Blacklight: Tango Down

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How to unlock the Gearhead achievement in Blacklight: Tango Down - Definitive Guide

For this achievement you'll need to reach level 70 which will require 900,000 experience. There's no quick way of reaching level 70, you'll need to invest a lot of time and patience into this achievement even if you're boosting.

How you decide to play is entirely up to you but seen as the online modes to this game are nearly dead I recommend that you consider boosting for the experience.

To boost you'll need a minimum of 6 players as the lobby won't let you start up a game until you have that number of players. There's no way of playing in a private lobby and so when boosting it's more than likely that a few random gamers will find your lobby and disrupt your boosting party. It's best to try and explain to them that you're only boosting and ask them to leave, if they refuse to leave then switch game modes for a little while to try and get rid of them. It's also a good idea to set yourself to appear offline while boosting as this will prevent any of the random gamers from going to their "Recent Players" list and clicking to "Join game in progress" from your profile.

Now, as for the actual boosting methods. The most efficient way to boost this in a group of 6 people is to play "Domination". In this game type you're tasked with hacking each of the maps control points and holding on to them to win. Now each map (bar one of them) has 3 control points in it, which makes this method ideal because no-one will have to sit around and wait for their turn.

Domination Boosting:
In the game lobby have 3 players set their clan title to "ONE" and the remaining 3 players set their clan title to "TWO". The names aren't important and feel free to change them to whatever you like, but they're cap-sensitive so make sure each "clan" has exactly the same tag. The reason we're doing this is because the game will recognise the clan tags and always group you together with your clan.

When the game starts each of you need to head to a control point each. Once you're at the control point there should be 1 player from each clan, if there are 2 members of the same clan there then 1 of them needs to move on and find their own control point.

Now the next step is down to your preference. You can choose to simply hack the control point backwards and forwards. This will net you 100xp every 20 seconds or so or you can add in kill patterns by playing like this:

Clan ONE player hacks the control point, Clan TWO player kills him and then hacks the control point. By this time Clan ONE member will have respawned and made their way back to the control point. They then kill the Clan TWO player and hack the control point.

Repeat that process through the game and you'll receive a lot more experience. 100xp every time you hack the control point, 50xp for every kill you get and an additional 10xp if you kill with a headshot. Using this method it's easy to get 17 rotations for every player and that will work out as close to 3000xp per game without taking into consideration end game bonus experience.

An important part of this method is always using the same control point throughout that match. For the entirety of a match you only hack the one control point, working on Hack the Gibson in Blacklight: Tango Down drastically reduces efficiency and you'll end up with much less experience per game.

Now, while this method of boosting is great there are 2 maps it doesn't work on, here's why:

Slum Lord: This map only has a single control point. When it comes up it's a good idea to let every hack it in turns toward their Hack the Gibson in Blacklight: Tango Down and from their just pair up and take turns killing each other. You can quit out and lobby up again, but that's down to you.

Derailer: Now this map does have 3 control points but 2 of them are stationed on the middle of the subway tracks each side of the map and to make things worse, the map is very long. There's some easy workarounds to continue your boosting on this map. You can either pair up as usual and carefully hack the control points on the subway tracks, not killing each other to prevent the long run back to the control point or you can meet up at a agreed area of the map and just trade off kills.

Alternatively there's an interesting exploit that awards you experience to team killing. Have your team member jump up on the side of the bridge (right at your spawn) and shoot at them, while shooting at them have them walk off the bridge and as they die you'll be rewarded as if you just killed an enemy. If you plan on doing this I advise you at least rotate it every 10 kills allowing each player to get a "Godlike" streak and the bonus experience that comes along with it. Both team members will be able to get 20 kills using this method once they know what they're doing and this will result in up to 4000xp for the game.

You can also do this in "Team Deathmatch" mode with a friend, use the exact same method when "Derailer" comes up. Bear in mind that this will likely annoy any legit team mates you have and may also result in the opposing team quitting the match out of frustration, if they do quit the match will end early but you'll be rewarded all the experience you earned up until that point.

Here's a list of maps the "Team Kill" method works on and where to do them:
Derailer: Use the side of the bridge inside your spawn point. One player shoots and the other walks off the side of the bridge.
Sky Fire: Use one of the railings close to your spawn point. Once player shoots and the other walks off the building.
Wharfare: Use the edge of the map close to or inside your spawn. One player shoots and the other walks off the side, into the water.

Lastly, this achievement is only related to your level. Once you reach Level 70 you'll have unlocked all the items needed for this achievement. You do not need to fulfil any of the "awards" for this achievement.

