Batman: Arkham Origins

Batman: Arkham Origins

49 Achievements


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Point Counter-Point

Point Counter-Point

Complete Deathstroke without failing a single counter


How to unlock the Point Counter-Point achievement in Batman: Arkham Origins - Definitive Guide

I though this missable achievement was going to be quite hard, but after a few tries I found a method that works well. All you have to do is jump over Deathstroke using AA, kick him once with X and then AA jump again. Also, every few hits (8 without upgrades) you will have an effective B+Y combo available to use.
This way, you need to press Y to counter only during QTEs. It's even possible to finish the fight without Deathstroke throwing barrels at you (that's what happened to me).

25 Oct 2013 17:13

Finally got it, just take your time, believe me practice makes perfect !
By JACK LAYT0N on 27 Oct 2013 18:57
Worked perfectly!
By BudgieK88 on 25 Oct 2013 19:56
I don't know how clear this is to everybody else, but it might be helpful to note that you can still hit him while he has the blue lines coming from him. I thought that you had to counter him every single opportunity you had; however, you just need to be sure he never hurts you while attacking. If he does, then that is a "failed" counter. Anyway, I just thought I might throw that out there in hopes of helping at least one other person.
By xCANExINSANEx93 on 26 Oct 2013 03:40
A nice idea in theory... if you're playing on Easy. But even at Normal difficulty, Deathstroke quickly starts being able to counter this tactic, which then requires you to be good at countering anyway, and if you are there's no use in this technique and you may as well just do the fight straight up... so if you're not playing on Easy this tactic is useless.
By CndnViking on 26 Oct 2013 04:45
Nope, it works on Normal too.
By MustangNox on 26 Oct 2013 08:20
Don't know what cane is talking about. Tried this method on normal and it worked a charm. Totally stopped death stroke building up his attacks so was no countering to even consider (other than the qtes). Good job mustang.
By Obi Jase on 26 Oct 2013 10:20
That was really helpful, didn't think the B+Y combos would work, so I never tried it! Also, found that the Batclaw slam was useful as well - another move I thought he would automatically dodge. Played it on 'Normal'. Plus, the wording in the achievement is a little misleading - you don't have to counter every attack, if say you jump to avoid it - it's more 'don't get hit once'
By CGX II on 26 Oct 2013 16:58
Nope. Did AA X and he just countered it and hit me with his stick.
By on 27 Oct 2013 02:17
does anyone know if you get hit by that unblockable attack of his that no counter prompt comes up if you can still get this cheevo? i was doing well in this fight but he always gets me with one of those attacks uber annoying even when I counter everything else
By EvAsIv3 PeNgU1N on 27 Oct 2013 23:28
Yeah, that attack is what my first comment was about. But if you resist the urge to start mashing Y when you see the attacks coming in and wait for the prompt you will get the achievement. Also, if you have been hit your melee armor will be lower than your bullet armor.
By on 27 Oct 2013 23:39
So the one attack that doesn't have a counter option doesn't count? You can be hit by it? Because he always gets me with it. Even when I use this strategy.
By Maximus RD on 29 Oct 2013 01:59
Is there a timing to it? I try to go really fast hoping over and hitting. Not working
By Maximus RD on 29 Oct 2013 02:09
did this and broke deathstroke 135x multiplier AA, kick him once with X and then AA jump again it just glitched out he didn't take out his sword
By AlmightySparrow on 30 Oct 2013 04:33
had to restart btw
By AlmightySparrow on 30 Oct 2013 11:09
finally did it I noticed that the achievement pops when batman in holding the sword between his hands if it hasn't popped by than than restart
By AlmightySparrow on 30 Oct 2013 16:37
IM going to replay on easy, just not got the knack/skill maybe suffer one/two hits..
By pompeyladbfp on 01 Nov 2013 18:26
Just got it, took my time with as and x.. Once it goes into qte.. Just resist pushing y
By pompeyladbfp on 02 Nov 2013 16:01
If you're the number 1 cheevo you may as well add that you can tell you've won the cheevo as it pops during the final "sword grapple" sequence, well before the final cutscene. If it doesn't unlock here you need to RESTART asap before the game saves your progress and you lose a chance to unlock it.
By count023 on 10 Nov 2013 09:55
