

31 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Memento of Carnage

Memento of Carnage

8 people were killed within 1 Carnal Fury


How to unlock the Memento of Carnage achievement in Beowulf - Definitive Guide

Another easy achievement to get involving the multiple amounts of crabs at the very beginning of the game. Just charge your Carnal, release it, then go at it on the crabs, kill 8 and the achievement is yours.

If you don't get it then you can retry or if you plan on doing mainly carnal upgrades throughout your playthrough then you should get this easily later in the game.

23 Sep 2008 05:38

Once you defeat the Serpent you will be taken on your ship to the first episode in spite of the description you can actully kill 8 of the crabs on the beaches to go into Carnal fury hold your  button until the gage is full and Beowulf goes crazy then start punching, kicking, or slicing with a sword until you kill 8 crabs there is alot of different spots in this episode to try this so don't worry if you don't get it first try.

We collect the maximum in the circle of rage and activate it when there is a large concentration of enemies. We look for the most in the thick of the battle, and chop them into small cabbage.

30 Aug 2011 09:12