Battlefield V
21 Achievements
Death from Above
In Multiplayer, destroy 5 manned stationary weapons with a Airplane
How to unlock the Death from Above achievement in Battlefield V - Definitive Guide
EDIT: DICE now allows community created servers where you can make your own game and then make it private. You would need to gather enough people to start a round but this might be ideal if you are having trouble in public servers.
EDIT: You need to be at least level 7 to open up the bombers, you need at least 4 players (2 per team) to start a round on a private server. DO NOT PUT A PASSWORD on the server or it will not track progress. If you are the host, just kick random people joining. Again, Arras amd Narvik are the preferred maps but Panzerstorm may also be good to get this achievement.
EDIT: The other online achievements may be done as well if you have the right number of people.
- From the Main Menu go to PLAY
- ADVANCED SEARCH [on the right]
Game modes: CONQUEST
Maps: NARVIK + FJELL 652 + HAMADA + ARRAS + PANZERSTORM (these are all the possible maps to obtain this, but I highly recommend Arras & Hamada as these were the only maps my friend and I completed this on, and netted us both the achievement in about an hour of time)
Slots: 10+
Regions: ANY
-Go to VIEW SERVERS or press
Your goal here is to find a server as close to 16 players as possible as this is the minimum amount needed to start a match. We did not have much luck in the morning or afternoon time but in the evening it seemed a lot more active finding servers with this criteria and goal.
Join the server and invite your friend. You most likely will be on the same team or squad. The trick here is to hit
To enter a plane you need to be on the spawn screen and hover over your Home Base (flag symbol). To the right of your Home Base there should be an icon like an propeller. If it's grayed and does not have a number next to it you must wait for a teammate to crash theirs or one to spawn. If there is one available you can hover over it and use the
Now for the person on the other team, spawn as Support class and make sure you have an AT Mine equipped (this is unlocked from the start, no level up required), you can also do this with the Assault class and make sure you have Sticky Dynamite equipped (this is unlocked from the start, no level up required). Now look on the mini map for a symbol that looks like a cannon (circle with two lines/barrels), you may zoom the mini map to make this easier by pressing
Now this part will vary with skill and may take some time to learn to fly (3rd person view helps) and drop bombs and such, but the player on the stationary weapon; his job is to communicate and continuously fire his weapon into the sky to become more visible and easier to locate. Now depending on control schemes used by the plane pilot they will need to switch weapons to go to equip their bombs, then simply find the other player and drop them, in hopes your accurate with your load[hehe] this should set-off the explosives and destroy the stationary weapon along with your friend. You can pick-up more ammo/bombs by flying by a resupply station on either side of the map(icon that hovers in the sky) and waiting in the lower right corner for your bombs to reload. Now do this four more times and hear that majestic sound and relief in your soul to have this rare achievement done.
Thank you to "Damron"! the link to his account is above.
Damron has kindly made a video guide demonstrating and acting upon the text guide I provided and has given me permission to share his video. We understand some enjoy just watching the solution in action and listening instead, so enjoy!
- An extra tip that I didn't think about and didn't add into my guide that Damron shows in his video is that...If you use the Support class and change to the hammer you can build a stationary machine gun or Flak 38 and Pak 40 at certain locations on the map.
Ideally, you'll want to use the variants of the US Corsair and Japanese Zero aircraft that have rockets equipped. They come with four rockets by default, but I'd recommend leveling up the middle specialisation tree on both aircraft to at least level four in order to gain eight rockets by default. You'll also be able to equip the specialisation to allow you to resupply rockets faster if you level into the middle tree beyond level four.
The best way for dealing with stationary emplacements is to get a good deal of height in your aircraft and then perform a dive bomb maneuver, dumping all of your rockets into the target and then flying back to base to resupply. You've got to both destroy the stationary emplacement and kill the player operating it to gain progress towards this achievement. You'll know when you've done it if a red gear icon shows up in your kill feed in the middle of the screen (indicating you've destroyed and also killed your target).
If you're struggling to find any targets on emplacements you can also fire a few rockets at empty ones in order to soften them up a bit on your next pass. Try to play the objective if there are no opposing players on the emplacements as well. If you can deal a great amount of damage to infantry and just be a general pain and annoyance there's a high chance one of them will jump on an anti-air emplacement to take you down.
One of the key things to do is memorise where the emplacements are - especially the anti-air as they can ruin your day.