Kaiser I just got this achievement along with a 117 hit combo on new game yea it does work...I did however have to do it twice cause this first time I jUst kept doin it til he died and didnt get cut scene and no it should be noted u must stop using this tactic when he has about 3 bars of health left....anyway thanks good guide
By EaseAndInspire on 11 Nov 2013 20:10
worked perfectly for me
By Graig1983 on 23 Nov 2013 17:57
I didn't look at the list of Achievements the first time through the game, so I missed this on Normal difficulty. Very pleased to say that your strategy works even on New Game Plus mode. Thanks!
By Silent Fanatic on 01 Dec 2013 05:14
thanks for this solution, after reading so many rage posts all over the internet I had no idea it could be so easy +1toast
By Jay Insomniak on 03 Jan 2014 06:39
I found this formula worked well up until the 3rd phase (where Deathstroke gets out his sword). After which time you're better off facing him head on and doing the odd quick batclaw pull (LT+Y). I found this worked better after trying pure evade about 30-40 times.
By sjpsjpsjp on 14 Mar 2014 01:09
Working like a charm on Normal difficulty - thank you Stan smile wave
By fiodorPL on 07 Apr 2014 15:36
I didn't get the shit at all. And my game glitched out on me. It's still a black screen as I am typing this. I need help!!!!!
By ChrisDaTruth on 24 Dec 2014 19:21
AAX is definitely the way to go on new game plus.
By Solario32 on 23 Jan 2015 23:59
If you get hit by an explosive barrel, in other words missing that cn_Y-counter, KEEP GOING! Don't restart. I got hit by one barrel but kept going to practise the fight and the achievement popped in the grab-the-sword-cutscene. I completed all the counters except the barrel one and still got the achievement.
By NekoHenke on 15 Feb 2016 16:18
I used the method described here numerous times and failed every attempt. Most times after jumping over Deathstroke I was able to strike him, but sometimes he would strike back. The first time it gives you the opportunity to block his strike, but the second time he hits you no matter what you do. After a couple hours and countless fails, I tried Don Dunckel's method and got it on the second attempt.
By Vesperius on 19 Dec 2016 01:08
This method sucks I am sorry to say, even on easy he has a tendency to attack you after you jump over him on the sword phase.
By matdan on 27 Dec 2016 06:26
Einfach nur super gschissen
By Rkranl on 29 Feb 2024 18:17
Turns out one of his counter attacks seems to hit you 2 or 3 times around the shoulders before the counter prompt but it doesn't seem to count as being hit.
By on 27 Oct 2013 20:29
@tigger so that attack still means you can get the achieve? if so thats a hell of a lot easier. Getting pissed off at always getting hit with this undodgeable attack and restarting.
By paddycfc22 on 27 Oct 2013 20:57
Suprisingly easy in New Game Plus. I don't think there is any difference in the fight compared to normal as far as attacks and health. If he gets you into a QTE, you can still tell when to counter as the game slows down even further where the button prompts used to be. Thus, his normal attacks are actually harder to counter but try not to ever let him attack and you will be golden. The hardest part is not glitching at the end or during the fight.
By Ursiform on 07 Nov 2013 00:07
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Just to clarify, this achievement might as well say to not get hit by Deathstroke. The above solutions are both great, but I was playing on normal and found the AA, X, AA method to be inconsistent. Sometimes he would counter or force me into a QTE when I wasn't ready for it. I found the best way to do this is to simply wait for him to attack you. All you really have to do is hit Y when the prompt or lines above his head come up to counter, then bash his brains in with XX. Even if you get hit, continue on with the fight to learn his patterns after his mask comes off and when he brings out his sword. For all 3 parts of the fight, however, simply wait for him to make the first move. It sounds pretty basic, but it is. It will only take you a few times to learn his move set and patterns. Again, when you get hit simply restart the checkpoint. A little persistence and practice will pay off in the end, and if nothing else restarting the checkpoint a few times will force you to become more familiar with the combat systems and countering. Happy hunting!

26 Oct 2013 23:21

This Achievement is missable! If you miss it, you must start a new Game or higher Difficulty and play again to Deathstroke.

