

31 Achievements



Xbox 360
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Memento of Glory

Memento of Glory

8 enemies were killed during a single Heroic Storm


How to unlock the Memento of Glory achievement in Beowulf - Definitive Guide

Heres my video solution showing how I got the Momento of Glory achievement in Episode 2 of the game.

It's taken from my second playthrough on Legend difficulty where I focussed on the Heroic skill pathway and does show the achievement popping.

04 Apr 2012 21:01

Unfortunately, you can't charge up Heroic Storm like you can Carnal Mode. To power up Heroic Storm you must do combos and kill enemies while NOT in Carnal mode. You will notice your blue bar fill up, once its full the LB button will flash on the screen, also your Thanes will yell "Hero".

Once its full let it loose and start killing, killing 8 enemies isn't to hard as long as there is a lot of enemies around.

24 Sep 2008 02:45

Heroic Strorm is the opposite of Carnal and it requires you to do good combo kills that build up your life bar (thats the blue bar along the bottom left hand side of the screen) once its filled completely you we ethier hear your Thanes Say "Hero" "Hero" or you might also notice the little icon flashing on the bottom over the bar, once you get it you need to hold down you button and then press to activate it then go on a killing spree the are numerous places to pull this off just make sure there is alot of enemies when you do it, Heroic Storm lasts for about 20 seconds and makes you invincible.
Wait until you have a charge meter, run into the thick of the battle and lure out the weakest enemies. Activate the charge and kill with strong blows or circular blows if you let yourself be surrounded. A spear or a two-handed axe is the best choice here.

30 Aug 2011 09:16