Once memorised you can expand your mini map by using the back/view button. If you can't see an emplacement outlined in white on the map in the place it should be then there's a good chance it's being operated by an enemy. You can use this info to decide on your attack angle, which can be invaluable when approaching an anti-air emplacement that is looking for you.
Thankfully though I've thought ahead when it comes to helping you figure out where all of the emplacements are! Below is a link to a map I've put together outlining all of the emplacements on Wake Island. I've also listed what each one is below as well.
1 - Type 10 Artillery Cannon (A Flag)
2 - Type 10 Artillery Cannon (A Flag)
3 - Anti-Air Gun (A Flag)
4 - Anti-Air Gun (B Flag)
5 - Anti-Air Gun (Between B and C Flag)
6 - 6 Pounder Gun (C Flag)
7 - 6 Pounder Gun (C Flag)
8 - 6 Pounder Gun (Between C and D Flag)
9 - Anti-Air Gun (D Flag)
10 - Anti-Air Gun (D Flag)
11 - Anti-Air Gun (F Flag)
12 - Anti-Air Gun (F Flag)
13 - Anti-Air Gun (US Deployment)
14 - Anti-Air Gun (US Deployment)
15 - Anti-Air Gun (US Deployment)
16 - Anti-Air Gun (US Deployment)
As you can see, there are a lot of emplacements on Wake Island and the majority of them are anti-aircraft guns. It should also be noted that the four emplacements in the US Deployment will only be able to be destroyed when playing as the Japanese. You can more often than not spot anti-air emplacements on your attack run as they are entrenched in a circular defensive position which is very visible from the air.
It should also go without saying that if you're not the best pilot in the world and you're being tailed by an enemy aircraft then it can be a good idea to try and lure them into your team (especially if they're on an anti-air gun of their own or also flying an aircraft).
Some of the strategies I've outlined here can also work well on Iwo Jima/Pacific Storm too, though there aren't as many emplacements as Wake Island.
Hopefully this helps someone out and reduces the suffering and annoyance of trying to get this achievement unlocked. :)
Here are some tips:
1- Play on either CONQUEST - FJELL 652 or BREAKTHROUGH - HAMADA do not bother playing any other mode or map.
2- Always drop your bombs then go resupply and drop them again, by doing so you'll get kills to lvl up your plane, and get people to focus more on you and get on stationary weapons.
3- When someone is on a stationary weapon, get as close as possible to it before dropping your bombs to increase the chances that all of them hit the weapon.
4- PATIENCE . It's not that hard but a bit annoying.
Good luck to everyone.
I started a community game, Al Sudan, the person requiring the achievement and friend go and take base A, there is a gun next to the runway, destroy the bags etc around it, then your team mate stands in the area and one of the other team damages the gun until it has low health, there are tank machines nearby, then puts AT mines around the gun and sits on it.
The one requiring the achievement then selects a plane with the bombs in it, you want the plane that spawns directly facing the gun(every other plane) then slowly drive it towards the gun making sure to stop just in front of the gun so it is real close but the plane doesn’t touch the player on the gun, once in position drop the bomb, it blows the plane, the gun and the other player up.
I did it 9 times to get the 5 needed but that could be the plane killed the player prior to dropping the bomb or Xbox was slow to pick up the achievement, it took me 20 mins or so to get and the plane never once left the runway.
It's all about skills and how good you are with flying the plane.
I have a clue and I don't know if it works all the time but i believe it worked for me.
Destroying mashine guns works towards the progress of this achievement.
Go to strategic conquest
Go to list games
Press filter and choose only map Hamada.
Hamada works better cause it has many machine guns and anti air guns. It kinda small and has the cliffs that lead to the beach that you can hide and go to refill the bombs.
Planes are taken all the time so wait in screen some minutes. As soon as one appear click asap.
The best plane for this cheevo is BLENHEIM MK IF. It has 4 bombs 500 lb.
When you are above the target spam the button to unload all the bombs. One won't do the thing and maybe the person using the gun will run. This way he can't escape and you will do massive damage.
Good luck to anyone trying this.
Be patient.