For the success you have counter Deathstroke normal Attacks and in the QTEs (Quick Time Events), press the Counterbutton to the right time (not too early or too late)

If you fail a counter in the Bossfight, restart over the Menu (Start Button) a new Try. The Fight has 3 Phases, in Phase 1 you have in the QTE 1 Counterevent, in Phase 2, 2 and in Phase 3, 2-3. (Keep in mind, dont forget to counter his normal attacks outside the QTEs)

Between the Phases is another QTE, here you must press the Counterbutton very fast. (not sure is this towards to the Achievement because "Single Counter" in the Achievementdescription)

In the Phases is also a QTE, here you have counter the throwing Barrel first with the Counterbutton and then throw it with LT+Y to Deathstroke.


25 Oct 2013 11:52

Awesome, thanks. Will be using this guide this weekend!
By SallyNasty on 25 Oct 2013 12:49
you don't need to start a new game. I hit restart when i got hit and i still unlocked the achievement
By DEMON362 on 22 Dec 2013 20:30
@DEMON362 it's not if you get hit you have to start a new game, it's if you get hit, finish the bossfight without restarting and continue on aka 'miss' this achievement you would have to start a new game
By on 04 Dec 2022 01:00
Just a heads-up, the QTE where you have to counter the thrown barrel with just Y, and the QTE where you have to throw Deathstroke off his balance before he shoots you with LT+Y are separate. They CAN happen at the same time, but it's not guaranteed to happen that way.
By Shabobble on 27 Oct 2013 22:37
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Everyones solution is great but there is one thing I want to add for how I got it.

I did this on NewGame+ this way I could utilize the Special Combat Boost in the Close Combat Upgrades so that I could use by B+Y takedown at x5 instead of x8 and the upgrade that lets you stack your takedowns by two.

Also a big thing is the use of the batclaw. Most of the time Deathstroke will get caught in the gun allowing Batman to knock him down or do a critical strike. Deathstroke can randomly block incoming attacks but CANNOT, if the claw hits him, block either of the initial batclaw attacks.

So for my fight I instantly claw/attacked him, then did the AA X repeatedly till my combo was at 10 allowing me to perform two takedowns. After the second takedown he will go poof and you get the QTE where you pummel the piss out of him, giving you a +13-15 combo gauge, allowing you to perform two more takedowns. Then I just built the combo meter up one more time for a third takedown and it was on to stage three where I rinsed and repeated. I used the batclaw the most on stage three because that's where I would run into the non blockable counters.

*Thanks to Lt Davo for pointing out my error in weapon names

14 Nov 2013 02:33

I discovered a fairly easy way to defeat Deathstroke without him being able to counter your attacks too much, building on the AA, X method. I am not entirely sure whether this is a bug or intentional, though.

Edit: I totally forgot to mention: This achievement is missable! So if you screw up and get hit, just pause and restart from checkpoint, and all is well.

You need to unlock the Free Flow Focus Ability (Shadow Vigilante Rank 3) in order for this to work.

You start the fight as you usually would, using AA to jump over him and then X to hit him, and counter his attacks as you normally would. Since he isn't throwing anything more than single attacks at you during the first part of the fight, they are easily countered.

Be sure to save your multiplier, so that it reaches x12 BEFORE he tries to disappear for the first time (I don't know whether you need to play on hard difficulty for that). After about 12 to 14 hits you will see a special slow mo animation during your hitting him (the one which usually comes with knocking down the last remaining enemy), which indicates that he is getting ready to disappear.

Now, it is vitally important that you use your heightened speed granted by the Free Flow Focus ability to jump over him and hit him, thus interrupting his escape. If you do this correctly, you can keep interrupting him, until he has about 4 bars of health left (my multiplier was at 110 at that point).

After you have stopped beating the living hell out of him, he will disappear as usual, initiating the QTE in which you have to mash Y to block his flurry of attacks and then have to hit X at the end. After doing so, he will immediately disappear again, without you having to hit him. Repeat another two times and the achievement will be yours!

Good Luck!

03 Nov 2013 23:04

Bla..Bla..Bla.. Short solution:
Very easy, fight him like you want as a standard enemy..
The only difficult during slow motion attacks is WAITING the word "Press Y".
Repeat, don't press any button during Deathstroke's attacks and wait "Press Y".
That's all.

Semplicissimo, combattilo come un nemico standard come vuoi tu..
L'unica difficoltà durante gli attacchi al rallentatore è ASPETTARE la scritta "Premi Y".
Ripeto, non premere nessun tasto durante gli attacchi di Deathstroke e aspette "Premi Y".
Questo è tutto.

