Bejeweled Blitz LIVE

Bejeweled Blitz LIVE

12 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Flame Gems are good. Lightning Gems are great. Both in one game is MEGATONNAGE! (Classic/Twist)


How to unlock the Megatonnage achievement in Bejeweled Blitz LIVE - Definitive Guide

Fairly easy, got the achievement my first game.

For a Flame Gem have 4 of the same gems together either horizontally or vertically.

For a Lightning Gem have 5 of the same gems together either horizontally or vertically.

Can be done in classic easily, or in twist if you move the gems around well. Here are a few of the many ways to get a combination or 4 or 5:

In twist for a Flame Gem pretend the "o" represents the gems you want to put together.
x x o x
x x o x
x o x x
x o x x
To get 4 together you need 2 together and then to move the other 2 to make 4. Just make sure you have it set up side by side like that. Then have half the circle on the 2 you are moving and the other half where you want them to go.

Move them towards the bottom first:
x x o x
x x o x
x x x x
x o o x

Then move back up (doing it the other way will make a match of 3 before you can move it again).:
x x o x
x x o x
x x o x
x x o x
And there you go a flame gem!

For a lightning do this (I'll do this one horizontal for you):
x x x x x x
x o o x x o
x x x o o x

Now, again have the gems set up as so, have half the circle on the gems you want to make a lightning gem with and the other half where they will be going. Then move them towards the single similar gem, doing it the other way will make a line of three so be careful!
x x x x x x
x o o x o o
x x x x o x

Now move once more, and there is your 5 similar gem match and a lightning gem!
x x x x x x
x o o o o o
x x x x x x

The gems can be activated by making a match with them of at least 2 more similar gems, or will automatically activate at the end of your 1 minute time limit.

Good Luck!

24 Feb 2011 02:53

1 Comment
You can also make a lightning gem by making an L, or make 2 lightning gems simultaneously by making a T.

Such as this.


By Quarantane on 14 Aug 2011 22:42