Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1

50 Achievements


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Weapons of the Apocalypse

Weapons of the Apocalypse

Perform a kill with all "Apocalypse" weapon variants



How to unlock the Weapons of the Apocalypse achievement in Battlefield 1 - Definitive Guide

If you've gone through the rest of the DLC achievements, you know the score by now. For those of you who are newcomers, to unlock this achievement you need to get a kill with each of the weapon variants associated with this DLC. Each weapon variant, and how to unlock them, are listed below. If you don't want to unlock them, you can pick the weapon variants up off the ground from both ally and dead bodies.

NOTE: I may have missed one or two out, I'm currently getting my information from the Battlefield website only. Any weapon variants that I have missed will be added later today.

RSC SMG Factory
Perform 50 kills as an Assault

RSC SMG Optical
Perform 50 kills with the RSC SMG Factory
In a round, perform 300 Vehicle Damage using explosives

Howell Automatic Factory
Perform 50 kills as a Medic

Howell Automatic Sniper
Perform 50 kills with the Howell Automatic Factory
In a round, perform 600 points of healing

IMG 08/18 Low Weight
Perform 50 kills as a Support

IMG 08/18 Suppressive
Perform 50 kills with the IMG 08/18 Low Weight
In a round, perform 100 resupplies

Ross MkIII Marksman
Perform 50 kills as a Scout

M1917 Enfield Infantry
Perform 50 kills with the Ross MkIII Marksman
Accumulate 2,500 metres of headshots using Single-Action rifles

Revolver MkVI
Kill 25 different enemies using Revolvers

Broken Bottle
Get 5 kills with the Wine Bottle (see the following video, credit to

EDIT: Corrections. Thanks @Gold l Ragnar

EDIT 2: Added wine bottle. Thanks @CELTIC CORPSE

EDIT 3: Added wine bottle locations. Thanks @oONeonDemonOo

EDIT 4: More corrections, thanks @Arador

20 Feb 2018 15:10

final dlc 4 for this battlefield 1?
By on 20 Feb 2018 15:55
These assignments look pretty manageable. Finally some non-annoying ones.

@SuperDarkConker Not sure what happened to the Incursion Mode, but that was definitely supposed to launch as one of the DLC's.
By AkaiERA on 20 Feb 2018 16:01
Wow. The assignments keep getting easier.
By Fuzzmeister J on 20 Feb 2018 16:09
Damn I was hoping for a requirement to shoot down 5 planes with shotguns this time. The shooting down 2 with LMGs wasn’t difficult enough.
By AHGreg on 20 Feb 2018 16:28
Doesn't seem difficult at all. Accumulating 2500 meters of headshots will be fun.
By Tanelorn82 on 20 Feb 2018 16:30
oh, ok. i'm make sure to check it. Thank, AkaiGAF. Thumb up.
By on 20 Feb 2018 16:49
Check your support and sniper weapon names. Sniper has the Ross MkIII Marksman and M1917 Enfield Infnatry, Support has the IMG 08/18 Suppressive/Low Weight. The requirements for support are also 50 kills as SUPPORT and 50 kills with the low weight and 100 resupplies in a round.
By Gold l Ragnar on 20 Feb 2018 17:19
This looks much easier than all the others. Can't wait to wrap this completion up.
By The SCHWARTZ 00 on 20 Feb 2018 17:48
@SuperDarkConker It's certainly the last DLC associated with the premium pass. Whether or not they'll introduce more DLC after this is another question.

@Gold l Ragnar Thanks for the feedback. I did double check before posted and I had it all correct, must have undo'd by accident at the last minute xD
By x BumbleBeee on 20 Feb 2018 18:31
Thank, x BumbleBee. Thumb up. :)
By on 20 Feb 2018 19:28
i think the broken bottle may be 1 of the variants..i only killed with 2 weapons and was at 20 %,killed with bottle and went up another 10
By CelticCorpse on 20 Feb 2018 19:55
Thanks @SuperDarkConker :D

