 2014 01:29
I JUST finished this last night. And I learned "the hard way" after 4 hours into the game only to die during certain Boss fights. What made it even HARDER for me was I was trying to achieve two achievements during this mode (IATN):

Point Counter-Point: Complete Deathstroke without failing a single counter
Flawless Display: Successfully battle Shiva without taking any damage

Not having the "Counter" display made Deathstroke extremely difficult.
Secondly, the battle against Shiva was easy EXCEPT for the fact that I had no clue I could "spam" the counter point at the very beginning when the female ninjas descend upon you. No matter what I tried, I always registered 1 hit. Once I realized I was able to counter, the rest was just following the tactics of "Evade, evade, and evade" as the original poster mentioned. Batclaw works wonders with Shiva until the final battle when there are no more gymnastic thugs.

The key for this mode in another boss battle which I did and someone else mentioned is to "spam" Copperhead's fake illusions with the explosive gel. That will eliminate the fakes and just leave her.

And oh yes........SAVE, SAVE, SAVE.

Without stating the obvious but I must, the 1st Bane battle atop the hotel got me once. The one where I was really nervous was "FireFly". When I was running low on health, I had finally attached to him via the batclaw when we were in the air and I see him hit me and the screen go black!!!

Within 2 seconds, I bolted out of my chair and "unplugged my PC"!!! Whew...sure enough, it did not have time to save my game and I went to YouTube on how to move around.

The key with this boss fight is to use the Glue Grenades on him then once he's stuck mid-air, attack with the multiple batarangs, until he becomes dizzy, then batclaw him. Then when you attach to him via the Batarang and in the air, make sure to either strike or counter while high up in the air, and then that will be the end of that fight.

In order of difficulty of boss fights, it's Bane 1st encounter, then the 2nd, followed by Deathstroke, Firefly. I'll throw in Deadshot with the cautionary tale to BE PATIENT and it can be easy.

Now to let everyone know that in the Deadshot encounter, on the final round of thugs, where he grabs a hostage.....IF he detects you and kills the hostage, although the mission failed.............the GAME did NOT. You still are at your savepoint. I freaked when he detected me but didn't kill me and I thought my game was over. But I said to myself "but he didn't shoot me". Thank god the developers didn't program it to end that way.

Anyway, my tips are to have the unplug cord easily at your disposal to pull the plug on your PC, be patient, use YouTube to learn some tricks on certain Boss fights (i.e. Batclaw slam is my favorite), and you'll be fine. Number of hours it took me? I would overall 24hours (not in one sitting obviously). And remember that when you get the IATN mode achievement, if you die after, your game STILL reverts back to the beginning. So just finish and exit the game.
By jaramill on 17 Mar 2014 18:39
I found doing the Disarm & Destroy move (X+Y) with Bane really helped knocking him out quickly. With that formula I ended up beating him first try; something I hadn't done in NG/NG+.
By sjpsjpsjp on 07 Apr 2014 23:10
does it not have the same effect as B + Y?
By A Flash Bangado on 08 Apr 2014 01:32
Awhile back, I said that I was at Copperhead and just beat her. Well, I completed the game on I Am The Night after that. One tip that I've heard does wonder against Bane is when he charges you, run in a circle. He can't really hit if you are constantly running around. Then it's just a matter of evading the shock attack (which has tremendous range unfortunately) and then repeating the entire process.
By MM2313 on 22 Apr 2014 23:25
To avoid Bane, I managed to run and slide (RT while running). Way easier for me to get away from him, rather than evading. Besides, it helps knocking some thugs in the process. Maybe this could help a few. GL!
By El Bencho on 26 Apr 2014 21:03
yeah. i personally didn't use a backup file because i really saw this achievement as a worthy challenge, but one of my friends used the Cloud on his run through and he said it worked fine, so i thought i'd just include it in this guide for people who are struggling for whatever reason.
props to all you guys for finishing though, this is a tough achievement whichever way you look at it! dance
By A Flash Bangado on 19 Jun 2014 01:02
In the case of an emergency, it is also possible to turn off the console just after you die. If you do it fast, when Batman is still falling in the floor, the death is not saved (even if the screen shows the "Saving..." message in the corner). I did this method several times without problems, but notice that in the worst cases this method can corrupt your save file. Do it at your own risk.
By Diego Queiroz on 30 Jul 2014 20:53
I freaked out during the firefly fight because I thought I had seriously messed up. I made it up to this point more or less "untouched". During the final sequence when you grapple him twice while he is flying away, I forgot to press strike or counter. It said mission failed you are dead. It took me to the main menu and for a second there I was raging on my heavy bag and pulling my hair. Came to find out that I could continue from that point.
By AboveAverageDad on 30 Aug 2014 01:16
Quick warning, going to dashboard corrupted my 75%+ save file. So make sure to have multiple files when attempting this achievement, as far as I know there is no fix. I'm done with this game.
By LordNyax on 08 Sep 2014 05:06
Definitely always backup your save to a USB drive or to the MS cloud. That way you can go back to it if you happen to die or your save gets corrupt.
By Solario32 on 27 Jan 2015 15:48
It would be much much easier with a video guide since this is one death restart achievement i will not rely on text guide to ensure time isn't wasted only to have to restart the game because the text guide left out so many areas where you can die easily & not know before hand.
By The Nerds Club on 23 Feb 2019 01:18
Having just knocked this out in one sitting in just under 4.5 hrs: restart IMMEDIATELY if there's any chance of failing. This is doubly important with the Bane fights, especially the last one (not the hulked out Bane, the one in the panopticon thing). I would recommend trying this for that fight: try to get a combo going as he's doing his charge moves, and then when he ground pounds and everyone is knocked down, hit that A+B combo to batarang everyone on the ground. Will save you some headache in that fight, especially because your shields are down due to the overclocking of the electric gloves.
By VIDJOGAMESMASTR on 10 Dec 2023 18:56
I just got this achievement today. Throughout the story, I had to restart the checkpoint only a few times total just to be safe. Then I got to the VERY end (SPOILER: confronting the Joker in the church), and up to the part where he's pointing the gun in your face (the absolute last possible point where you can die). There wasn't a counter hint or anything and I had forgotten that I needed to counter, so I let the Joker speak. He finished talking, then shot me in the face. The screen went black and then I saw him come out of the darkness and start to speak, and I saw "Saving" in the bottom right corner. Meanwhile "SHIT. FUCK. OH GOD NO." Is running through my mind and mouth. I immediately dashboarded (didn't let the Saving icon finish), loaded the game back up and was RELIEVED as hell to see that it hadn't actually registered as a death.

