BioShock 2
68 Achievements
Big Spender
Spent 2000 dollars at Vending Machines.
How to unlock the Big Spender achievement in BioShock 2 - Definitive Guide
It is rather self explanatory. You may get it by the end of the game, you may not. It depends on how much you go to vending machines and if you hack them.
If you're just going for the achievement, don't bother hacking the machines. Just go ahead and buy them at regular price.
If you like hacking, well, good on ya. Just be sure to buy often and you'll hit it.
Even then, you don't need to not hack. I hit it by hacking long before the end of the game. Although I also buy things quite often....
Cash can be found anywhere, it counts if you buy ammo/health etc.
To unlock this achievement you will need to spend a cumulative 2000 dollars at vending machines. You are likely to get this through natural progression as you will struggle to manage without buying supplies. You get money from looting, so loot everything that you can, dead enemies, corpses, containers, etc. You will also get decent money from hacking safes, as well as a cash bonus if you get a perfect hack.
This should come with natural progression in the game, loot anything and everything to find useful items. Half of what you loot will be money, once you find a vending machine either buy ammo, health or anything else you need. Just keep repeating this process until you have spent over 2000 dollars on vending machine items.
This should come with natural progression in the game, loot anything and everything to find useful items. Half of what you loot will be money, once you find a vending machine either buy ammo, health or anything else you need. Just keep repeating this process until you have spent over 2000 dollars on vending machine items.