@CELTIC CORPSE Yeah quite possibly. I couldn't see it located within the melee weapons. I'll update my solution if I see the same thing.
By x BumbleBeee on 20 Feb 2018 20:39
u unlock the broken bottle by gettin 5 kills with wine bottles,it then shows in melee sectionsmile
By CelticCorpse on 20 Feb 2018 21:10
Easy variants. Glad no stupid ones like "run over 15 enemies in a boat" 🙄
By SHMEEDIDDY on 20 Feb 2018 21:26
@CELTIC CORPSE Gotcha. Will get that added now. Thanks
By x BumbleBeee on 20 Feb 2018 21:34
@CELTIC CORPSE How do you unlock wine bottle? I don't see it in melee section.
By ReAl ImPuLsE on 20 Feb 2018 23:24
Stupid question... where is the wine bottle, I can't find it anywhere
By Crazi Yeti on 20 Feb 2018 23:27
There was a solution but it got deleted for some reason. You can check on youtube for the wine bottle locations on all 3 maps. Once you got 5 kills you will get your broken bottle as a melee weapon in your inventory
By oONeonDemonOo on 20 Feb 2018 23:33
just another tip, the revolver involved 25 DIFFERENT people and it means that shit, 25 different gamertags...
By R3f1CuL on 20 Feb 2018 23:52
Just a couple tips.

For the 300 vehicle damage with assault use the new AA Rocket Gun gadget and shoot at a few planes that pass overhead. This works much faster than tank hunting.

For the revolver kills I recommend just going to a hardcore server. One hit kills sure beats trying to blast someone in a regular server.
By Or1g1nal S1nn3r on 22 Feb 2018 04:18
Finally something simple enough rather than 5 kills with x obscure weapon...
By Ahh Dobby on 22 Feb 2018 09:10
@Or1g1nalS1nn3r I recommend the same for the Sniper Assignments. Every Sniper is a One Hit Kill in Hardcore and it makes it really fast. Especially since the new "Ross MkIII Marksman" is a pretty bad Sniper and also doesn't have a Bipod.
By AkaiERA on 22 Feb 2018 12:41
Well the Ross Marksman is a bad ass sniper in my eyes. Its super fast and hits like any other sniper.
By Giincee on 22 Feb 2018 18:49
You have Howell Automatic Sniper down twice, is that right?
By Arador on 23 Feb 2018 22:20
@Arador Nope! Corrected it now, thank you 😊
By x BumbleBeee on 23 Feb 2018 23:14
How many weapons total
By Mind3838 on 25 Feb 2018 02:47
@Mind3838 10 total. 2 per main class (8) , 1 pistol and 1 melee.
By x BumbleBeee on 25 Feb 2018 02:51
How many weapons total
By Mind3838 on 25 Feb 2018 02:58
2 per class plus the bottle and side arm so 10 total
By Homunculus Fury on 25 Feb 2018 07:49
How many weapons total
By Mind3838 on 26 Feb 2018 14:25
How many weapons total
By Mind3838 on 26 Feb 2018 14:26
the kill with the new revolver MK VI didn't give me progress but every other weapon did, I have gotten about 12 kills with it?? probably just broken xbox progress or the game being bugged i'm sure
By Trentamental on 27 Feb 2018 21:28
Not sure @Psycho Trent. I'd go through all the weapons and double check that you've got kills with them. You should get 10% towards the tracker per weapon kill, so use that as a guide.
By x BumbleBeee on 27 Feb 2018 22:44
Anyone know what is up with the Get 300 Vehicle Damage in a round Award, I have used limpet charges and taken I have down planes with the new AA Rocket Gun as Or1g1nal S1nn3r said above yet it shows that I only have 233/300 damage?
By Petrolium Bear on 28 Feb 2018 23:03
@Petrolium Bear you have to get 300 damage in a single round, so you need to have done 300 damage or more to vehicles by the "Victory/Defeat" screen. I took @Or1g1nal S1nn3r's advice and used the AA Rocket Gun. As long as you're reasonably accurate with it, you should be able to get this within a full game or two.
By x BumbleBeee on 28 Feb 2018 23:32
If your having trouble getting it done in a round of conquest. I recommend operations as the rounds are alot longer.
By Homunculus Fury on 01 Mar 2018 00:19
I'm having difficulties with the 300 vehicle damage as assault too. I joined an Operations match on the second map and almost reached the total, so I reckon this game mode is your best bet.
By Ginn0rz on 02 Mar 2018 13:20
Sooo happy that's not headshots in a round.
By Fuzzmeister J on 03 Mar 2018 15:47
Fyi..300 vehicle damage includes destroying field cannons.
By The1 ManWo1fPac on 07 Mar 2018 06:15
PS: The RSC SMG Factory is garbage.
By Fuzzmeister J on 11 Mar 2018 13:32
There are a few missing bottle locations from your video by the way. I know of 2 off the top of my head but I'm sure there is more.
By Shadowmask12 on 15 Mar 2018 02:51
@Shadowmask12 It's not my video, it's one that I found on youtube detailing locations of some bottles.
By x BumbleBeee on 15 Mar 2018 13:51
Another method i found for the 300 Vehicle damage in a round, i was on Conquest and just use AA mines. worked wonders.
By DarkSunLegend on 18 Mar 2018 01:49
Can someone help me out with the broken bottle? I've done all the other weapons. This one weapon is stopping me from 150G...
By UtdRhys on 01 Apr 2018 18:54
I've gotten 3 kills with Revolver MkVI but it hasn't given me any progress for the achievement...
By DistantSoldier1 on 07 Apr 2018 18:43
Have you already got a kill with it? Maybe you're missing a different weapon
By Homunculus Fury on 07 Apr 2018 21:23
I don't know why but after getting a kill with the M1917 Enfield Infantry, my progress jumped from 20% to 40%, so I think it counted the Revolver MkVI as well. Have no idea why I needed to get a kill with another weapon for it to count though...
By DistantSoldier1 on 08 Apr 2018 17:18
I have all the weapons from every DLC unlocked if anyone needs help boosting.
By Death Dealers on 22 Apr 2018 23:14
looking to boost. especially the bottle kills
By CracklyKlover on 22 May 2018 01:56
With regard to these challenges in general, is there an order to completion? Meaning do you need to do the challenge listed first for a particular gun in that order? Or do the two requirements track simultaneously?
By CPCrookedMan on 26 Jun 2018 04:04
I have all the weapons unlocked except for the broken bottle, because there all dlc servers are empty. Would really appreciate some help.
By Makrewi on 05 Apr 2019 17:43
I have a server (1 Day) up and running. Let me know fast if anyone wants to boost any weapons achievements.
By LovableWharf96 on 14 Apr 2020 08:52
Lets get this done asap.
By WTG x RoCK STaR on 16 Apr 2020 04:21
This is probably the easiest of the 100G achievements in Battlefield 1
By HumidTube35 on 22 Apr 2020 19:46
Want to get it done before April 30tth?
I only need to be dropped 3 guns by anyone and I have it.