Anyways, nice guide, good tips. Thumbs up from me.
By Paul Zap on 16 Dec 2013 00:14
Normally I oppose doing things like making a backup of a save file for challenges like this as it kinda defeats the purpose of the challenge, but in this case I can't agree more with the other posts here.

I ran into several situations while playing that would have failed the achievements for me that were out of my control. Once I had a predator encounter that for some reason after I popped smoke I couldn't do a take down of one guy and ended up getting shot. The joker games challenge mid way bugged out on me and the count down continued on even after defeating everything (luckily I was able to just restart to last save point as it happened on New Game+ mode so I knew what to do) and then once on Firefly I received the death cutscene with Firefly over me after defeating him and talking to Gorden. Every one of those were basically out of my control so definitely make a backup to USB or the cloud or something every so often. Good luck.
By Nuttragous on 18 Jun 2014 13:10
Normally I oppose doing things like making a backup of a save file for challenges like this as it kinda defeats the purpose of the challenge, but in this case I can't agree more with the other posts here.

I ran into several situations while playing that would have failed the achievements for me that were out of my control. Once I had a predator encounter that for some reason after I popped smoke I couldn't do a take down of one guy and ended up getting shot. The joker games challenge mid way bugged out on me and the count down continued on even after defeating everything (luckily I was able to just restart to last save point as it happened on New Game+ mode so I knew what to do) and then once on Firefly I received the death cutscene with Firefly over me after defeating him and talking to Gorden. Every one of those were basically out of my control so definitely make a backup to USB or the cloud or something every so often. Good luck.
By Nuttragous on 18 Jun 2014 13:11
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I Am The Night mode is unlocked after you complete New Game +.

Everything that applies to New Game + applies to I Am The Night, so you have no counter indicator and all the enemies are harder.

However, I Am The Night mode takes it quite a leap further. You only have one life. If you die the game gets reset back to the start.

Thankfully, if you do die you can quickly quit to the dashboard and your checkpoint will still be saved. For added protection you could copy the save every so often onto the cloud or another memory device.

Only differences in gameplay between this and New Game + are that harder enemies turn up earlier, for example some armored goons will be replaced by martial artists. There will also be some areas that are completely jammed, such as Sionis Mill, for the entire time that you're inside.

Good luck!