This is going to be the make or break in regards to earning the platinum. Easily the hardest trophy in the game if you can't fly the planes. You need to destroy 5 manned stationary weapons. You'll know this has happened because it will say 'stationary weapon destroyed' along with the kill. Be aware that even if you kill the opponent but do not destroy the weapon it won't count. It has to destroy the weapon and get the kill at the same time. The easiest map to attempt this on is 'Arras' in conquest. Behind flag D (one of the spawn points) there are a few anti aircraft guns along the road heading towards a barn. These are easy targets because you only need to fly a little to the right after spawning with plenty of time to line up the bomb drop. However this will be massively easier with a boosting partner as relying on someone to be there and get the kill will be difficult and massively luck based. Many including myself struggle to fly in these games so i had to boost, the method i used is below.
To boost this trophy:
Step 1 - Make a party and join up
Step 2 - Delete the boosting partner from your friends list (being friends will automatically place you both on the same team)
Step 3 - Go to Multiplayer- Advanced search and select conquest, map Arras
Step 4 - Try and find a server with minimal people, enough to start the game and not get interrupted. This may take a while but it will make it much easier to boost.
Step 5 - Send the server Number (which is on the server info tab in the pause menu) and get them to search for it and join your game.
Step 6 - Do this until you are on opposing teams in a good server
Step 7 - One player jumps into the Anti Aircraft guns located behind flag D
Step 8 - Opposing player jumps into the bomber, select
Step 9 - Rinse and repeat until both players have the trophy.
A great tip whilst boosting. The player on the anti-air canon can throw 2 dynamite on the canon before entering it (with the assault class) This way, it'll explode in one hit. Thanks Easty for the tip
See the trophy boosting thread to find a partner: LINK
Video guide:
See the Death from above thread Here for an excellent guide by SiriusAmory
Community Game Method
Step 1- Create a Community Game
a. Map: Iwo Jima/ Arras
b. Game Type: Conquest
c. Game Size: 64
d. Minimum number to start: 4
e. Make a password
Step 2- Create the game and message the other 3 people the game number and password
Step 3- Everyone run to objective E, there are big guns beside it.
Step 4- One person gets in a plane, and their squad mate stands beside the gun. When they stand beside the gun, a big green dot shows up for the bomber to easily target. This step is not required, but makes it easier
Step 5- One person from the other team gets in the gun
Step 6- Plant dynamite for extra damage
Step 7- When the bombs hit, the other team mate revives them and rebuilds the gun.
This is probably the hardest/trickiest achievement in the game and can take some skill and a lot of luck. The best way to get into an airplane is to sit on the respawn screen hovering over the icon to deploy in an airplane while pressing periodically. Eventually you will spawn in one. This is the easiest part. It would probably be easier to do this from a bomber so you can drop bombs below you which would be much easier than trying to aim your machine guns in a fighter at the ground. If you use the airplanes a lot then you will unlock better bombs to use so this may be an option.
This can also be boosted with a friend, if you can get someone to sit in a stationary weapon and let you drop bombs on them, but even still it's difficult to see where they are.
Firstly, you and your partner should not be friends in PSN, since in Battlefield 5 you cannot switch to an important team and vice versa. And if you are friends, you will be constantly thrown into the same team.
I knocked out Hamad on the map
Search for any server using the numbers in the description and enter. This is where the lottery begins. Make sure you and your partner are on different teams!
At the very first and main respawn, both teams constantly have stationary weapons. The point of a partner is that he must sit in this weapon in order to make it operational. While you are dropping bombs on him!
The gun has a lot of HP, and therefore, in order not to make three or four circles on the plane, the partner must take an attack aircraft and sell a stationary weapon. First, with one bazooka shot and then with one sticky dynamite, and in the end there should be 22 HP left.
It is better to use friendly aircraft as an airplane, since they have the ability to drop 4 bombs at once.
If you passed everything correctly, then after five such attempts you will receive the coveted Tink.
PS In management, I changed Airplane Flight to Veteran (as for me, the most convenient of all those proposed)
stationary howitzers (guns) also count, and not just anti-aircraft guns. checked personally
It took a month to get the trophy. The biggest headache is that few people get into stationary guns. Sometimes you play ten skating rinks, only once will someone be in the cannon.
The release of Operation Battle of Annu solved my problems.
When playing on offense in the second day and second sector, two planes are given. The defense doesn’t have any planes at this moment - and that means. you can drop bombs with almost impunity.
At points A and B there are a lot of stationary guns and mobile anti-aircraft guns, which the defense regularly uses to fight tanks.
Very quickly I won the trophy in just a few skating rinks.
Good luck to everyone.