26 Sep 2015 06:21

All the tips here are great, I just wanted to add a little extra:

Although the canisters are easily countered with a simple press of the Y button when they're flying at you, you can skip those sections completely by just never letting up.

If you're constantly hitting him, countering every move and never letting him take a break, he never has chance to throw the canisters at you.

Especially useful is the LT+Y .. X move (pull him towards you then slam him to the ground). I use this after every successful hit/counter, and it never fails. I beat him on new game + mode with this tactic very easily (Video below)

01 Nov 2013 10:39

I was having the hugest problem with this fight until I learned that the key to beating Deathstroke is allowing him to lead the fight.

He catches onto your moves after repeating them several times and either dodges or counters them efficiently. The way to get and stand your ground with him is to keep your distance and allow him to attack you first. Before the altercation begins, counter him (like all enemies) when the blue lines by his head signal he is about to strike. Then counter each move in the combo he tries to unleash on you. They range anywhere from one to three hits (depending on which phase of the fight you are in). Whenever you counter his hits or combos he staggers backwards, allowing you time to strike him with a few shots before you need to retreat and regroup to allow him to trigger the next combo for you to counter. It's a painstakingly slow and agonizing method to defeating him perfectly but it works.

The fight is divided into three sections, each more difficult and with more moves at his arsenal. The most trickiest portions are countering the barrels and when he unsheathes his sword during the third phase.

Remember, keep your distance, be patient, let him attack first, counter, counter, counter and retry if needed…God knows I did…a lot.

Good luck, you'll need it!

30 Oct 2013 05:17

One little tip that helped me. I wasn't seeing the counter prompts for the 2nd or 3rd hits during the 2nd and 3rd phases of the fight. My problem was that I have a tendency to double-tap counter (came from fighting martial arts experts in previous games). If you are conscious about only hitting counter once then all prompts show up making it much easier.

14 Nov 2013 18:42

Firstly, I'll note that I did this in New Game +, which certainly didn't do me any favors, since you cannot see the "Counter" indication. However, once I figured out how to counter all of Deathstroke's moves, this seemingly impossible challenge became doable.

The most critical point: Don't spam the Attack button or Counter button!

Regardless of whether you take an aggressive approach or a more defensive approach, the fact is that you'll have to attack eventually. Outside of the QTE events, I found you need to have a slight hesitation (or pause) in between hitting the attack button. Reason being, sometimes you will attack and Deathstroke will go into a counter move. If you're spamming the attack button (or counter button), then you'll automatically fail and his blow will land. However, if you have a slight hesitation after each of your attacks, then you can see if he is going into a counter move animation or not.

When Deathstroke goes into a counter move, even though he has a variety of animations, it always works out to the same way. Simply, you need to be patient and don’t hit the counter button until time slows down in a sort of bullet time like fashion. When that happens, that’s your cue to hit the counter once and only once.

Be advised, as the fight progresses, especially if you're taking an aggressive approach, sometimes after your successful counter, Deathstroke will immediately go into another animation. In this case, the same approach applies. Just sit there and watch Deathstroke and Bats beat on each other and wait for bullet time to come around as your cue to hit the counter button. I've seen up to 3 linked counters from Deathstroke towards the end of the fight. Again, just avoid spamming the counter button and wait until you see time slow down as your cue.

Note that it's easy to think you've failed because some of the animations look like Deathstroke is landing blows on you, but he's not. The only time you should hit the counter button is when time slows down. Also, you can check your health gauge. As long as you have full health, then you're good. If you don't, then its time to reset the fight.

As for an attack strategy, I found that I preferred more of an aggressive approach. Meaning, I'd start the fight off with the batclaw and then attack (with a slight pause in between hitting the attack button) up to three times, then jump over his head, and attack a single time, then jump back over his head and use the batclaw again. I'd basically repeat this sequence, but its not exact and you can mix it up. In each case being very deliberate when I hit the attack button so that way I could see (and be prepared) if he went into one of his counter sequences. If I opened up too much space between myself and Deathstroke, I'd then wait for him to initiate an attack, in which you can hit the counter as soon as you see him start to make his move. But, the advice here is you cannot use a single type of attack over and over again. You have to mix it up.