My progress is 80% so far with this.
By WTG x RoCK STaR on 22 Apr 2020 23:08
Anyone want to group up and help finish these up?
By xMANDAL0RIANx on 23 Dec 2020 15:43
I need someone to get this achievement.
By TheWhitePone on 28 Dec 2020 15:54
Best way I found for 300 vehicle damage was to be Ottomans on Foa Fortress and attack all the boats with the at tank gun. With a little practice they are easy to hit. I got 300 after destroying 3 or 4.
By DoomScott on 10 Jul 2021 18:36
Best way I found for 300 vehicle damage was to be Ottomans on Foa Fortress and attack all the boats with the at tank gun. With a little practice they are easy to hit. I got 300 after destroying 3 or 4.
By DoomScott on 11 Jul 2021 02:16
Can someone help me boost these pretty please , I have none of these guns just looking for a favour
By joehaydon on 14 May 2022 00:16
Would love some help with this broken bottle bullcrap. Can rarely find one, then when I do I die pretty much instantly. Games are way to big.. can't find custom games, would really just appreciate doing this withsomeones help, I'll return the favor obviously. Gt I ain't a shook1. I have almost all guns unlocked for all dlcs ill drop u them all if we get this bottle crap
By I Aint A ShoOk1 on 20 Jan 2024 00:55
I would like some help! If anyone would be gracious enough to drop the broken bottle for me at some point it would be much appreciated. I'll also help with anything I can as far as weapon drops or other achievements.
By Lë Bleüzy on 03 Feb 2024 01:09
I would also appreciate any weapons. I have the broken bottle if anyone is interested
By rhmdy on 15 Apr 2024 17:11
I stumbled across one right after i asked, I thought the wine bottle was an equip-able melee item not one picked up across the map. Thanks!
By Crazi Yeti on 21 Feb 2018 00:18
@oONeonDemonOo I've included a video showing the locations of where the bottles can be found.

