Blitz The League II

Blitz The League II

50 Achievements


Xbox 360
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Caused 3 weather slips to your opponent in a Campaign Mode game.


How to unlock the Skidmark achievement in Blitz The League II - Definitive Guide

I found the D3 Championship game to be the easiest to obtain this achievement. Right from the get-go, the weather is snowy. After the first quarter, you should notice a thin blanket of snow covering almost the entire field. Once you notice footprints sticking briefly, you'll know there's enough snow on the field.

Use a running play of some sort, whether it involves your HB or a QB Dash of some sort. I personally recommend the very first playbook (the Y button) and then the QB Dash play (the X button). Make sure you have some Clash before you attempt any Weather Slips. Once an opposing player approaches you, activate Clash (hold LT) and press B to spin. Every now and then, you should see a popup that mentions "Weather Slip".

13 Apr 2010 17:52

If you use a juke move (flick the right thumbstick when you have the ball) and your opponent is on a weather hazard (mud, etc.) they will slip and fall down. Check your progress in the pause menu under the Achievements tab if you think you've made them slip.