Finally, I've read some folks who say the fight can be done such that Deathstroke never uses the remote batclaw to throw a propane canister at you. I wasn't this lucky. However, I found that actually, when a canister sequence came up, it could be helpful. Meaning, sometimes your fight with Deathstroke can get you too close to the wall where it's difficult to maneuver. Or, it seemed that as my combo counter grew higher and higher, the game itself seemed to slow down and become a little laggy. Therefore, when a canister sequence came up, this was a good way to reset the fight, since after you successfully counter the canister attack, you can run to the middle of the room and get the fight away from the walls. At that point, I'd then again use the batclaw as my first attack and start my attack sequence over again.

(Note: If he does throw a canister at you, you don't need to hit anything until the canister if flying at you. Then, hit the counter button right before the canister hits the floor. There's a pretty big window here of when you can hit the counter button, so these sequences shouldn't cause a lot of stress.)

To summarize: The main point is to have just a little hesitation between hitting the attack button or counter button. If you spam either, and Deathstroke goes into a counter sequence, then you will automatically fail and Deathstroke will land his blow. If this happens, you have no choice but to restart the fight. But, if you don’t get overly jumpy and just act deliberately, then you will find his moves are relatively easy to counter. Just wait for time to slow down as your cue to hit that counter button.

Oh - One last point. The QTE evens are separate than my advice above. During those events you can spam the hell out of the counter button and then in turn spam the hell out of the attack button.

Good luck.

09 Apr 2014 18:29

First thing you should know about this achievement is that it is MISSABLE. That being said, it is only around 2 or 3 hours into the game, so you won't have much to play through if you have missed it.

While it says you must defeat Deathstroke without failing a single counter, it might as well say "defeat Deathstroke without taking any damage", as pretty much every single one of Deathstroke's attacks will have to be countered.

There are three basic stages to this fight. Unfortunately it's nowhere near as easy as it was to defeat the Electrocutioner, as Deathstroke appears to learn your moves, and counters them himself if you use them more than a few times.

If you do end up taking damage, then you can simply pause and select 'Restart Checkpoint' from the menu. I did this many times!

The first stage is relatively simple, and essentially just like any of the enemies you have previously encountered, just a bit stronger. What I found to be a lot easier than attempting to counter every time was to double-tapcn_A, which will make Batman jump over Deathstroke. Once you have done this, you are safe to land two or three hits before Deathstroke recovers, and will swing at you again. It's then a case of rinsing and repeating.

Once you have chipped away around three bars of his health, Deathstroke will drop a flash grenade, then launch at you. There's a QTE (quick-time event), where you have to mash cn_Y then mash cn_B. It's relatively simple to complete.

Once this is complete, the second stage of the fight begins. Immediately after exiting the QTE, press cn_B and cn_Y together. This will use your free-flow combo, which by this point should be at around x15. It will knock around a bar of health away immediately. From that point, repeat the same process as above: when he swings at you, double tap cn_A and jump over, then hit him. While in the first stage you could hit him two or three times, Deathstroke seems to have faster reactions this time, so I'd only hit him once before jumping over again and repeating to process.

While this can happen at any time, it occurred for me during the second phase. Occasionally, Deathstroke will launch his Remote Grappel, which will attach to Batman and some nearby barrels, which will come flying towards him. It's not easy initially, but once you figure out the timings, you will be able to hit it every time. When it is flying towards you, press cn_Y (when the on-screen prompt appears) to catch the barrel. Then, press cn_LT to lock onto Deathstroke and cn_Y to throw it at him. This will knock a tiny amount of health off, so is not worth doing often. If you keep hitting / jumping / countering him, then he probably won't have an opportunity to use it.

When you get his health down about halfway, Deathstroke will drop another flash grenade, and you have another QTE to complete. It's just the same as last time, but a bit longer. Completing it begins the third stage of the fight, which is by far the hardest.

Deathstroke pulls out a sword, and behaves very unpredictably in this part of the fight. I would not suggest using the same techniques as described in the first and second stages, as this will likely result in you getting hit. Instead, your best bet is to try to counter him every time, and sneak a hit when you can afford to. Also of great use is the Batclaw Slam (cn_LT+cn_Y). This will pull Deathstroke towards Batman, who will slam him to the ground. It deals moderate damage. As mentioned above, Deathstroke will learn this if you use it multiple times, so throw in some over moves to knock his health down as well. Additionally, most counters in this section will require you to tap cn_Y three times, as indicated by the on-screen prompts, however I had a few situations where I only had to press it once.

