Battle vs. Chess

Battle vs. Chess

36 Achievements


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Play a game to Stalemate (Classic Game, not Head to head)


How to unlock the Bewildered achievement in Battle vs. Chess - Definitive Guide

The trick here is to realize that it is not sufficient to stalemate the AI, you must get the AI to stalemate you. One way is to get an overwhelming material advantage, and leave the AI with only a pawn and a king. You should also reduce your force, and sacrifice all the pieces just leaving a rook and a queen or better yet two queens. Now let the AI pawn get to the seventh rank, and position your king right in front of it. Use your two queens to push the opponent's king toward his pawn, and sacrifice your queens so that the AI captures on the field right behind the pawn. It's a stalemate, your king can't move.

07 Jun 2012 09:31

Yeah, the AI makes the king run away from the pawn, avoiding stalemate. Hence the need for two queens.
By WarrantedMoss60 on 17 Jun 2012 08:16
Perfect solution.
By Sashamorning on 09 May 2013 07:30
Perfect solution.
By Ak47 JAGUAR on 18 Nov 2013 09:58
Perfect solution.
By The Globalizer on 31 May 2017 05:24
It's exactly how I did it, good solution. The AI will not stalemate you unless it has to and that is the best way I can see it happening
By Flopsy86 on 12 Jun 2012 10:54
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A stalemate is when you are not in check, but have no legal moves. The easiest way to do this is online with a partner, but it can be done against the AI as well. Either way, you want to eliminate the enemies pieces except for their king and a pawn. Position your king in the last rank before the enemy pawn would be promoted, blocking his movement. Sacrifice your remaining pieces, keeping only two rooks and/or queens. Use your remaining pieces to shepherd the enemy king toward his pawn, and then sacrifice them such that your last piece is captured in the sixth rank, directly behind the pawn. The three last pieces on the board should all be in a column, with your king unable to move and thus ending the game in a stalemate.