Battle vs. Chess
36 Achievements
Win 20 games online (not Head to head)
How to unlock the Overmind achievement in Battle vs. Chess - Definitive Guide
The quickest way to get this boosting is:
If you are the one winning, move the pawn in front of your king forward. Next turn move your queen all the way diagonally to checkmate the enemy king. Make sure that the player losing has moved both his pawns out of the wy though or else it will just be check.
If you are the one losing, move the pawn infront of your bishop that is next to your king forward. Next turn move the pawn infront of your horse forward twice.
Here is a picture showing what it should end up looking like.
Everyone starts with an ELO of 1000, so if you are playing with a boosting partner, you can get Rising Star and Overmind when going towards Grand Master. This achievement does not have to be ranked games, but since both Rising Star and Grand Master do require ranked, might as well do them all together.
The first person will beat the second person repeatedly until they have an ELO of 1200, unlocking Overmind and Grand Master. The second person will then start winning, unlocking Rising Star, and continuing to win until they have unlocked Overmind and Grand Master. The first player then will need to win one game, unlocking Rising Star.
Everyone starts with an ELO of 1000, so if you are playing with a boosting partner, you can get Rising Star and Overmind when going towards Grand Master. This achievement does not have to be ranked games, but since both Rising Star and Grand Master do require ranked, might as well do them all together.
The first person will beat the second person repeatedly until they have an ELO of 1200, unlocking Overmind and Grand Master. The second person will then start winning, unlocking Rising Star, and continuing to win until they have unlocked Overmind and Grand Master. The first player then will need to win one game, unlocking Rising Star.