Note: It appears that for some the achievement doesn't unlock once you reach level 70. If this happens to you there's an easy solution to fix this.

From the dashboard go to the "My Xbox" tab and scroll to the end and select "System Settings". Now press "A" on "Memory" and then "Y" on your Hard Drive. From here all you need to do is select "Clear System Cache" and when it checks that you are sure, say yes. Doing this will not wipe your save files, it will only remove the game updates.

Once you've done that you just need to start Blacklight: Tango Down up and download the patch again, when prompted to "Press A" just before the main menu sign out of your profile and sign back in again. Do this and the achievement will unlock.

08 Aug 2011 19:11

This achievement isn't for reaching the rank of General, it's for unlocking all the items in game, which you need to be Level 70 for (which is 900k XP).
By Jayour on 09 Sep 2011 02:21
YOU ARE A LIFE SAVER! I was sure it had glitched. Cheers for the fix!
By FishyOutOfWater on 08 Apr 2012 22:31
Fix isn't working for me : ( WTF?
By SuperTigerWoods on 28 Aug 2012 12:03
A friend of mine made a speculation, since the Gearhead achievement will still not unlock for some people even with the fix. Since your team will get a little bit of bonus XP at the end of every match, it's certainly not impossible to level up during the endgame stats. The problem with this, however, is that the game will not give you those notifications about the stuff you unlocked, and therefore wouldn't fulfill the requirements for this achievement description (notice how it says "Unlock all gear and weapons", instead of simply reaching a specific rank). In other words, this achievement might only pop legitimately if you reach rank 70 DURING a match, rather than after.

Again, this is just guesswork, and I wasn't sure if it was worth making a whole new solution just to point this out. It seems like the best explanation for why this achievement glitches for some people though. The only way I can confirm this is to hear stories from those who unlocked it at 70 and those who didn't.
By Avianette on 04 Mar 2013 16:34
For whomever the fix doesn't work for, just try the fix over and over. It took me around 10 tries, but I eventually got it.
By Shinnizle on 27 Apr 2013 19:19
if you hit 900,000 xp in black ops mode it doesn't glitch it pops right away.
By Apocalypse743 on 05 May 2013 19:22
Yup, this is the only achievement to every glitch on me as well, and it sucks that I put in a day and a half into the game in order to get it. I was suppost to unlock it before this guide was even put up but the patch did not work for me. I just recently tried 10 or so times again but still no achievement.
By ll Lone Wolf lI on 26 Aug 2013 08:38
THX for note! ;)
By IAMYOURWIZARD on 02 Nov 2013 22:25
It seems that you need to get the achievement to pop in the middle of the game and not as a result of the xp you get at the very end. Mine popped today in the middle of a black ops game and someone that i was in a boosting group with got his lv 70 after the end game xp and didn't get the achievement. So make sure NOT to reach level 70 as a result of end game bonus xp. Btw, the challenges are useless and don't give any extra xp I tested myself with the 400 sniper kills and didn't get any extra xp.
By oG Yeah on 10 Jun 2014 22:50
@oG Yeah: I just hit 70 in the middle of a match and it did not pop for me. I was also watching my XP in matches as I completed challenges and they give you absolutely nothing, nonsense on the developer's part.
By TheOtherBarber on 22 Jun 2014 17:49
I did my leveling in quick matches, then stopped at 899000XP. I finished the match, and switched to Black Ops on insane to grind the rest. I hit level 70 mid-match, and Gearhead unlocked immediately.
By karterfone on 19 Jan 2015 00:11
I can also confirm that starting the game now and hitting level 70 in Quick Match WILL glitch the achievement. Also, Brick and Mortar with a shotgun/revolver loadout is what I recommend for Black Ops on Insane. Most enemies attack from the front at close range, making them easy kills.
By karterfone on 26 Jan 2015 08:25
Just glitched on me and I was in a Black Ops match.. so did the fix and three times the charm, Unlocked.. I was Co-oping Black Ops with a friend as we were both close so we decided to unlock this together.. I'm pretty sure when you go to Black Ops games you have to be the host for it to unlock for you, I was not the host, He died and I unlocked his achievement while he was dead and I was racking up XP for me.. When I got to my magic number...nothing.. He was hosting.. So take that for what it's worth. When your close Go host a Black ops for your self.

Also here is a little XP break down for Black Ops:
1 kill = 1 to 2xp... yup..
Hack a mini station or check point 100 XP.

