BioShock 2
68 Achievements
Lancer Killer
Killed a Lancer Big Daddy
How to unlock the Lancer Killer achievement in BioShock 2 - Definitive Guide
The bug for this achievement has been fixed. Here is a quick fix for the bug if you got the achievement before the fix (if the achievement is not added to your Bioshock 2 gamerscore, your total gamerscore or showing up on
1. Recover your Gamertag on to your Xbox 360 (this will remove the achievement from your gamertag as it's not recorded on the Xbox 360 Live servers).
2. Start a new game of Minerva's Den on Easy difficulty.
3. Just run through the game missions until a Lancer Big Daddy show's up (about 15-20 minutes in, he showed up for me when I wen't to the room that with the electromagnetic lock where I found out I needed the Gravity Well plasmid).
4. Kill him and the achievement should pop and will be legit this time!
To unlock this achievement you will need to kill a Lancer Big Daddy. These will be the Big Daddies guarding the Little Sisters and are newly introduced in this DLC. They are much the same as all the other Big Daddies, though they have the Ion cannon that you too have. They don't deal too much damage and suffer the same weaknesses as the others, Armour piercing ammo being the best attack. You will need to kill these to deal with the Little Sisters so you effectively cannot miss this achievement if you plan on getting the rest.
The Lancer is a new type of Big Daddy unique to the Minerva's Den DLC. The Lancer's main form of attack is its Ion Laser, which will provide constant damage for as long as you're caught in it. As well as that it also has another move called the Ion Flash, which will temporarily blind you if you see it. Despite all of this, he does not deal as much damage as the other types of Big Daddies, so if you can finish him off quickly, you will not suffer much damage from it. He also suffers from the same weaknesses the other Big Daddies do, so whatever strategy from armor-piercing rounds, to using security cameras against all work very well against Lancers. Security Bots can easily be found all throughout Minerva's Den, which can easily be hacked. They are an absolutely huge help against Lancers, as they are immune to it's Ion Flash.
Using the Gravity Well Plasmid that is also new to Minerva's Den, you can lock a Lancer in place. Doing so will prevent him from ever being able to from moving around and effectively using Ion Flash against you, which will make him much easier to take down.
Though this is missable, you will have to go out of your way to miss it. In this DLC, there is a new Big Daddy called Lancer and will be recognizable with the strange helmet and the Ion Lance weapon as he escorts the Little Sister. Destroy one and this trophy is yours. If you're going for the ADAM Addict then this is unmissable.