26 Oct 2013 15:20

Ah so it works like Hard Core in Dead Space 3? The save back up trick will make this a lot easier then, kind of a shame really
By Hybridchld on 26 Oct 2013 23:39
Yeah, kinda takes away from the accomplishment a bit. Ah well.
By Zealous Pottle2 on 27 Oct 2013 00:29
Exactly, why would you want to even go for it if you're not actually going to do it honestly?

"YAY! I COMPLETED NEW GAME + AGAIN! Except now it claims I beat something that's harder than new game +! Aren't I cool?"

I don't understand why people even do things like this. Maybe if you actually got some kind of real tangible reward for it I could understand taking advantage of a loophole, but the whole point of getting the achievement is for the fun of actually achieving something.
By PlayUltimate711 on 29 Oct 2013 22:49
Why are there boosting sessions for multiplayer achievements? Why don't you just play the multiplayer properly?

You do it because you wouldn't be able to do it otherwise, but want the completion/achievement.
By Zealous Pottle2 on 29 Oct 2013 23:10
you can pause and restart checkpoint to I had to when I got stuck in the environment continually falling in the bat cave
By AlmightySparrow on 30 Oct 2013 03:19
It's a good thing you can glitch this with the above tips, because I honestly believe it is literally impossible to finish this mode without dying.

I'm only on New Game + right now, and although I'd call myself very proficient at the combat mechanics (100% in all modes of Asylum & City) - it is absolutely handing me my ass right now.

I can't see how it could ever be possible to do the whole game without dying, the henchmen are so overpowered and their patterns are incredibly random and far too fast. Especially so in the Penguins casino.
By Mr XBob on 31 Oct 2013 22:38
Not needed to reset so far though. Just reached the first bane boss fight. Trying to psych myself up to continue cause he handed my ass to me on NG+
By Deadpool 1194 on 08 Nov 2013 16:29
Good luck! I found it easier to run to avoid him when he charges rather than evade.
By Zealous Pottle2 on 08 Nov 2013 16:53
Congratulations! :D
By Zealous Pottle2 on 10 Nov 2013 01:39
Just got this myself. Thankfully didn'y have to use the back up save just had to reload a couple of check points.

Over all I found it no worse than NG+

If you're capabale of beating NG+ you'll do this easy enough.
By Hybridchld on 19 Nov 2013 20:31
Any advice taking down bane, cus he keeps killing me one way way or another
By Tan110688 on 07 Dec 2013 21:01
Ok for those of you who may be as stupid as i am, bane is supposed to do the back breaker move, it then jumps to a cut scene, i am a moron
By Tan110688 on 08 Dec 2013 01:26
Run instead of dodging when he charges, it's easier to avoid him.

I don't really have much to offer other than that, it's a pretty annoying fight.
By Zealous Pottle2 on 08 Dec 2013 01:28
The fights with Bane are some of the worst in the game, due to the way WBM programmed him. It's such a ridiculous fight.
By MM2313 on 29 Dec 2013 10:54
Bane is very easy. Stick to evade, BBB combo and AAX combo
By MadMaxxx on 08 Jan 2014 23:08
To avoid Bane, I managed to run and slide (RT while running). Way easier for me to get away from him, rather than evading. Besides, it helps knocking some thugs in the process. Maybe this could help a few. GL!
By El Bencho on 26 Apr 2014 21:02
so actually a pointless comment
By TBONE3564 on 19 Oct 2014 17:35
I reckon you could do it if you made a few attempts, when I did this I only died 4 times in all.

Most of those were during the final battle though, so that would have been a real pain in the ass. :P
By Zealous Pottle2 on 31 Oct 2013 22:39
Managed to beat the game with no deaths smile almost crapped my pants when bane stuck me in a corner at the start of the fight and got me to one block of health but I evaded like a madman and made it through! laugh
By Deadpool 1194 on 10 Nov 2013 01:09
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Not necessarily a solution, but more of a tip. Kinda obvious since I haven't gotten it since writing this. Anyway, if you are ever close to dying, just pause the game and restart the checkpoint. Don't risk it. If you have to get just one more hit on a boss, but you have the smallest sliver of health left, restart. Sure there is the possibility you'll win and not need it, but it's better to be safe. This trick always works, as long as you aren't dead, then you can't pause. As mentioned by zealous, a quick dashboard might save you, but I've never been able to get that trick to work. The save copy is also a good idea, but not really necessary if you completely avoid death by restart

03 Nov 2013 08:56

1 Comment
All you got to do when your grapple is attached to firefly & your fly following him is spam y button won't fail.
By The Nerds Club on 23 Feb 2019 01:15
This achievement is for completing I am the Dark Night mode which is basically new game+ but with only 1 life. If you die, your save is erased and you have to start over. This may seem difficult but in reality it is not that difficult to achieve.