So stop accordingly.. you et 750 XP for winning MP matches and 500 for the loosing team.. so if you are going to get close be careful but realize if you stop too soon you could be grinding Black ops a lot longer than you thought.
By B8TINGU on 20 Mar 2015 22:32
Got level 70 on quick matches and didn't unlock the achievement. I did the fix in the solution and it worked on the third time! Might be a good idea to note there that it can take several tries. +1 from me. Thanks!
By Quemandante on 03 Feb 2016 14:16
It’s faster to do tdm spawn killing
By bye571 on 14 Mar 2023 03:42
I thought they patched it - 660,000 XP for General - or was that just the PC version?
By JMJimmy on 27 Aug 2011 12:43
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Gear and weapons are unlocked with natural level progression. As you advance in rank, you will obtain more modifiers for your weapons.
Gear and weapons are unlocked with natural level progression. As you advance in rank, you will obtain more modifiers for your weapons.

Also see General.

You unlock all your weapons and gear by simply leveling up. You'll get this naturally in time if you're planning on going to the maximum level of 70. Also note that you must unlock all Tags for your weapons to unlock the trophy.

Glitched Trophy Warning:
I can conclude that this trophy is glitched. The reason this trophy is glitched is due to the weapon tags unlocking randomly and not by the process of leveling up. You will not get this trophy upon reaching level 70. Level 70 is the last piece of armor in the game you'll unlock, but some players have reported that they still had about 1-3 weapon tags still locked. In my case of the glitched trophy, I had all weapon tags unlocked at level 68 due to the reason that I was unlocking 2 weapon tags every time I leveled up (In one point in my leveling I unlocked 3 weapon tags randomly). In others words, when I reached level 70 for the last piece of gear. I should have unlocked the trophy. This wasn't the case and the trophy didn't unlock for me despite me meeting the proper requirements for the trophy.

This has also been a glitched achievement reported on our sister site, however, the game developers released a patch for the Xbox-360 version of the game. This patch enable them to unlock the achievement by logging out at the game's main start up screen then logging back in to unlock their rightful achievement.

The PS3 version hasn't received it's first patch yet since the game's release in October 26, 2010. I read a patch topic on the Blacklight: Tango Down's forum that they were working on the game's issues and this trophy glitch is one of those issues to be fixed, however; another studio has the ownership of the game and it's now in their hands to patch it or not. All I can say is that if you patient enough to wait in hopes of a patch to release, then the issue might be resolved.

I have done everything in my power to find a way around this glitch without a patch and failed. The things I done and tried out are as follows:
* Logging offline and then online again at front screen when promoted to press
* Deleting and reinstalling game over again
* Playing more games in hopes that it'll pop up
* Unlocking more game rewards (Awards are not related to unlocking trophy as stated by an developer of the game.)
* Leaving my PS3 on at the Weapon Tag screen overnight's sleep
* Leaving my PS3 on at the game's front screen overnight's sleep
* Removing clan tag and playing more games in hopes it'll pop
* Leaving a message about the Gearhead trophy problem at the game's main forums as well as send a private message to the developers behind the game. (Many who have moved on to different studios before the game was released on the PS3)

If there's a way around this glitch trophy please share the information and credit would be given to you once I confirmed the trick works.

Update 3/13/2011: Here's the reply I got from a developer:

We had seen something like this happen rarely before. But we are not 100% sure what causes it. We did make some fixes to it and some of those went into the PS3 version that is live now. We also made some additional fixes to it - in code the Ignition Entertainment has now, I believe.

I am not sure if what Ignition has would fix the issue or not, as we are still not 100% sure what causes it.

Either way, however, it is in Ignition's hands at the moment. We are ready to patch the game, and have made numerous fixes to the PS3 version since it went live. But, we can only send the fixes to Ignition who is then responsible for deciding if they want to patch it, paying Sony to do a patch, and then actually sending out the new code.

I wish I could help more, but unfortunately, I can't.


(blazenarutoshippuden) Hello, if you don't mind I have a question. Is the Gearhead trophy for the PS3 version of the game glitched in anyway? I have reached level 70 this week and have unlocked the final armor and yes I have all tags for my weapons since I was level 68. The Gearhead trophy is my last trophy and yet it's not unlocking. I worked so hard to achieve the requirements to unlocking it. Is there anyway for me to unlock the trophy or do I have to wait for the patch to arrive in or to fix it? Please respond to my question if you kindly could. And thank you for the awesome comment about the Blacklight Guide.

Thank you,