12 Achievements
Xbox 360
Get a 5-frag killing spree Multiplayer game - Ranked match
How to unlock the Commander achievement in Battlezone - Definitive Guide
Just fire up a ranked match with a boosting buddy and kill them five times in a row. The only way you can really mess this up is if your buddy spawns as the missile and accidentally kills you. If that happens, just kill him five more times after you die. It takes about 25 kills to end a ranked match so there's plenty of time and missile spawns are uncommon. The achievement unlocks immediately.
All you need to do for this is kill another player 5 times in a row in a Ranked match by destroying their tank.
This is not hard to do but the only option now really is to boost this with someone, simply kill them 5 times in a row and the achievement is yours.
This is not hard to do but the only option now really is to boost this with someone, simply kill them 5 times in a row and the achievement is yours.
Getting a 5 kill streak might not be the most difficult thing in the world but getting someone to play against actually is. There’s no way around it, find another person with the game and then have them allow you to kill them five times in a row.
Be a good person and allow them to kill you five times back as well.