Battle vs. Chess

Battle vs. Chess

36 Achievements


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Rising Star

Rising Star

Win online game against the player with a higher rating


How to unlock the Rising Star achievement in Battle vs. Chess - Definitive Guide

Everyone starts with an ELO of 1000, so if you are playing with a boosting partner, you can get Rising Star and Overmind when going towards Grand Master. These must be done in ranked games.

The first person will beat the second person repeatedly until they have an ELO of 1200, unlocking Overmind and Grand Master. The second person will then start winning, unlocking Rising Star, and continuing to win until they have unlocked Overmind and Grand Master. The first player then will need to win one game, unlocking Rising Star.

Note that while the other online achievements can be unlocked in any game type, Rising Star can only be earned in a Classic game.


Everyone starts with an ELO of 1000, so if you are playing with a boosting partner, you can get Rising Star and Overmind when going towards Grand Master. These must be done in ranked games.

The first person will beat the second person repeatedly until they have an ELO of 1200, unlocking Overmind and Grand Master. The second person will then start winning, unlocking Rising Star, and continuing to win until they have unlocked Overmind and Grand Master. The first player then will need to win one game, unlocking Rising Star.

Note that while the other online achievements can be unlocked in any game type, Rising Star can only be earned in a Classic game.