As you work your way through this fight, knock little chunks off his health here and there, and counter whenever the prompt appears. Eventually, you will have another QTE, so just hammer cn_Y, then hammer cn_X, and you will have completed the fight. The achievement will unlock at the end of the QTE. Additionally, if this is your first play through, you will unlock the achievement listed below.

Batman: Arkham OriginsSecret AchievementThe Secret Achievement achievement in Batman: Arkham Origins worth 16 pointsContinue playing to unlock this secret achievement

This video shows you how to unlock this achievement, as well as showing you visually what you have to do should you be struggling with it. It is not an easy achievement, and took me around two hours to unlock!

08 Nov 2014 23:59

This guide is for new game plus although it might be useful for standard playthrough as well.

The strategy I used throughout entire fight, to keep it simple and consistent, is this: evade (jump over) and punch ONCE. When your combo gets high enough to do a takedown do it straight away. For the most part Deathstroke won't cause any problems but sometimes he will attack and this is where the biggest challenge is - don't block straight away! Keep it together and wait for slow motion, it's really obvious when to block if you pay attention. Block just once per słów motion attack. In the first section of the fight he will attack just once, in the middle twice and at the end three times. Just keep it cool, pay attention to slow motion and you'll be fine.

These three sections I've just mentioned are separated with a special sequence which begins with a flash and follows with him jumping down on you. Here you don't have to worry about timing, just spam block until you head butt your opponent and follow with beatdown. Remember to use your beatdown combo to do a takedown afterwards.

28 Mar 2023 00:00

Use the quick rope (LT + Y + X) takedown on him ( easier if you do it right after jumping over him) and be quick with the quick time events especially near the end when he gets his blade out he will do 3 in a row everytime. Took me around 15-20 tries if you get hit reload the checkpoint don't give up it's a hard one

26 Sep 2019 00:00

This trophy can be extremely frustrating. Believe it or not, it is probably easier to get this on your NG+ playthrough despite the lack of counter icons, as to make the method I will outline below more effective, you will need to have the upgrade that gives you combo moves at x5 combo rather than x8, but this is still possible to pull off without it.

This method consists of using the batclaw slam (+ then ) over and over. When you get a combo move, do a takedown (+). If you hit him too many times consecutively, he will counter you with a move that doesn't have counter icons even on normal, and can be difficult to counter. In addition to the batclaw slams, I would occasionally jump over him and hit him just once.

After taking a bit of damage from him, he'll stun you then jump at you and spam you with strikes which you must spam counters in return. Then you'll be able to beat him down. The second phase should be treated in the same way, except if he hits you you'll need to hit counter twice with good timing. Also, Deathstroke may attach a remote claw to you and a propane tank will be launched towards you which you will need to counter before impact. Then the same stun sequence will repeat, and go into the final stage. Still keep the same tactic, but if he counters you you will need counter 3 times in response. Next there is one final stun sequence before the fight ends. If you didn't fail a counter, you'll get this.

A massive thanks to Obie who brought this tactic to my attention. I didn't get hit once with this method. If you don't get this the first time you do it, you still have NG+ and IATN mode to do it.



Early on in the story, you will need to fight against Deathstroke while aboard Penguin's ship, The Final Offer. Deathstroke is much more agile and aggressive than regular enemies, so be prepared for a mildly difficult encounter. There are three "phases" to this fight and each phase becomes progressively more troublesome in terms of countering his moves. You can chose to play it safe by simply just countering his attacks during the entire fight, or try to be quick and aggressive by getting in some punches after each counter.

During the first phase, he performs the same two animations with his staff so be ready to counter these attacks by tapping the at the appropriate time. If you tap it too early or late, or hold it down as he attacks, you will get hit and void the achievement. If this does happen at any time during the fight, just pause your game and select "Restart" in order to begin the fight again.

Once you have knocked off two bars from his health meter, there will be a short animation requiring further counters and beatdowns through QTEs. After this sequence, which initiates the second phase, he will perform different attack animations which will require you to counter his moves twice now. After breaking his staff and entering the third and final phase of this fight, his attacks will require you to counter three times now, so be extra alert when he lunges at you with his sword.

This entire fight will only take about 4 minutes, but keep in mind that it may take several attempts before doing it perfectly. Either way, once you have reduced his health bar to a mere two bars, a cutscene will begin and the achievement will unlock.