@R3f1CuL My original solution did mention it needs to be 25 different players. Do you not think that's clear enough?
By x BumbleBeee on 22 Feb 2018 00:56
@BqCaduceusMD The two challenges to unlock weapons track simultaneously. For example with the IMG 08/18 Suppressive, you can get 50 kills with the IMG 08/18 Low Weight whilst going for 100 resupplies in a round at the same time.
By x BumbleBeee on 08 Aug 2018 12:39
Hardest part for this is the 300 vehicle damage and getting 5 wine bottle kills.

As of 2022 your best bet is to set up your server browser for shock ops and conquest on the desired maps, memorize the locations and do your best. Wine bottles don’t respawn so you can quit when theyre all gone. I found River Somme Shock Ops to be the most reliably available and I got in about 4 games.

As for the 300 vehicle damage by far the easiest way is to take the AA Rocket gun from Assault and shoot at planes on Monte Grappe. I joined a Monte Grappe game halfway through and still ended with around 500 damage from the Rocket AA gadget. The amount of planes on that map is huge and the thin and long layout of the map makes it easier to line up and hit.
By Shadowblade1438 on 24 Mar 2022 03:30
I need help with the following guns. I have most of the others from the other DLCs and am willing to trade. Let me know what you need and I will let you know if I have it. I do not have the parabellum, I got lucky and picked it up off a dead guy.

"Model 1900 Factory"
"Model 1900 Slug"
"SMG 08/18 Optical"

"Fedorov Avtomat Optical"

"Perino Model 1908 Defensive"
"Perino Model 1908 Low Weight"

"Mosin-Nagant M91 Infintry"
"Mosin-Nagant M91 Marksman"
"Vetterli-Vitali M1870/87 Carbine"
"Vetterli-Vitali M1870/87 Infantry"

"Nagant Revolver"
"Obrez Pistol"

"C93 Carbine"
By JefeGator on 03 Feb 2019 12:20
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If you are a Battlefield 1 veteran and have played the previous DLC add-ons, then you should be familiar with this type of achievement. In this specific case, each class has two new weapons along with one new revolver and one new melee weapon that must be unlocked by completing weapon assignments (listed below). Once each weapon is unlocked, you must then perform at least one kill with it. The achievement tracker should increase by 10% as you perform your first kill with each new weapon.

It's also worth noting that if you pick up a new weapon from an enemy and perform a kill with it, this will count towards the achievement even if you have not personally unlocked the weapon yet. This can help if you are stuck on a weapon assignment or if you don’t mind boosting.


RSC SMG Factory

Perform 50 kills as an Assult

RSC SMG Optical

Perform 50 kills with the RSC SMG Factory
This is one of the two new weapons added to the Assault class and is listed above. This is a short ranged weapon with a very small clip but packs a big punch. This is best used in trenches or other close quarters environments.

In a round, perform 300 Vehicle Damage using explosives
This is best done with the AT Rocket, Anti-Tank Mines, Anti-Tank Grenades and/or Dynamite. If you are having trouble earning this in standard game modes, try Operations. A round of Operations can be quite long and only ends once one of the teams wins or the map changes.


Howell Automatic Factory

Perform 50 kills as a Medic

Howell Automatic Sniper

Perform 50 kills with the Howell Automatic Factory
This is one of two new weapons added to the Medic class and is listed above. This weapon is a semi-automatic rifle that has decent range and good damage. The only issue is that the sights are offset to the side and will take a little getting used to.

In around, perform 600 points of healing
Focus on sticking next to teammates and constantly dropping med kits. If you are having trouble earning this in standard game modes, try Operations. A round of Operations can be quite long and only ends once one of the teams wins or the map changes.


IMG 08/18 Low Weight

Perform 50 kills as a Support

IMG 08/18 Suppressive

Perform 50 kills with the IMG 08/18 Low Weight
This is one of the two new weapons added to the Support class and is listed above. This weapon is very similar to many of the Support weapons where it is decent while standing put becomes very useful when laying prone. The recoil nearly goes away and allows you to laydown very effective suppressive fire even at long ranges.

