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Battleship achievements progress.
Win Battles 7-1 through 7-5! Only Password Allowed is "4653".
Win Battles 8-1 through 8-5! Only Password Allowed is "9617".
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the MK-48X!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Polaris!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Asroc-71!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Seadart!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Tomahawk 55M!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Harpoon 55M!
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the Talos!
Successfully locate the enemy submarine using the Sonar!
Successfully locate an enemy ship using the Aerial Recon!
Win a battle with your Frigate not taking any damage!
Win a battle with your Destroyer not taking any damage!
Win a battle with your Cruiser not taking any damage!
Win a battle with your Battleship not taking any damage!
Win a battle with your Submarine not taking any damage!
Win a battle with your Carrier not taking any damage!
Win Battle 8-5 with the Infinite Weapons cheat! Use Passwords "0914" and "8397"
Win a battle with an accuracy of 40% or greater!
Win Battle 8-5 without missing! "0528" password recommended, battle pass "8397"
Take out the enemy's submarine on the first attack!
Win Battles 1-1 through 1-5! Passwords not allowed.
Win Battles 2-1 through 2-5! Only Password Allowed is "7390".
Win Battles 3-1 through 3-5! Only Password Allowed is "9537".
Win Battles 4-1 through 4-5! Only Password Allowed is "3500".
Win Battles 5-1 through 5-5! Only Password Allowed is "8004".
Win Battles 6-1 through 6-5! Only Password Allowed is "1553".
Successfully damage an enemy ship using the P-3 Orion!