#1 - keep an eye on your health. If you hit the red, press start immediately and hit restart. You may lose some progress depending when the last checkpoint was but it is 100% better than starting over

#2 - This achievement ONLY counts the main story. So ignore everything else. There is no need to risk your save any of the side missions or assassins.

#3 MAKE SURE TO DEAL WITH ALL SNIPERS BEFORE DOING ANYTHING. The Snipers are the most annoying enemies. Avoid the ones in the Diamond district but there will be times where you have to go against some. They are priority #1.

#4 In Predator sections do not take risks. Be smart and take advantage of your gadgets. First and for most take out Snipers first. You can easily thin the herd by using your Sonic batarang and Remote claw. Sonic Batarang gives you a free knockout and the Remote claw can take out guys using propane tanks and you can even us it to attach enemies to vantage points. Take advantage of your environment as well. Detonate those mines to take out henchmen as well as explosive gel on weak walls.

#5 In Combat Scenarios take advantage of your combos. Combos will net you quick kills. If you are good with counters without icons you will be fine. I find it is easiest to knock any gun users down, eliminate the giant thugs and armoured guys then focus on the rest. Martial art guys can be a pain but an easy way to deal with them is to get a combo, knock them down and use the multi ground takedown. Take advantage of the knife users for an easy takedown by dodging.

#6 Bosses - They are fairly simple. Just follow the pattern

Croc - Stun then attack and when he picks up the canisters mash the quick batarang to explode them. There is noting special about him.

Deathstroke - He can be a bit tough. His fight relies on countering. If you get into a fight cutscene(not sure what else to call it), watch for the slowdown, that is the signal to counter however the attack I find doesnt have one. Here my advice is to chain a couple of hits together and use a takedown on him. Time your attacks as he will attempt to counter. You can also catch him with the batclaw slam although dont over use it as he will catch on.

Copperhead - She is a bit annoying but not all that difficult. Spam the quick explosive gel to deal with all her doubles, when the real one is exposed just attack relentlessly. Rinse and repeat. Eventually she will start dash attacking so be sure to keep dodging to avoid being hit by that.

Bane - I found this fight to be the hardest. First half isnt too difficult. Ultra stun and attack, use takedown to deactivate his venom or whatever it is then attack and use a takedown or two again. After you go outside, its a bit harder. Its the same sequence but he charges you and slams the ground and enemies join the fight. Honestly ignore the henchmen. Run and let him charge. Dodge as he slams and go for the ultra stun + takedown. Then continue using take downs and repeating the pattern until he has 1 health bar. He will do 1 more charge sequence before a cutscene.

Firefly - Not a difficult fight do the same thing you have always done. Hit him with the glue grenade, batarang spam and then bat claw. Be sure to spam the counter button when you are grapelled to him and flying around to make sure you counter.

Bane #2 - First fight is the same as the 1st. After that he will Hulk out. You want to sneak up and silent take down and throw him into the electric cells. After doing that twice, jammer will activate. Hide until the coast is clear and disable it then sneak up and repeat.


That is all there is too it.

24 Sep 2019 00:00

1 Comment
All of the above plus:
- remember to counter Joker when he is talking in the chapel
- electrified water in Blackgate kills you instantly

Yes being able to restart when things go south makes it really as challenging as NG+
By paw3lk on 12 Apr 2023 22:56
(Minor Spoilers)
First off I just want to say that this achievement may seem and sound extremely difficult, but as long as you put enough concentration towards it and try your best, you should be able to get this achievement fairly easily, but that does not mean that still aren't things that can ruin you run on getting this achievement.

First off, I Am The Night Mode can only be unlocked after completing the main story, (Excluding side missions & collectibles) on a regular game and by completing the story once more on New Game +. Once you have done both you will have I Am The Knight Mode unlocked.

