Batman: Arkham Origins

Batman: Arkham Origins

49 Achievements


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Silent Knight

Silent Knight

Complete a predator encounter using only silent takedowns


How to unlock the Silent Knight achievement in Batman: Arkham Origins - Definitive Guide

This achievement does not have to be unlocked during predator challenges. I was able to get it by taking out two snipers who were by themselves on a roof during free roam. However, your best bet is probably going to be the predator challenges.

In order to do a silent takedown, you have to approach an enemy from behind without being spotted. Once you are right behind them, simply press Y like with any other takedown. Also, if an enemy is wearing armor, you cannot do a silent takedown on them.

In order to start the challenge maps, simply go to story mode and then select challenge mode. Select Batman, because it is still unconfirmed whether this achievement can be unlocked with Deathstroke. Then go to ranked challenges, go to the second page of maps and select the first predator map, "Breaking In."

Breaking In will be the easiest map to do this on, as there are plenty of gargoyles to use and there are only six enemies, all of which are unarmored. If you are spotted at any time during the challenge map, simply move between the gargoyles quickly and they'll lose sight of you. Also, dropping a smoke pellet is another good way to get silent takedowns. If a henchmen is in the smoke from your pellet, they'll panic and shoot randomly until the smoke clears. Simply crouch and move up close to them for the easy silent takedown.

If you have any suggestions on how I can improve this guide, please leave a comment.

28 Oct 2013 03:41

Great tip about not being able to do silent take downs on armored enemies.
By Solario32 on 08 Jan 2015 14:12
I also unlocked this achievement in that same conditions, free roam, two snipers on a rooftop... and without reading this guide beforehand XD
By MangaPowerZero on 08 Jul 2018 19:10
This can easily be done while on your way to the south (third bomb) during during the mission involving Firefly on the bridge along with
Batman: Arkham OriginsAnyone see that?The Anyone see that? achievement in Batman: Arkham Origins worth 12 pointsComplete a predator encounter without ever being spotted
On your way there, you will come across 3 snipers looking over the railing with a viewpoint above each. Simply grapple to the first viewpoint and while their backs are turned, perform a Silent Takedown on the first sniper and grapple to the second and repeat. They are spread out enough that they will not notice the body or see you. After you take down the third, bam, two achievements. I got them on accident on the first try.

28 Oct 2013 03:39

A 'Silent Takedown' is performed by approaching an armed guard from behind (usually while crouching), and tapping the Y button. Be careful not to press the X, as this will initiate a 'Knockout Takedown' which will not count as a 'Silent Takedown'.

To successfully pop this achievement, you have to finish a predator encounter using only 'Silent Takedowns'. This can be unlocked in either the main, core game or the challenge modes. You can be seen and shot at by the enemy and still not void the achievement. All that is required is that you do not neutralize any enemies with any other technique apart from the 'Silent Takedown'.

You'll know when you complete an encounter, as a XP scoring system will pop up to the right hand side of your screen listing the number you have taken down, and through what method.
Not confirmed, but I'm fairly certain you can also unlock this with Deathstroke.
I Did this accidently by grappling onto a roof with 2 snipers. One spotted me and i used a smoke pellet to evade him, crawled behind him and did a silent takedown.

Then i crouched to the other one and did a silent takedown on this one too and click... Achievement unlocked. So if spotted on The roof simply use a smoke pellet, this will be a big help! :)

Happy hunting!

13 Sep 2015 23:26

A silent takedown is when you takedown someone from behind without them seeing you, and as the name suggests it is unheard. Firstly, any predator encounter in the story will do, as long as none have armour (as these can't be taken down silently). This is considered missable, as if you never get this you will have missed it, and eventually all predators will have armoured enemies. I used the predator in the GCPD building. Use detective vision to find isolated enemies, from vantage points fly down behind them, take them down with and quickly press to get back up to higher ground again (As while it is silent, it is likely someone will alert the others to the body). Then repeat for all the other enemies. Most of the time, the enemies will eventually group together out of fear making this a little more annoying, so also use smoke to your advantage and throw it at the group to silently take down them without being seen by the rest of the group.

Note that if you get spotted, you can still perform silent takedowns as long as they lose you, although Anyone see that? will be negated. After taking down an entire room of enemies with silent takedowns only, this will pop, and Anyone see that? will also pop if you did it without being spotted.


This achievement can be easily stacked with Anyone see that? early on in the Story Mode. The best spot to work on them is very early on in the game, when Batman is onboard Penguin's ship, The Final Offer, and has just locked up Penguin's Assistant, Tracey.

After taking care of her, you will enter the first "Predator Room" in the game. As soon as you enter, hold down to stay crouched while you work your way around the room silently taking out the enemies. To perform a silent takedown, position yourself behind an enemy and hold the to subdue them. Use this method on all six enemies in the room and if you remain unnoticed throughout, you will earn both achievements.

If you miss your chance at obtaining either of these achievements during this section of the game, there will be plenty of other opportunities throughout the Story. Just make sure to get both of these achievements done before finishing the game, because enemies do not respawn in “Predator Rooms” after clearing them out.