In a round, perform 100 resupplies
Focus on sticking next to teammates and constantly dropping ammo kits. If you are having trouble earning this in standard game modes, try Operations. A round of Operations can be quite long and only ends once one of the teams wins or the map changes.


Ross MkIII Marksman

Perform 50 kills as a Scout

M1917 Enfield Infantry

Perform 50 kills with the Ross MkIII Marksman
This is one of the two new weapons added to the Scout class and is listed above. It is a powerful bolt-action sniper rifle that is very similar to the Gewehr models. This is a weapon that is best used at a long distance.

Accumulate 2,500 meters of headshots using Single-Action rifles
Luckily, this is cumulative and does not need to be done in a single match since that would make this task nearly impossible. Equip any bolt-action sniper rifle of your choice and look to earn headshot kills. The longer the headshot the better as they will add more distance to the 2,500 total that you need.

Sidearm (Can be used by any class)

Revolver MkVI

Kill 25 different enemies using Revolvers
This task is as strict as its description. You must kill 25 different Gamertags with Revolvers. Killing the same enemy more than once will only count as one kill towards this requirement. Equip all of your classes with any sidearm that has ‘Revolver’ in its name and focus on using your sidearm to kill enemies. Obviously, unaware enemies are the easiest to kill and so focus on flanking the enemy.

Melee (Can be used by any class)

Broken Bottle

Get 5 kills with the Wine Bottle
The unbroken Wine Bottle is a melee weapon that cannot be equipped in the menus and must be picked up in the environment on the three new ground based maps. Please refer to the “Modern Technology” achievement description above for full details on how to earn these kills.

A total of 9 firearms and 1 melee weapon

  • Stormtrooper
Submachine gun RSC "Serial"
- Kill 50 enemies while playing as a Stormtrooper
Submachine gun RSC "Lens"
— Kill 50 enemies with the RSC Serial SMG
- Deal 300 damage. damage to vehicles in one round using explosives
  • Medic
Automatic Howell "Serial"
- Kill 50 enemies while playing as a medic
Howell Sniper assault rifle
- Kill 50 enemies with the Howell Serial Assault Rifle
— Restore 600 units with treatment. health per round
  • Support
"Maxim" IMG 08/18 "Light"
- Kill 50 enemies as a support
"Maxim" IMG 08/18 "Suppressor"
— Kill 50 enemies with the Maxim machine gun IMG 08/18 “Light”
— Conduct 100 resupply per round
  • Scout
Ross Mk III "Shooter"
- Kill 50 enemies while playing as a Scout
M1917 Enfield "Infantry"
- Kill 50 enemies with the Ross Mk III "Shooter" rifle
- Accumulate 2500 meters of headshots from non-automatic rifles
  • Gun
Revolver Mk VI
- Kill 25 different enemies with revolvers
  • Melee
Broken bottle
- Demonstrate a disregard for luxury
You need to kill 5 enemies with the Wine Bottle. See more details. "Modern Technology" / "Latest Technologies" )

21 Feb 2018 13:12

Unlockable weapons:


Submachine gun RSC "Serial"
- Kill 50 enemies while playing as a Stormtrooper.
Submachine gun RSC "Lens"
- Kill 50 enemies with the RSC "Serial" SMG
- Inflict 300 damage. damage to vehicles in one round using explosives


Automatic Howell "Serial"
- Kill 50 enemies while playing as a medic
Howell "Sniper" assault rifle
- Kill 50 enemies with the Howell "Serial" assault rifle
- Restore 600 units with treatment. health per round


"Maxim" IMG 08/18 "Light"
- Kill 50 enemies as a support
"Maxim" IMG 08/18 "Suppressor"
- Kill 50 enemies with the Maxim machine gun IMG 08/18 "Light"
- Conduct 100 resupply per round


Ross Mk III "Shooter"
- Kill 50 enemies while playing as a Scout
M1917 Enfield "Infantry"
- Kill 50 enemies with the Ross Mk III "Shooter" rifle
- Accumulate 2500 meters of headshots from non-automatic rifles


Revolver Mk VI
- Kill 25 different enemies with revolvers


Broken bottle
- Get 5 kills with a wine bottle
Bottle location -

21 Feb 2018 13:02