Now comes the part of getting the achievement, which again, seems hard, but there are some tricks you can use to get past parts where you die, since, in I Am The Night mode, if you die once, its over. So, there isn't really much to say when it comes to this achievement in my opinion other then when you die. When you die you can save yourself by quickly turning off your console or quickly exit to the Xbox Home Menu. But you must act fast because if you do not act quick enough then the game will save your progress and, well, you will have to start all over again. And there are some other things I do recommend just to help you get this achievement quickly. That being, focus on the main campaign. You can breeze through this as long as you stick to the actual story mode and by not getting caught up on side quests and missions. You can if you would like, but if you do not want to risk dying or if you just want to get this achievement as quick as possible. But, there is only really one thing that I feel would be good to point out and that is the Bane Boss Fight. Now overall, most of the boss fights are pretty easy, but if you have played Arkham Origins, you probably know just how hard the Bane boss is in this game. And since you fight him 3 times, I am talking about the first encounter on the rooftops. I died at that boss multiple times, one time on a past game where I wasn't quick enough to save my self and ended up, pretty pissed, but other times where I was quick to turn off my console. But Bane does ALOT of damage. And his charging attacks are especially annoying. And because of how much damage he does I would also like to bring up something else important, and its that before going into I Am The Night, I highly suggest you fully upgrade Batman's ballistic armor and combat armor, ballistic armor, just so you can take some gunshots from enemies, but combat armor so that if you get hit hard, you will still have health left, because again, Bane is very powerful, so the armor will be a great help. But some tips to avoiding bane, especially when it comes to his sprinting move, as least to what I did, always make sure you know where he is coming from and jump away from him while leading him into a corner, and do not stand to close to the wall or corner. And you cannot jump over bane when he is rushing you important reminder. But when thugs start to drop in, do not take them out, they can be very helpful to you. Because when Bane charges you again you can jump over the thugs to easily evade him.

But other than that this achievement is somewhat easy to obtain, though it is still a challenge. But its 70 more Gamer Score to your account and a free Batman costume for your avatar so, that's cool I guess.

27 Jul 2022 05:21

If you think you were done with the story at NG+, that was just a warm up. I Am The Night Mode is exactly the same as New Game+, but you cannot die- die once and IATN mode is reset. Luckily it autosaves so it doesn't have to be in one sitting unlike some games, so you can also back up your save to a USB or PS+ before dangerous moments in the story to prevent losing your save. Another feature you can take advantage of is restarting the checkpoint. If you are low on health, you can restart before you die and suffer no penalty.
You'll have completed the game twice before so this isn't really bad, especially with the two measures mentioned above, but you should take things slow and not risk doing side missions as it just offers more chance to die.

However there are a few times when it is really easy to die. A list of these are situated below:

Hostage Situations- In some predators an enemy will grab a hostage, if they see you it's game over.
Firefly- In the Firefly boss battle, when you go flying into the air after grappeling onto him, you will fall off, you must immediately regrappel or you die.
Environmental hazards- some can kill you instantly. For example the electric water in Blackgate.
Joker- In the final confrontation with Joker, you must hit counter or he will shoot you and it's game over, so close to the end

This will pop in the final cutscene.


I Am The Night Mode will unlock after you have completed your New Game+ playthrough. Almost everything detailed in the New Game+ achievement applies to IATN Mode, which includes the removal of the counter indicator in combat and an upgrade in all enemy types.

The catch of this new mode however, is that you can not die AT ALL during this playthrough, for you will only have one life. If you are unfortunate enough to die at any time during the game, you will be reverted back to the Main Menu. The game will still have autosaved enabled, so don't worry about having to complete this playthrough in a single sitting. This is a nice reminder to fall back on when you are approaching a difficult section of the game and want to quit out of the Story or shut your console off.

A great tip to utilize during this playthrough - although a bit complicated - would be to grab a USB device and plug it into one of the ports of your Xbox. Now, when you reach a certain checkpoint or part of the game where you think you may die due to an upcoming boss battle or enemy encounter, you can quit to the Main Menu and then go to the Xbox dashboard. Now head over to the dashboard's System Settings and into your Memory hub. Copy your autosave file which is the "Hard File" onto your USB device. This acts a failsafe in case you die next time you boot up the game and try progressing through the story. Now head back into the game, and if you do end up dying at any point, simply go to the dashboard and reboot the game. At the Main Menu, when it asks you to select a storage device, choose your USB and you will resume the game at your copied autosave file.

This method might sound a bit complicated, and it's not entirely necessary either. An alternate, and much simpler method, would be to pause your game right before you're about to die or if Batman is in the slow motion death animation (before the black screen appears) and just quit out to the Main Menu. When you boot the game back up, you will continue from your last autosave.

Whichever way you decide to tackle this playthrough, just remember to be alert and quit out of the game IMMEDIATELY if you think you're about to die. Good luck, folks!